Weekly Report of Cement Net: Southwest Concrete Market Demand Is Weak, and Prices in Some Regions Are Driven by Rising Costs (5.27-5.31)

2024-05-31 16:11:10

Concrete market demand is weak, and some regional prices are driven by rising costs.

China Cement Net Market Data Center News: Concrete market demand is weak, and prices in some regions are driven by rising costs.. (More Southwest Commercial Mixed Prices )

Sichuan and Chongqing. Recently, there are more rainy weather in Sichuan, the construction progress of the project is slowing down, the market demand is insufficient, the concrete shipment volume has declined, and the overall market is weak. From the 30th to the 31st, the price of cement in Chengdu and some surrounding markets was raised by 30-50 yuan/ton, which led to the stable and strong price of concrete in the later period. In Chongqing, the recent concrete market demand is sluggish and the market is weak. At present, the mainstream quotation of C30 non-pumping tax in the main city market is still around 260-280 yuan/square meter.

Yunnan-Guizhou region. The market demand in Yunnan and Guizhou is relatively low. Among them, the price of raw material cement in Yunnan increased by 30-50 yuan/ton this week. Under the pressure of cost, the price of concrete in some markets increased by 10-15 yuan per square meter on the 30th. In Guizhou, the price of raw materials has been pushed up recently, but the actual implementation is not ideal, the concrete market has little impact, and the price is mainly stable.

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