
2015-02-01 07:23:55


  作为全国第一水泥消费大省的江苏,自2014年年初以来,同样受地方房地产建设缩水、基建开工不足的影响,市场需求超预期收缩,区域水泥行情打破传统规律运行,尤其是四季度P.O 42.5散装水泥价格累计涨幅仅为去年同期的1/4,且过早出现下滑态势,让企业手足无措。此外,省内有国企、民营、外资三股势力同台竞争,形成了独特的产业竞争格局。为此,笔者近期深入苏南、苏中等地区市场进行实地调研,又通过电话、邮件等多种形成采访了苏北龙头企业,以了解当前区域市场现状,摸清一些主要水泥生产企业与消费市场,以呈现当前的区域供需格局与市场竞争态势,为行业或企业的未来发展决策作参考。







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Due to the continuous high temperature weather in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the demand of construction industry has weakened, resulting in a general decline in cement sales, and the price of cement in some areas has dropped by 20-35 yuan/ton, among which Yangzhou, Taizhou, Huaian, Nanjing, Zhenjiang and other places in Jiangsu have been greatly affected. Due to the high temperature weather in Anhui, the construction site slowed down, the demand was weak, and the cement price in Ma'anshan, Chuzhou, Hefei and other areas was reduced by 10-20 yuan/ton. Cement prices in Zaozhuang, Linyi, Jining, Tai'an and other places fell by 10-30 yuan/ton due to cloudy weather and the resumption of clinker production in Shandong.

2024-08-09 16:18:24

At the beginning of July, the market along the Yangtze River ushered in the third round of cement price increase in the year, with a range of 50 yuan/ton, but most of them only implemented 20-30 yuan/ton, and some markets did not even increase the price at all.

2024-08-01 14:23:38

Looking forward to the second half of 2024, we believe that the demand for cement will improve compared with the first half of the year, and the price will continue to rebound. However, under the constraints of weak demand and serious overcapacity, the repair of cement price is limited. Throughout the year, cement demand will face

2024-08-01 09:19:52

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, many off-peak production, in order to reduce inventory pressure, cement prices slightly declined signs.

2024-07-19 15:20:00

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the overall market demand and sales in southwest China are weak due to the off-season market and the impact of rainy weather. The price of cement in some markets of Sichuan, Chongqing and Yunnan has been loosened and declined, ranging from 20-50 yuan/ton.

2024-07-12 17:26:00

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi markets has been stable this week, and the price in Hainan has fallen sharply. Prices in Hubei are mainly stable, while prices in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan are falling.

2024-07-12 17:23:24

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-06-28 15:27:41

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, after entering the Meiyu season, with the continuous rainfall causing many construction sites to be blocked, the demand for cement has decreased significantly, the market has entered a downturn, and cement prices in many places have fallen this week.

2024-06-21 15:20:15

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in some markets in Sichuan and Chongqing has been raised by 50-130 yuan/ton, which is a large increase, and the actual implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-14 20:06:50

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the high temperature weather continues, the demand is flat, and the price has stabilized in many places.

2024-06-14 19:37:39

According to the data center of China Cement Market, in the traditional off-season of June, demand has declined, and cement prices around the country have fallen.

2024-06-07 13:59:27

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the new national standard will be launched soon, and enterprises all over the country are expected to push up in the week.

2024-05-31 16:25:59

Taiwan's cement industry has experienced a complete life cycle from germination, growth, prosperity to recession. Study Taiwan cement industry from the development since demand drops period, have draw lessons from a meaning very much to market of current mainland cement.

2024-05-28 11:53:23

By the end of 2024, cement and coking enterprises have basically completed the transformation of organized and unorganized ultra-low emissions.

2024-05-23 15:41:10

At present, we are actively promoting the implementation of the energy conservation and carbon reduction technology project of replacing fossil fuels with biomass fuels. After the construction and implementation of the project, it is estimated that about 2% of coal will be saved annually. 0.5 million tons, reducing carbon dioxide emissions 4. 390000 tons, with obvious energy saving and emission reduction benefits.

2024-05-23 09:51:10

As the largest cement producer and consumer in the world, China's cement production has been ranked first in the world for a long time. In recent years, as China's cement enterprises accelerate the pace of "going out", they have injected vitality into the economic development of overseas investment countries, and at the same time, they have also improved the level of global infrastructure construction.

2024-05-21 10:03:51

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the overall demand for cement in East China has been bleak in recent years, and cement prices in many places have been lowered to varying degrees.

2024-05-17 17:31:09

Huaxin Building Materials has set an industry benchmark in energy saving and carbon reduction technology, and its technical level has reached international advanced standards, making an important contribution to green building and sustainable development.

2024-05-17 09:51:48

At present, it is an important opportunity for the cement industry to reshape its pattern and open a new chapter of high-quality development.

2024-05-15 14:16:10

According to the data center of China Cement Market, prices in some parts of East China have declined this week, but many places have stabilized prices.

2024-05-11 16:48:37

By the end of April 2024, the National Gravel Price Index (CSPI) closed at 82.95 points, down 0.73% annually and 4.24% year-on-year. The National Machine-Made Sand Price Index (MSPI) closed at 85.95 points, down 1.34% month-on-month and 7.87% year-on-year..

2024-05-08 16:53:52

The replacement rate of intelligent equipment or robots for dangerous and heavy jobs in coal mines and non-coal mines should not be less than 30% and 20% respectively, and the number of underground personnel in mines nationwide should be reduced by more than 10%, so as to build a batch of intelligent mines with no more than 50 workers in a single shift.

2024-05-08 09:55:10

Superior enterprises are encouraged to integrate inefficient production capacity in the city through market-oriented mergers and reorganizations, and gradually withdraw from cement clinker production lines of 2500 tons per day or less (except special cement).

2024-05-07 15:19:25

However, as the cement industry prepares for the dawn of equipment innovation, it has to face the reality of poor overall profitability of the industry.

2024-05-07 11:29:18

Asia Cement (China) has favorable conditions to fully participate in the market competition along the Yangtze River.

2024-05-06 09:33:35

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the recent rainy weather in East China is more, the market demand performance is not good, the implementation of cement prices after the downturn. Cement prices in the Yangtze River Delta market are expected to fall sharply from the end of April to the beginning of May.

2024-04-26 14:49:24

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, this week, all regions basically completed a round of general rise, but the implementation of individual regions is not good.

2024-04-19 15:53:19

The cement market along the Yangtze River has always been the core market of the cement industry, which plays an important role in stabilizing the national cement market.

2024-04-17 17:40:05

On March 28, the 13th China Cement Industry Summit and TOP100 Award Ceremony hosted by China Cement Network was held grandly.

2024-03-28 18:30:58

In 2024, if the price of cement in Zhejiang is difficult to stabilize, how can the price of cement in the whole Yangtze River Delta and even in East China be supported?

2024-03-22 16:43:40

Enterprises with strong competitiveness and rapid response to the external environment can win the future.

2024-03-19 15:10:10

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, the market demand in Jiangsu has recovered recently, and some major manufacturers in Yancheng have pushed up the price of cement by 10 yuan/ton since the 14th.

2024-03-15 16:03:55

Zhejiang: Construction is expected to start in March, which may lead to a rise in cement prices; 6 billion investment, annual production capacity of 30 million tons of projects put into operation! Huarun's "next success"; Jidong Cement: will promote related acquisition projects according to the annual investment plan; the latest market research on cement and concrete

2024-02-23 13:30:10

In order to cope with the downward trend of the total demand of the industry, Western Construction actively adjusted its production capacity and market layout, reduced production and improved efficiency in the traditional dominant areas, and strived to open up new markets such as Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. At present, the proportion of sales and production capacity in the new market is increasing continuously.

2024-01-31 14:54:30

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the Spring Festival holiday is approaching, and markets around the country have begun to enter the state of shutdown and vacation, and demand has decreased. During the week, cement prices in East China are weak and stable, and there is a slight dark drop in some areas.

2024-01-26 17:44:39

Up to now, the State Council has successively approved the Territorial Spatial Planning (2021-2035) of 18 provinces, including Jiangsu, Guangdong, Shandong, Fujian, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hebei, Shanxi, Jilin, Ningxia, Hainan, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Guizhou, Qinghai and Heilongjiang.

2024-01-19 09:16:40

The average price of the Yangtze River Delta fell to the lowest level in five years; Gao Dengbang: drastically cut production capacity and take a clear-cut stand to stabilize expectations; industry associations are not allowed to make decisions on operators to reduce production and stop production.

2024-01-16 13:54:31

In the Yangtze River Delta region in 2023, Shanghai performed best in terms of demand, while the annual average price of cement was Zhejiang > Shanghai > Anhui > Jiangsu, but both fell to the lowest level in five years.

2024-01-16 09:14:58

The price difference of cement in different regions of Gansu is large; Xu Mingxia: the industry capacity is getting bigger and bigger; Hainan Kunlun Group has built a new cement project with an annual output of 6 million tons

2024-01-15 13:41:51

When the reference oxygen content of the cement kiln and the waste heat utilization system at the kiln tail is 10%, the hourly average emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia are not higher than 10, 35, 50 and 8 mg/m3 respectively.

2024-01-15 09:15:17

According to the data center of China Cement Market, this week, the provinces in East China began to gradually enter the peak period of kiln shutdown. Prices in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui showed signs of decline in the week, while quotations in Fujian and Shandong were temporarily stable in the week.

2024-01-12 16:42:37

Guangdong up 10 yuan/ton, Hainan down 50 yuan/ton; cement industry missed the good opportunity to cut production capacity; Shanxi 2023 second batch of A-level, B-level, leading enterprises list announced

2024-01-11 15:08:22

There are 18 enterprises and 32 production lines involved in clinker production in Jiangsu Province, with an annual clinker production capacity of about 48 million tons.

2024-01-11 10:00:56

CNBM is a comprehensive building materials enterprise, and the aggregate business is an extension of the cement business of the company's basic building materials sector.

2024-01-03 11:33:34


2023-12-28 11:49:29


2023-12-22 10:19:59


2023-12-08 10:01:48


2023-12-04 11:54:11


2023-12-01 16:16:05

In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.