华新水泥收购豪瑞赞比亚、马拉维水泥, 75%股权交割条件已满足

2021-11-30 16:39:53


华新水泥股份有限公司发布关于收购豪瑞赞比亚、马拉维水泥及相关业务的进展的最新公告。截至2021年11 月30日,Lafarge Zambia Plc75%股权交割条件已经满足,交易各方已经完成股份收购协议中所约定的交割工作。

据悉,2021年6月10日,华新水泥股份有限公司(以下简称“华新水泥”) 第十届董事会第三次会议审议通过了《关于收购拉豪赞比亚、马拉维水泥及相关业务之关联交易的议案》,批准华新水泥以华新(海南)投资有限公司为直接买方,预计收购总价 1.6 亿美元左右,收购 Financière Lafarge SAS 和其全资子公司 Pan African Cement 分别持有的 Lafarge Zambia Plc 24.9%和 50.1%(总计75%)的股权、Pan African Cement 持有的 Lafarge Cement Malawi Ltd 100%的股权、以及可能收购社会公众持有的 Lafarge Zambia Plc 最高达 25%的股权。

截至 2021 年 11 月 30 日,Lafarge Zambia Plc 75% 股权交割条件已经满足,交易各方已经完成股份收购协议中所约定的交割工作。华新水泥在2021年11月30日完成了预估价款支付,交割后最终交易价款将根据股份收购协议约定的对价调整机制进行必要的调整并最终予以确定。 Lafarge Cement Malawi Ltd 100%的股权交割条件正在落实之中,一旦交割条件满足,华新水泥将及时公告。

本次股权收购完成后,华新水泥在赞比亚增加 150 万吨/年的水泥产能及 60 万吨/年 的骨料产能。Lafarge Zambia Plc 也将纳入华新水泥的合并报表范围。

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According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the implementation of the early push up in the central and southern regions is not up to expectations. During the week, cement prices in many places in Guangdong generally began a new round of increase, and the quotation in Guangxi was stable and small. This week, the implementation of the push up in Hunan and Hubei is not ideal.

2024-11-22 17:30:12

Recently, the Hubei Branch of the Export-Import Bank of China has issued a total of 500 million yuan of overseas investment loans to Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. for the acquisition of the shares of Natal Portland Cement Co., Ltd. in South Africa to help China and Africa jointly promote the modernization of opening up and win-win. The project is an important measure to actively respond to the national "the Belt and Road" initiative and implement the "Ten Partners Action" for cooperation with Africa. The project will play an active and effective role in promoting economic growth in South Africa and Mozambique, saving and earning foreign exchange, creating local employment and training local talents.

2024-11-22 15:01:08

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the demand in Sichuan and Chongqing in Southwest China has improved, and the cement price has been steadily promoted; the price increase in Yunnan and Guizhou may be blocked. It is understood that the fourth quarter of Yunnan plans to implement peak staggering production for 51-60 days, affected by the policy, the output of enterprises in the region has declined, and the inventory has declined slightly.

2024-10-18 17:38:28

This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.

2024-09-16 10:19:30

In 2023, the performance of Huaxin Cement stabilized and rebounded, with operating income of 33.757 billion yuan, an increase of 10.79% over the same period last year..

2024-04-23 11:18:01

Although the current "Belt and Road" countries still have a large market demand, they should also be alert to the hidden risks and challenges. Cement enterprises should not only learn to recognize gold, but also guard against dangerous reefs on the seabed.

2024-03-21 17:31:55

Opening up a new track has become the same choice for many cement enterprises.

2024-01-31 09:04:18

What impact will this have on the depressed industry and Huaxin? Is "going out" a good medicine to resolve overcapacity?

2024-01-28 08:40:41

Cement enterprises are actively transforming to find a new way out. At present, there is still a large market demand in the "Belt and Road" countries. In addition to expanding the upstream and downstream industrial chains and entering the secondary industry, it is also a feasible way to actively expand overseas markets, which is worth pondering by the industry.

2024-01-10 09:38:14

近日,华新水泥发布公告,公司通过全资子公司华新(香港)国际与INTERCEMENT TRADING INVERSIONES签署股份买卖协定收购Natal Portland Cement Company (Pty) Ltd.100%股权已完成股权交割手续。收购完成后,华新水泥海外熟料产能达到1250万吨,水泥产能达2187万吨,这对低迷的行业和华新将产生哪些影响?“走出去”是化解产能过剩的一剂良药吗?

2023-12-29 16:50:59


2023-12-29 14:53:53

华新水泥12月27日发布公告,内容有关公司全资子公司华新(香港)国际控股有限公司(买方)收购Natal Portland Cement Company(Pty)Ltd.(目标公司)100%股权的交易。

2023-12-28 15:34:42


2023-12-28 13:39:27


2023-12-28 11:49:29

华新水泥12月27日发布公告,内容有关公司全资子公司华新(香港)国际控股有限公司收购Natal Portland Cement Company(Pty)Ltd.100%股权的交易。

2023-12-28 11:25:44


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2023-08-29 09:13:12


2023-08-23 10:59:03


2023-07-26 17:08:25


2023-06-30 16:48:36


2023-06-29 10:19:18

华新水泥6月28日发布公告称,全资子公司华新(香港)国际控股有限公司与INTERCEMENT TRADING INVERSIONES签署股份买卖协定,拟收购Natal Portland Cement Company (Pty) Ltd.100%股权,总代价约为美元2.316亿元。

2023-06-28 09:19:28

华新水泥通过间接全资子公司Abra持有目标公司Oman Cement Company59.58%股权。在完成剩余股东向Abra出售目标公司已发行股份事项后,华新水泥将通过其间接全资子公司Abra持有目标公司已发行股份的64.66%。

2023-06-27 13:50:12

“2022年8月到公司工作至今,我不仅学到了很多工作技能,而且有了稳定的收入。”缅甸海螺的机械技术员U Sint高兴地说。在海螺水泥的海外企业和工厂,像U Sint这样的海外员工已超过4200人。

2023-06-15 10:03:49


2023-05-31 09:11:37


2023-05-06 10:00:12


2023-04-21 09:26:14


2023-04-07 17:16:11

买方(公司全资子公司华新(香港)国际控股有限公司)与卖方(Investment Authority SPC)签署股份买卖协定,卖方同意出售目标公司59.58%股权,总代价约为美元1.931亿元。

2023-04-06 09:08:18


2023-03-22 09:36:03


2023-03-15 17:05:06


2023-03-15 09:22:42


2023-03-14 09:55:15


2022-12-27 09:13:51

11月4日,华新水泥总部的智能数字化监控室内,巨型屏幕上数据变幻,实时显示着全国14个省市和海外8个国家280多家分子公司的经营状况。 华新水泥党委书记、总裁李叶青介绍,凭借过硬的品牌实力,自2000年以来,华新水泥主要经济指标实现了年复合24%的增长。2021年,在“中国500强最具价值品牌”榜单,华新水泥以815.72亿元的品牌价值位列榜单第79位。

2022-11-09 10:54:04


2022-09-17 10:15:41

The Net Zero Industrial Awards recognize and celebrate outstanding innovation in industrial decarbonization, focusing on people and projects that are revolutionizing energy-intensive industries and dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Cemex 's Solar clinker project is in partnership with cleantech company Synhelion, which developed the high-temperature solar thermal technology it uses