
2016-03-24 20:51:14

3月24日下午,以“智能制造 时不我待”为主题的2016中国水泥网年会智能制造专场正式召开。自动化、信息化、智能化领域的技术专家,服务型制造企业、互联网企业等智能制造研发企业将齐聚一堂,围绕水泥工业智能制造、物联网技术在水泥工业的应用、智能制造开发技术、两化深度融合实施智能水泥生产线路径等重点问题展开探讨。

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3月24日下午,以“智能制造 时不我待”为主题的2016中国水泥网年会智能制造专场正式召开。自动化、信息化、智能化领域的技术专家,服务型制造企业、互联网企业等智能制造研发企业将齐聚一堂,围绕水泥工业智能制造、物联网技术在水泥工业的应用、智能制造开发技术、两化深度融合实施智能水泥生产线路径等重点问题展开探讨。

2016-03-24 20:51:14

Recently, due to the persistent cost pressure in the south, the price of concrete has risen slightly with the raw materials, but the growth of market demand is limited, and the overall quotation is still stable. From October 31 to November 6, the national concrete price index closed at 112.47 points, up 0.31% annually and down 10.11% year-on-year.