
2020-08-14 09:40:16





此前的7月底,长三角沿江地区熟料价格通知上调20元/吨。船运价回涨至330-340 元/吨。

半个月左右,沿江熟料连续密集上调两轮,船运价最高回涨至370 元/吨,涨完后基本回升至雨季前水平。














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Due to the rainy weather in Zhejiang, the market demand is general, and the shipment volume is about 6-7%. In order to promote sales, some manufacturers reduce the price of cement, and try to push up the price to enhance market confidence, but the actual implementation remains to be observed. The overall market demand in Jiangsu has not improved significantly, with shipments hovering at 4-6% of normal production capacity. Manufacturers in southern Jiangsu have reduced prices for promotion, while the markets in northern and central Jiangsu are expected to face a downward trend.

2024-08-16 16:37:36

Due to the continuous high temperature weather in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the demand of construction industry has weakened, resulting in a general decline in cement sales, and the price of cement in some areas has dropped by 20-35 yuan/ton, among which Yangzhou, Taizhou, Huaian, Nanjing, Zhenjiang and other places in Jiangsu have been greatly affected. Due to the high temperature weather in Anhui, the construction site slowed down, the demand was weak, and the cement price in Ma'anshan, Chuzhou, Hefei and other areas was reduced by 10-20 yuan/ton. Cement prices in Zaozhuang, Linyi, Jining, Tai'an and other places fell by 10-30 yuan/ton due to cloudy weather and the resumption of clinker production in Shandong.

2024-08-09 16:18:24

At the beginning of July, the market along the Yangtze River ushered in the third round of cement price increase in the year, with a range of 50 yuan/ton, but most of them only implemented 20-30 yuan/ton, and some markets did not even increase the price at all.

2024-08-01 14:23:38

In order to reduce inventory pressure, cement prices showed signs of a slight decline.

2024-07-26 15:37:00

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, many off-peak production, in order to reduce inventory pressure, cement prices slightly declined signs.

2024-07-19 15:20:00

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-12 15:40:36

On the 8th, some major manufacturers in Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Yancheng, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Nantong, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou, Huaian and other areas notified an increase in cement prices of about 30-50 yuan/ton.

2024-07-10 14:35:10

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-07-05 16:08:54

This is the third round of pushing up cement prices in the Yangtze River Delta.

2024-07-05 15:25:43

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center, heavy rainfall is prevalent in East China this week, with mountain torrents and floods in some areas. Many construction sites have been shut down, cement demand has plummeted, and cement prices have fallen slightly.

2024-06-28 15:27:41

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, after entering the Meiyu season, with the continuous rainfall causing many construction sites to be blocked, the demand for cement has decreased significantly, the market has entered a downturn, and cement prices in many places have fallen this week.

2024-06-21 15:20:15

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the high temperature weather continues, the demand is flat, and the price has stabilized in many places.

2024-06-14 19:37:39

According to the data center of China Cement Market, in the traditional off-season of June, demand has declined, and cement prices around the country have fallen.

2024-06-07 13:59:27

To safeguard the overall situation of the industry and promote sustainable development, we need to abandon narrow interests and work together to overcome difficulties.

2024-06-06 09:48:27

China Cement Network Market Data Center news, driven by raw materials in East China, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui and other places in the week notified an increase in cement prices of about 10-50 yuan/ton.

2024-05-24 15:36:57

How is the cement industry in Hubei? Faced with the current situation, what are the views of cement enterprises in the region?

2024-05-23 13:38:17

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, cement prices in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guizhou and other places have increased by 20-50 yuan/ton recently.

2024-05-22 09:34:30

Since the 20th, some major manufacturers in Hangjiahu, Shaoxing and other places have notified an increase in cement prices of about 30-50 yuan/ton, and some major manufacturers in Yongwentai and other places have notified an increase in cement prices of 20 yuan/ton.

2024-05-21 14:26:24

On the 19th, central and southern Jiangsu and other places notified an increase in the price of high-grade cement by 50 yuan/ton and the price of low-grade cement by 20-30 yuan/ton. In addition, some major manufacturers in Shanghai have notified that the price of high-grade cement will be raised by 50 yuan/ton.

2024-05-21 14:17:50

According to the data center of China Cement Market, the overall demand for cement in East China has been bleak in recent years, and cement prices in many places have been lowered to varying degrees.

2024-05-17 17:31:09

China Cement Network Market Data Center News, Chongqing continues to stagger the peak kiln, the enterprise notice to raise the price of cement 30 yuan/ton, the implementation is not yet clear. The overall market in Sichuan and Yunnan is weak, and the price of cement in some markets has dropped by 10-30 yuan/ton.

2024-05-11 16:46:29

Asia Cement (China) has favorable conditions to fully participate in the market competition along the Yangtze River.

2024-05-06 09:33:35

Generally speaking, the national cement price continues to rise, but the foundation is not solid, and the risk of falling back is high.

2024-04-22 12:35:11

According to the data center of China Cement Market, or driven by the rising prices in the peripheral market, the price of cement in some areas of the two lakes has been raised by 30 yuan/ton since the middle of the year, and the implementation remains to be observed. The price of bulk cement of some enterprises in the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong has been slightly reduced by about 20 yuan/ton, while the quotation of other enterprises in the same industry is temporarily stable.

2024-04-19 16:32:07

The current supply and demand situation is still poor, the basis for price increases is not solid, many enterprises are still on the sidelines, we should calmly look at this round of large-scale push up cement prices in the Yangtze River Delta region.

2024-04-15 17:49:07

According to the data center of China Cement Market, major manufacturers in some areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Anhui notified a general rise within a week.

2024-04-12 17:25:59

According to China Cement Market Data Center, the overall market demand and sales in southwest China are still weak, cement prices in Chongqing have bottomed out and rebounded, and enterprises in Yunnan Pu'er and Xishuangbanna have once again tried to raise cement prices by 20-30 yuan/ton, and the implementation remains to be observed.

2024-04-12 17:22:16

According to China Cement Network Market Data Center, the market demand in Jiangsu has recovered recently, and some major manufacturers in Yancheng have pushed up the price of cement by 10 yuan/ton since the 14th.

2024-03-15 16:03:55

According to the China Cement Network Market Data Center news, this week, the Yangtze River Delta region is dominated by stable prices, and the decline in cement prices in some areas still exists. Although the Shandong region has pushed up, the implementation is not good enough.

2024-03-08 11:32:59

Generally speaking, the national cement price continues to be weak.

2024-01-29 11:53:54

In the Yangtze River Delta region in 2023, Shanghai performed best in terms of demand, while the annual average price of cement was Zhejiang > Shanghai > Anhui > Jiangsu, but both fell to the lowest level in five years.

2024-01-16 09:14:58


2023-11-24 17:28:40


2023-10-30 13:40:00


2023-10-30 09:42:25


2023-10-13 18:38:53


2023-10-13 10:30:04


2023-09-25 13:51:24


2023-09-23 09:25:11


2023-09-22 16:56:59

华东地区水泥价格大面积通知上调! 1.肖家祥出任中国水泥协会执行会长! 2.中国水泥协会主要领导名单更新 3.新建3条熟料线!亚东水泥计划将武汉生产基地搬至黄冈 4.天山股份:尚有部分骨料产能在建 将成为利润增长点

2023-09-19 14:28:45


2023-09-19 09:23:38


2023-09-08 17:45:35


2023-09-07 09:35:30

四川水泥价再降20-50元/吨; 1.鱼峰、华润、南方、红狮等多家企业入选广西绿色制造名单 2.又一批资产出售,含一条2500t/d熟料线! 3.铜川尧柏万吨线水泥窑综合利用固(危)废项目进展顺利 4.再出重拳!四川路桥董事长等三名国企高管被查

2023-09-05 14:42:02


2023-09-01 17:53:26


2023-08-25 17:53:22


2023-07-28 17:37:29


2023-07-07 17:19:08


2023-07-07 17:05:04


2023-06-04 13:12:23

Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.