Guangxi: Cement enterprises are encouraged to increase production and efficiency with a maximum reward of 1 million yuan

2024-04-29 09:45:46

The building materials industry will focus on helping cement enterprises to expand the market and remove inventory, and strive to increase their output value by more than 2% year-on-year in the first half of the year.

On April 28, the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region issued a circular on the issuance of several policies and measures to promote the steady growth of industrial economy in the second quarter of 2024. According to the

circular, in order to implement the key work plan of the Party Committee and the government of the autonomous region on the "1 + 4" economy in 2024, build a modern industrial system, accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, vigorously develop new quality productive forces, promote industrial enterprises to expand production and accelerate investment in projects, and further consolidate and enhance the recovery of industrial economy. This policy and measures are formulated to ensure that the industrial added value increases by more than 6.5% in the first half of the year and that the industrial investment turns from negative to positive. A series of measures are proposed

for the steady economic growth of the cement industry:

1. According to the scale and growth rate of the new output value of enterprises in the second quarter, enterprises will be given certain incentives to increase production and efficiency: for enterprises with a base number in the warehouse, according to the increment and growth rate of the total industrial output value in the second quarter of 2024, A reward of up to 1 million yuan will be given according to industry classification. According to the total output value of the second quarter of 2024, the newly-built enterprises without base number (put into storage after July 1, 2023) will be rewarded with a maximum of 1 million yuan by industry classification. If the reward amount of a single enterprise is less than 50000 yuan, no reward shall be given.

The 2、 of building materials industry focuses on helping cement enterprises to expand the market and remove inventory, striving to increase the output value by more than 2% in the first half of the year.

3、 continue to carry out the docking activities of supply and demand of industrial products in Guangxi. Supporting industrial enterprises to increase supporting procurement efforts in the region, and doing a good job in tracking and implementing the contracted projects of the first phase of Guangxi Industrial Service Guarantee Autonomous Region's major project supply and demand docking activities in 2024. The "Guangxi Good Products" ASEAN Special Event (Nanning) was held. Help automobile, machinery, steel, cement , non-ferrous and other enterprises to strengthen production and marketing cooperation with ASEAN and other businessmen, purchasers and distributors inside and outside the region.

4、, the implementation of investment incremental subsidies will grant investment subsidies to projects that actually completed investment of 10 million yuan or more in the second quarter of 2024 and increased year-on-year compared with the second quarter of 2023. Subsidies for major projects will be implemented, and projects with an actual investment of more than 200 million yuan (including) completed in the second quarter of 2024 will be given investment subsidies according to a certain proportion of the actual investment completed. At the same time, projects that meet the investment increment subsidy and major project subsidy will only enjoy one of the subsidies.

5、 reduces the logistics cost of enterprises. Highway management units and leading enterprises in the region are encouraged to formulate "one-to-one" highway transportation plans to reduce highway tolls by means of "pricing by quantity". The operating units of Beibu Gulf Port are encouraged to further reduce the comprehensive logistics cost of port transportation. Optimize the operation and dispatch of Xijiang ship lock, improve navigation efficiency and lock times, and speed up the passage of industrial products. We will strengthen import and export customs clearance services for industrial enterprises, establish and improve the white list of key enterprises, and improve the efficiency of import and export customs clearance.

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