高争民爆0元转让雅砻水泥5.44%股权 后者已资不抵债

2016-12-13 09:12:36



  公告显示,雅砻水泥负债总额为322.22万元,其中:应付账款102.63万元;应付股东股利165.86 万元;其他应付款53.73 万元,雅砻水泥净资产为(-4.51)万元,已资不抵债。



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2016-12-13 09:12:36

Clean and low-carbon transformation and development of transportation in cement industry is the general trend. Promoting the low-carbon transformation of transportation equipment is not only a strong support for the "double carbon" action, but also helps to enhance the overall efficiency and competitiveness of the transport industry. According to the survey and analysis of Jianfeng in Yunnan, the transportation cost per ton kilometer of oil-powered trucks is about three times that of electric trucks, and if they are transported by trams, the cost will be significantly reduced.