The National "Quality Month" in 2024 will be launched soon!

2024-08-07 14:14:00

Twenty-seven departments, including the General Administration of Market Supervision, are scheduled to jointly launch the National "Quality Month" in September 2024.

On August 2, the General Administration of Market Supervision and Administration issued a circular on the national "Quality Month" activities in 2024.

1." The theme

of the activity is to strengthen quality support and build a strong quality country

. 2. The content

of the activity (1) to firmly promote the implementation of the Outline. Deeply study and comprehend the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Twentieth Central Committee of the CPC, deeply understand and grasp the theme, major principles, major measures and fundamental guarantees of further deepening the reform in an all-round way, firmly establish the consciousness of quality first, comprehensively implement the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on speeding up the construction of a strong quality country, and strengthen the implementation of the Outline. We will strengthen the follow-up and evaluation of the implementation of the Outline and make every effort to promote new progress and landmark achievements in building a strong quality country. Deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the development of new quality productivity, give full play to the role of quality support, carry out in-depth quality improvement actions, vigorously promote the construction of modern industrial system, promote the development of new quality productivity according to local conditions, and shape new momentum and advantages for development.

(2) Better play the role of quality in promoting enterprises to become bigger and stronger. Improve the policy tools of quality promotion and incentive, stimulate the endogenous power and innovation vitality of enterprises, and encourage more enterprises to take the development path of winning by quality. We will vigorously implement quality-assisted and benefit-enterprise activities, consolidate the quality and brand development capabilities of enterprises, guide enterprises to increase investment in quality technology, support enterprises to use digital technology to empower quality management, encourage powerful enterprises to take the lead in implementing major quality improvement projects, and promote quality change and innovation. Support enterprises to establish and improve the management system of brand cultivation, strengthen brand promotion and protection of rights, and create more internationally influential Chinese brands.

(3) Better play the role of quality in supporting the strong chain of industrial circles. We will improve the quality improvement model of the industrial chain with chain length organization, chain owner leadership, chain member collaboration, basic support and technology empowerment. Deeply carry out the action of improving the quality of the industrial chain, actively organize quality empowerment activities such as expert consultation and inter-chain assistance, give full play to the leading role of the chain owner enterprises, carry out the sharing of advanced quality concepts, methods and tools, strengthen the cooperation in tackling common quality problems, improve the quality control ability of key links and key areas, and help to improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain supply chain.

(Four) better play the role of quality in promoting sustainable urban development. Quality is an important symbol of a city's development level and comprehensive strength. We should promote different types of cities to formulate and implement urban quality development strategies based on their own positioning and resource advantages. Publish a number of new achievements in regional quality development, share and popularize a number of typical experiences in quality reform and innovation, further improve quality promotion policies and measures, and cultivate and disseminate distinctive urban quality culture. Strengthen quality development for the benefit of the people, carry out in-depth practical activities for private quality, and promote the transformation of high-quality urban development achievements into high-quality life.

(5) Promoting quality and social co-governance. We will promote mass quality activities such as quality improvement, quality innovation, labor and skills competitions at the grass-roots level, and train high-quality workers and skilled personnel who meet the requirements of the development of new quality productive forces. Give full play to the role of trade associations, promote quality into enterprises, universities, organs, rural areas and communities, and promote all walks of life to pursue high quality and continuously promote quality improvement. Give full play to the advantages of traditional and emerging media, strengthen all-round and multi-angle quality publicity, tell vivid quality stories, and create a strong atmosphere of advocating quality and pursuing excellence.

3. Key arrangements

(1) Hold the Fifth China Quality Award medal ceremony and National Quality Power Expert Forum. We will carry out the 5th China Quality Award winning organizations and individual recognition activities, promote scientific quality management models and methods, play the role of high-end think tanks, exchange quality frontier hotspots, and seek quality innovation and development.

(2) Developing a series of activities to strengthen quality enterprises. Implement a series of actions to help enterprises, such as "Measurement Service for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", "Quality Management System Certification Promotion Action for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises", "Intellectual Property Service Wanlihang", "Private Economic Standard Innovation Week". Organize the docking of supply and demand of innovative products of intelligent detection equipment. Organize activities such as Chief Quality Officer Training Competition, Quality Brand Exchange and Mutual Learning, promote the exchange of experience of strong quality enterprises, and enhance the quality management ability and quality brand development awareness of enterprises.

(3) Vigorously implement the action of strong quality chain. We will carry out quality infrastructure consolidation and excellent quality management to promote industrial upgrading activities, guide chain-owner enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises upstream and downstream to promote quality coordinated upgrading, and provide quality factor support for the establishment and development of industrial ecosphere and the enhancement of industrial chain resilience and competitiveness. Organize experience exchange activities of strong quality chain, display the results of action to improve the quality of industrial chain, refine typical cases, and form a leading effect.

(4) Promoting the cultivation and construction of counties (districts and towns) with strong quality. We will carry out cooperation and exchanges among counties (districts and towns) with strong quality, deepen regional quality cooperation and mutual assistance, and promote the integration of urban construction and quality development. Focusing on the advantageous and characteristic industries in the region, we should cultivate regional quality brands with high popularity and reputation, vigorously carry out regional brand promotion activities, enhance the overall image of regional products and services, and enhance the new advantages of regional quality development.

(5) Promoting quality improvement in key areas. We will carry out activities to improve the quality of electric bicycles and promote the publicity and implementation of mandatory national standards for electric bicycles and the announcement and management of industry norms. Promote the application of agricultural management service standards, and promote the quality of agricultural supply and technical services. We will carry out actions to improve the quality of major water conservancy projects and implement the lifelong responsibility system for quality. Organize cultural and tourism market service quality improvement activities and promote quality improvement experience.

(6) Strengthen the quality and safety assurance of key products. We will strengthen supervision and inspection of product quality and publish the results of national supervision and spot checks on the quality of key products. To carry out special renovation actions for the quality and safety of fire products and improve the overall quality level of fire products. We will carry out quality and safety risk monitoring of cross-border e-commerce imported consumer goods and issue quality and safety consumption tips for key products. Carry out "Elevator Safety Publicity Week" activities. Consumer education activities should be carried out around the quality and safety of consumer goods and the implementation of defect recall system.

(seven) crack down on infringement and counterfeiting activities. Deeply carry out special actions such as "Iron Fist", "Sword Net 2024", "Kunlun 2024", "Youth Copyright Protection Season" and "Cinema Line Film Copyright Protection", and intensify efforts to crack down on infringement and counterfeiting crimes. Carry out propaganda activities to punish infringement and counterfeiting crimes according to law. Publish a number of typical cases involving product quality disputes, concentrate on handling a number of public interest litigation cases in the field of food and drug safety, strengthen case interpretation, effectively deter crimes, and enhance the legal awareness of the masses.

(8) Deeply carry out the action of quality benefiting the people. We will further deepen the comprehensive rectification of the market order of electronic valuation scales. Promote the activities of "high-quality service at the grass-roots level" in the medical field, and comprehensively strengthen the construction of clinical departments in grass-roots institutions. Hold the "Quality Month" on-site observation meeting of the national housing and urban-rural construction system, exchange management experience, display key technologies, and promote the solution of the frequent problems of housing quality concerned by the people. In-depth community to carry out public welfare services for water purifier quality testing.

(9) Extensive mass quality activities. A series of quality publicity and education activities are carried out online and offline. Organize the total quality management knowledge contest of central enterprises, QC group results publication contest and other activities. Promote the achievements and deeds of excellent quality teams, quality trustworthy teams and excellent quality managers, and focus on displaying a number of "five small" innovative achievements of workers throughout the country.

Fourth, the work requires

all departments in various regions to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen overall coordination, innovate forms of activities, plan and carry out mass quality activities with full participation, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties, and further promote the quality action of the whole people. The website of the General Administration of Market Supervision (

) should strictly implement the spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee and its implementation rules, practise thrift, eliminate formalism and strive for practical results. We should adhere to the principle of voluntary participation and strictly prohibit the apportionment of fees and hitchhiking fees to enterprises in the name of activities. Departments in various regions should strengthen guidance on the activities, summarize them in time after the activities, and feed back the relevant activities, typical cases, pictures and videos to the General Administration of Market Supervision.

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.