
2020-11-10 09:22:30















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At present, the cement industry is facing a huge challenge of intensified contradiction between supply and demand and overcapacity. In addition, in recent years, the state has resolutely curbed the blind development of the "two high" projects, and severely investigated and dealt with the problems existing in the "two high" projects. In the future, the cement industry needs to speed up the withdrawal of inefficient production capacity, strictly prohibit new production capacity, and continue to deepen structural adjustment in order to achieve high-quality and green development.

2024-09-13 09:42:45

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

In the past two decades, the demand change of China's cement industry has gone through three development stages: high-speed development period (2004-2012), high-level platform period (2013-2021), and downward demand period (from 2022 to now).

2024-07-23 16:45:00

In June 2024, the contradiction between supply and demand in the cement market in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong, Fujian and other provinces remained prominent, while the shutdown time of enterprises increased to varying degrees. The total output of clinker in the five provinces was about 25 million tons, with a decline of more than 20%.

2024-07-02 16:10:12

It can be said that Zhejiang cement industry has always stood at the forefront of the national environmental protection action, demonstrating its determination and courage on the road of green development.

2024-06-28 09:55:09

As of December 31, 2023, there are 91 production lines in production and to be withdrawn in Anhui Province, with a total annual clinker production capacity of 13758 5,000 tons.

2024-05-08 16:28:01

It was originally planned to build two 5,000 t/d clinker production lines.

2024-04-03 13:34:16

As a key area of cement clinker production capacity replacement in recent years, a large number of new production lines have emerged in Guangxi, most of which have taken a fancy to the rich market potential of Guangxi and the convenient water transportation of the Xijiang River, so as to achieve the market coverage target of radiating the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area at the other end of the Xijiang River while selling locally.

2024-04-03 09:27:32

It is understood that a number of recent cement clinker production line construction projects ushered in the latest progress.

2024-03-14 09:46:52

Fenyi Conch Cement plans to implement the overall relocation and technical transformation project of cement clinker production line from the city to the park. It will build a 4500 t/d clinker production line and withdraw from the company's original 2500 t/d and 2000 t/d clinker production lines.

2024-03-12 16:54:31

In view of the situation of "sword shadow" after the beginning of the year, cement enterprises in Hunan region are not optimistic about the situation in 2024.

2024-03-07 14:57:55

Once profitable, as long as it does not exceed the transportation radius, the cities with small production capacity frequently have cement flowing into the market with huge production capacity, and it is not uncommon for neighboring cities to compete with each other with low-priced cement. The whole of Shandong seems to be "in a mess".

2024-01-29 09:09:53

Declining cement prices in Hunan and Yunnan; How to resolve overcapacity in the cement industry; Tapai Group expects net profit growth of 150% -200% in 2023; Announcement of heavy pollution weather performance rating results of Hunan cement enterprises

2024-01-24 13:21:29

Can the supply and demand of cement industry improve in 2024? Can prices be boosted? How will enterprises break the situation?

2024-01-23 09:30:22

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the cement price in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region was stable as a whole this week. Leading enterprises in Shijiazhuang and surrounding areas of Hebei Province recently called for an increase of 50 yuan/ton, but the current demand is not high, new orders are few, and the price increase has not been implemented.

2024-01-19 14:38:06

"The sales volume, price and benefit of our enterprises in 2023 are all lower than those in 2022." Recently, a cement enterprise in Lanzhou said that the average price of cement dropped by 100 yuan/ton compared with the same period last year.

2024-01-15 13:46:05

The price difference of cement in different regions of Gansu is large; Xu Mingxia: the industry capacity is getting bigger and bigger; Hainan Kunlun Group has built a new cement project with an annual output of 6 million tons

2024-01-15 13:41:51

The market is stable, Henan fell more than 5%; "2023 Top 100 List of China's Cement Clinker Production Capacity" was released; the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced 27 industry standards related to cement, sand and concrete!

2024-01-02 15:02:03


2023-12-28 11:49:29


2023-12-26 13:59:19


2023-12-22 16:23:31


2023-12-18 13:14:07


2023-12-05 15:44:14


2023-11-09 14:09:27


2023-11-04 13:14:41

河北、湖北水泥推涨; 1.塔牌集团:前三季度净利润同比预增470%-510%! 2.熟料线停产,多家水泥企业招募破产重整投资人 3. 江西八家水泥企业获评2023年省级“绿色工厂” 4.西部水泥乌兹别克斯坦6000t/d熟料线回转窑顺利合龙

2023-10-12 13:39:02


2023-10-10 09:17:16


2023-09-22 18:02:12


2023-08-18 17:41:05


2023-07-27 09:36:49


2023-07-24 16:39:50


2023-07-05 15:33:49


2023-07-03 09:38:39


2023-06-30 17:16:56


2023-06-26 09:17:57


2023-06-16 16:55:16


2023-06-09 17:24:15


2023-05-29 09:28:02


2023-05-17 09:35:02


2023-05-12 17:29:19


2023-04-28 17:22:29


2023-04-21 17:45:39


2023-04-21 17:27:56


2023-04-21 16:26:28


2023-04-19 09:51:58


2023-04-19 09:35:25


2023-04-12 09:17:13


2023-04-11 09:26:10


2023-03-30 15:54:30


2023-03-24 17:24:43

In practice, on the contrary, it is often found by the supervision team of ecological environment protection that in some places, the "two high" projects are blindly launched and not strictly controlled, and the production capacity is increased in violation of regulations. What should have been seen by the "expert" in charge was seen by the "layman" in environmental protection. Aren't you ashamed?