Weekly Report of Cement Net: Driven by the rising price of raw materials in southwest China, the quotation of concrete in some markets rose (6.10-6.14)

2024-06-14 16:10:12

Driven by the rising price of raw materials, the price of concrete in some markets has risen.

China Cement Net Market Data Center News: Driven by the rising price of raw materials, the price of concrete in some markets has risen.. (more prices of commercial concrete in southwest China)

Sichuan and Chongqing. With the recent tightening of environmental protection control and the implementation of the new national standard for cement, the prices of raw materials such as sand and cement have risen, resulting in an increase in the cost of concrete production. Faced with this cost pressure, this week, some commercial mixing enterprises in the main urban area of Chongqing notified an increase in concrete prices by 50 yuan per square meter, and the actual implementation was around 20-25 yuan per square meter. At present, the price of C30 non-pumping tax in the main city market is about 280-290 yuan per square meter. In addition, the commercial concrete enterprises in northeast Chongqing plan to raise the price of concrete next week, and the specific situation will be tracked. In Sichuan area, due to the same cost pressure, in order to improve the operating conditions, the commercial mixing enterprises in Liangshan Prefecture have recently notified an increase in the price of concrete by about 15-20 yuan per square meter. After the adjustment, the price of C30 non-pumping tax for some enterprises is about 390-400 yuan per square meter.

Yunnan-Guizhou region. The rising cost of raw materials, especially the rising price of cement, leads to the rising production cost of commercial mixing enterprises and the increasing pressure of operation. In order to maintain the quality of operation, some commercial mixing enterprises in Zhaotong area of Yunnan have recently notified to raise the price of concrete by 20 yuan per square meter. At present, the price of C30 non-pumping including tax is about 270-280 yuan per square meter. In Guizhou area, the market capital is relatively scarce, the demand is limited, the shipment volume of enterprises is general, and the market is weak and stable.

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