
2023-08-28 10:30:46



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According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, cement prices in the Pearl River Delta market in central and southern Guangdong are planned to stop falling and rise again, while prices in individual markets in Guangxi have experienced a second round of decline. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the range of price increases in the two lakes areas has been extended to the whole province, pushing up by about 30 yuan/ton. Since the 10th, some major manufacturers in Henan have pushed up the price of cement by 30 yuan/ton, but the actual implementation is not ideal, some enterprises have not implemented in place, and the quotation remains at the level before the rise.

2024-09-20 17:10:16

According to the report, in the second half of 2024, the external environment is still complex and severe, and the operation and development still face many risks and challenges. From the perspective of the industry, in the second half of the year, the marginal demand for cement improved, the supply compression continued to increase, and the contradiction between supply and demand in the industry was prominent. From the company's point of view, strategic opportunities and risks coexist, uncertainties increase, the complexity and severity of the business situation, the heavy and arduous tasks continue to intensify.

2024-08-27 11:20:44

Due to the rainy weather in Zhejiang, the market demand is general, and the shipment volume is about 6-7%. In order to promote sales, some manufacturers reduce the price of cement, and try to push up the price to enhance market confidence, but the actual implementation remains to be observed. The overall market demand in Jiangsu has not improved significantly, with shipments hovering at 4-6% of normal production capacity. Manufacturers in southern Jiangsu have reduced prices for promotion, while the markets in northern and central Jiangsu are expected to face a downward trend.

2024-08-16 16:37:36

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, the market demand in southwest Sichuan and Chongqing continued to be weak, cement prices in some regions fell by 10-20 yuan/ton, and Yunnan-Guizhou region was mixed. The market demand continued to be weak due to the high temperature off-season in Sichuan and Chongqing, and some enterprises in Sichuan lowered the cement price to increase the shipment volume, while the original plan to raise the price in Chengdu was not implemented. The demand for cement in Chongqing is declining and the price is stable. Rainy weather in Yunnan is frequent, market demand is low, and prices in some areas have fallen after pushing up. Cement prices in Guizhou are generally stable.

2024-08-09 17:19:44

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the implementation of the rebound in cement prices in the Pearl River Delta region of central and southern Guangdong is not optimistic, and the Guangxi region is tepid. The market prices of the two lakes are basically stable, and there is a decline in some areas. Leading enterprises in Guangdong try to restore the price of cement, but under the influence of high temperature weather, the actual effect is not good. The rain weather in Guangxi is decreasing, the market demand is limited, the price is stable, and the local market is falling. Cement prices in Hubei are stable, and high temperatures affect demand. The Hunan area continues the high temperature, the demand is weak, the partial price falls. Affected by rainfall, the market demand in Henan is not good, and the price is stable.

2024-08-09 17:12:17

Northeast China is implementing the policy of off-peak kiln shutdown in August according to the established plan. In this context, cement manufacturers have no plans to further raise prices, so the market quotation remains stable. However, the demand for cement in Liaoning has been reduced due to frequent precipitation in the rainy season recently. Although the cement price of large factories is still at a high level, the overall demand is low, which may have a volatile impact on future prices.

2024-08-09 16:45:29

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the shutdown of kilns in Liaoning, Northeast China, was extended to 20 days in August, the overall price was high and stable, the demand performance was not good, and the momentum to push up again was insufficient.

2024-08-02 17:28:08

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the demand and sales in southwest China are sluggish, cement prices in Sichuan and Chongqing continue to fall, and some regions have fallen back to the level before the price increase in June. Some markets in the surrounding Yunnan-Guizhou region are still pushing up in the week, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-08-02 17:25:15

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong in central and southern China has recovered by 10-15 yuan/ton, and the quotation in Guangxi is temporarily stable. Prices in some areas of the two lakes have fallen in the early stage, and the overall market is mainly stable this week.

2024-08-02 17:16:26

According to the market data of China Cement Network, affected by the high temperature weather and rainy season, the demand performance of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is flat and the price is weak.

2024-08-02 17:12:52

According to the cement network market data center news, Ningxia prices continue to decline; Shaanxi region recently due to the contradiction between supply and demand and price competition led to a larger price reduction.

2024-08-02 16:39:35

According to the data center of China Cement Market, due to the low ex-factory prices in various regions, some regions began to resume pricing this week.

2024-08-02 16:30:32

Demand is declining, supply is increasing, and the price of sand and gravel industry is adjusted in an all-round way.

2024-07-31 15:56:20

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the intensity of peak staggering has been increased, and the price of cement in Yunnan-Guizhou region has been raised by 30-100 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed. Cement prices in some markets in Sichuan and Chongqing have dropped by 30-50 yuan/ton.

2024-07-26 16:56:03

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center news, Guangdong, Hubei individual market notice to raise cement prices by 30-50 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed. Cement quotations in other areas are basically stable and small.

2024-07-26 16:42:59

On July 20, 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on the implementation measures of capacity replacement in the cement and glass industry. The revised Measures for the Implementation of Capacity Replacement in the Cement and Glass Industry will come into effect on August 1, 2021.

2024-07-24 12:08:35

We will jointly discuss and analyze the practice path of ultra-low emission in the cement industry, and promote the industry to move towards a more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly future.

2024-07-23 18:02:53

According to China Cement Market Data Center, cement prices in Sichuan, Chongqing and parts of Yunnan fell by 20-50 yuan/ton this week, and Guizhou continued to push up by 60 yuan/ton. Whether it can be implemented remains to be seen.

2024-07-19 17:19:24

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, the northeast region continued to implement the staggered peak kiln shutdown, clinker supply shortage, 5-10 days to push up 50-60 yuan/ton.

2024-07-12 17:29:19

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the overall market demand and sales in southwest China are weak due to the off-season market and the impact of rainy weather. The price of cement in some markets of Sichuan, Chongqing and Yunnan has been loosened and declined, ranging from 20-50 yuan/ton.

2024-07-12 17:26:00

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi markets has been stable this week, and the price in Hainan has fallen sharply. Prices in Hubei are mainly stable, while prices in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan are falling.

2024-07-12 17:23:24

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-12 15:40:36

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, Liaoning cement market sales are stable, and the price of cement has been raised by 60 yuan/ton since the 5th. The price increase is expected to be good, and the price fluctuation in Heiji area needs attention.

2024-07-05 17:21:53

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the southwest region has been frequently attacked by rain recently, which has hindered the construction of some construction sites and led to a decline in market demand and sales. Cement prices in some areas fell during the week, and the overall market showed a weak downward trend.

2024-07-05 17:18:44

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price of cement in Guangdong and Guangxi markets has been stable after rising in the week. At present, the overall price of the two lakes region is mainly stable, and there is a decline in some areas.

2024-07-05 17:16:30

Shandong Province issued the Action Plan for Upgrading the Building Materials Industry (2024-2026), which aims to promote the green, low-carbon and high-quality development of the building materials industry. The action plan focuses on the cement industry and puts forward the tasks of stable growth, structural adjustment, digital transformation, green manufacturing and safety improvement.

2024-07-01 17:05:09

According to the data center of China Cement Network, the cost of cement production has risen, and the price of cement in Dali and Lijiang areas of Yunnan has risen again by 30 yuan/ton. The market demand in Sichuan and Chongqing is weak, and local cement prices have fallen.

2024-06-28 17:06:31

Cement prices in the Pearl River Delta region of Guangdong rose by 20-30 yuan/ton in the second round of the month, and Guangxi may also have price expectations, according to the China Cement Market Data Center. Affected by the continuous rain weather in the two lakes area, sales in some areas stagnated.

2024-06-28 17:04:10

Improve the position and look at the steady growth with the interests of the whole industry as the most important.

2024-06-26 15:44:51

According to the cement network market data center news, this week, the price of cement in Northeast China is stable, the peak is over, and the kiln lines resume operation.

2024-06-21 16:28:46

According to the cement network market data center news, cement production costs continue to rise, the southwest part of the market cement price notice increased by 30-50 yuan/ton, the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-21 16:16:33

According to the cement network market data center news, this week, cement prices in Guangxi have stabilized after rising, and the actual implementation range in Guangdong and Hainan has narrowed.

2024-06-21 16:03:50

According to the market data of China Cement Net, the price increase in some areas of central and southern Hebei has not been effective, while the demand in northern Hebei has declined due to the high temperature, and the overall price has remained stable; the demand in Shanxi Province is weak, and the implementation of the price increase remains to be observed; the market in Inner Mongolia is relatively stable.

2024-06-21 15:42:33

Cement prices in Gansu and Qinghai were temporarily stable after rising this week, while the actual implementation range in Ningxia was narrowed, according to the cement market data center. The overall performance of Shaanxi market is stable.

2024-06-21 15:30:08

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, after entering the Meiyu season, with the continuous rainfall causing many construction sites to be blocked, the demand for cement has decreased significantly, the market has entered a downturn, and cement prices in many places have fallen this week.

2024-06-21 15:20:15

Strictly implement rigid and precise peak-staggering production, support the abolition of the peak-staggering production exemption policy, and contribute to the steady growth of regional industry benefits, energy conservation and carbon reduction, and the continuous improvement of atmospheric quality.

2024-06-17 10:16:53

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, the price of cement in some markets in Sichuan and Chongqing has been raised by 50-130 yuan/ton, which is a large increase, and the actual implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-14 20:06:50

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, this week, the second round of cement prices in Guangxi began to rise by 30-40 yuan/ton in a month, while cement prices in Guangdong were mixed.

2024-06-14 19:47:39

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the high temperature weather continues, the demand is flat, and the price has stabilized in many places.

2024-06-14 19:37:39

According to the data center of China Cement Network, some areas in central and southern Hebei in North China have once again pushed up the price of cement by 30-50 yuan/ton and the price of clinker by 20 yuan/ton. The overall market demand is insufficient, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-06-14 17:45:01

According to China Cement Market Data Center, cement prices in Northwest China continue to rise under the influence of the new national standard and the policy of staggering peak and stopping kilns.

2024-06-14 17:35:49

According to China Cement Market Data Center, this week, the current round of kiln shutdown in Northeast China is coming to an end. Since April, leading enterprises have repeatedly pushed up prices, making cement prices in the region currently at the leading level in the country.

2024-06-14 17:27:12

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the price increase of cement in Northeast China has been well implemented, and the new national standard and peak staggering production support the market.

2024-06-07 17:05:38

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the implementation of the new national standard has increased the cost of cement production. Leading enterprises in most areas have notified to raise the price of cement by 30-50 yuan/ton. Enterprises in Chongqing plan to raise 100-130 yuan/ton on the 8th.

2024-06-07 16:54:53

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, driven by factors such as kiln shutdown and the implementation of the new national standard, the price of cement in Guangxi Province has risen by 30 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed. The Guangdong market is tepid, and the quotation is temporarily stable. After the market of the two lakes rose, the implementation was not good.

2024-06-07 16:54:49

According to the market data of China Cement Network, the price of cement in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has been raised by 50-80 yuan/ton due to the rising cost and the off-peak shutdown of kilns. The price of cement in eastern Inner Mongolia, Shanxi Pan-Taiyuan region and southeastern Shanxi region has increased significantly due to the rising cost.

2024-05-31 16:29:24

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the new national standard will be launched soon, and enterprises all over the country are expected to push up in the week.

2024-05-31 16:25:59