Wuhu Conch World's First Carbon Dioxide Energy Storage Demonstration System Successfully Connected to the Grid

2024-01-05 13:43:16

At 22:18 p.m. on December 30, 2023, the world's first 10 MW/80 MWh carbon dioxide energy storage demonstration system was successfully commissioned and connected to the grid!

At 22:18 p.m. on December 30,

2023, the world's first 10 MW/80 MWh carbon dioxide energy storage demonstration system was successfully commissioned and connected to the grid!

The system takes Wuhu Conch Cement Plant as the application scenario and is jointly developed by Baiyi New Energy Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Anhui Conch Group Co., Ltd. and Xi'an Jiaotong University. Since the start of construction on October 18, 2022, a series of technical problems have been overcome, and combined with the characteristics of cement production process, the waste heat of cement kiln has been used to improve the energy storage efficiency. The

carbon dioxide energy storage system realizes the storage and release of electric energy through the physical phase change of carbon dioxide. When the temperature and pressure of the phase change are determined, the phase change of carbon dioxide has no time limit, and the unit equipment is rotating machinery. The operation principle is similar to that of thermal power units, which can do work uninterruptedly. The maximum single cycle of the system can reach 24H, the single charge and discharge time can reach more than 23H, and the equivalent time utilization factor of the system can be close to 100%. The unique thermal cycle and pressure stabilization design of the

system ensures the stable phase change of carbon dioxide. Meanwhile, the unit design adopts the domestic mature technical system and equipment configuration. The working power and operation state of the unit are stable and reliable. From the working medium control to the equipment design, the stable operation of the whole system from "inside" to "outside" is realized.

In addition to the design innovation of system equipment and mechanism, "carbon dioxide energy storage technology also has" double three advantages ", one of which" three "refers to the expansion of a single dimension in the three dimensions of charging power, discharging power and duration, and the decoupling of power cost and capacity cost; The other "three" means that there are three forms of energy conversion in the carbon dioxide energy storage system, including pressure energy, heat energy and electric energy.

As the world's first carbon dioxide energy storage demonstration system, the project's grid-connected power generation marks that carbon dioxide energy storage technology has successfully entered the stage of large-scale commercial application worldwide. Carbon dioxide energy storage will rely on its advantages of economy, safety, flexible site, built-in moment of inertia, strong scene adaptability, stable efficiency and capacity, and long system life to accelerate the arrival of the "green and clean energy era".

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Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.