华新水泥副总裁杨群进辞职 曾任拉法基瑞安中国区CFO

2017-08-01 08:46:02




  上市公司数据库显示,杨群进先生,1958年6月出生,马来西亚籍。1983年,在任职于德勤4年后成为马来西亚注册会计师。1987年,离开德勤,加入英国篮圈子公司——马来亚水泥有限公司,也是一家上市公司。 2001年,篮圈被法国拉法基收购,成为拉法基集团旗下公司。


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2017-08-01 08:46:02

On September 18, the Bureau of Ecology and Environment of Xianyang City announced the list of enterprises to be rewarded for the performance grading review of key industries in heavy polluted weather in Xianyang City in 2024. According to the requirements of the Notice of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment on the Results of Performance Grading Review and Reward Funds for Key Industries of Heavily Polluted Weather in 2024 (Shaanxi Ring Atmospheric Letter [2024] 80) and the Reward Measures for Performance Grading Enterprises of Key Industries of Heavily Polluted Weather (Trial Implementation) (Shaanxi Ring Development [2022] 52), Three A-level enterprises and one A-level production line in key industries in our city before March 2023 have passed data review, on-site verification, municipal audit and provincial audit.