Cement net is exclusive: Autonomy cannot break away from policy regulation!

2024-08-02 11:43:20

Isn't it a little late for this "autonomous" shutdown to quit? The competent authorities acquiesced that the production line that should be eliminated in June 2011 had been produced independently for four and a half years!

Industry is the key to economic development and the foundation of a country. Promoting the adjustment of industrial structure is an important measure to build a modern industrial system, enhance the core competitiveness of the industry, and promote the industry to the middle and high end of the global value chain. The National Development and Reform Commission issued a guidance catalogue for industrial restructuring, and revised the catalogue in order to adapt to the new situation, new tasks and new requirements of industrial development. At present, the Catalogue of Guidance for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2024 edition) is implemented. Previously, there were 2019 editions, 2011 editions, 2005 editions..

Recently, I saw a notice issued by the competent department of a county that a cement production line was closed and withdrawn independently. It is said that a Φ2.5/3.1 * 55m dry hollow rotary kiln was shut down independently in January 2016. After the shutdown, water and electricity were cut off and the main cement equipment was dismantled, which no longer met the production conditions. The announcement said that after withdrawing from cement production, enterprises have successfully transferred to other building materials and other industries and operations, and continue to contribute to local economic development. This is enough to show that the transformation of cement enterprises is successful. Congratulations!

The Φ2.5/3.1 * 55m dry-process hollow rotary kiln belongs to the elimination production process specified in the Guiding Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment (2011 edition) (implemented on June 1, 2011), and it is required to be eliminated immediately in terms of the elimination period. This can not help but raise questions about how this elimination production line continued to produce for four and a half years after it was explicitly eliminated. Isn't it a little late for

this "autonomous" shutdown to quit? The competent authorities acquiesced that the production line that should be eliminated in June 2011 had been produced independently for four and a half years!

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.