Conch Zhou Jinbo: Accelerate the Digital Transformation of Cement Industry and Promote the Industrialization of Alternative Fuels

2024-03-05 20:55:45

Zhou Jinbo, deputy to the National People's Congress and general manager of Conch Design Institute, pointed out that with the acceleration of digital transformation, the cement industry is facing transformation challenges and needs to strengthen financial, policy support and standard system construction. At the same time, we should promote low-carbon green development, strengthen waste management and alternative fuel industrialization, and encourage technological research and development and industry-university-research cooperation.

"Cement industry is an indispensable basic raw material industry for national economic development, production and construction and people's lives. With the acceleration of China's digital transformation policy layout, the direction of digital transformation of cement industry is also clear." Zhou Jinbo, deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary and general manager of the Party Committee of Anhui Conch Building Material Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as "Conch Design Institute"), told reporters. During the two sessions this year, Zhou Jinbo continued to focus on the high-quality development of the cement industry, bringing many suggestions such as accelerating the digital transformation of the cement industry and promoting the industrialization of alternative fuels in the cement industry.

In recent years, head cement enterprises have made positive progress in digital transformation by applying new technologies such as 5G, big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence. Taking Conch Group as an example, the company has built the world's first full-process intelligent cement factory in Quanjiao, Anhui Province, which has realized operation automation, fault pre-control, management visualization, all-factor collaboration and decision-making intelligence, and has been popularized and applied in cement factories under the group. In 2022, Conch Group initially built a vertical industrial Internet platform for the cement industry, realizing comprehensive integration from raw materials, products, equipment, workshops, factories to industrial chains, supply chains and value chains.

However, in Zhou Jinbo's view, the digital transformation of the cement industry is still facing many problems, such as the weakening of the willingness to transform, the relative lag in the construction of standards and norms, and the need to improve the transformation capacity. "At present, the efficiency of the cement industry is declining, while the investment in digital transformation is not cheap, coupled with the lack of uniform standards and guidance, the pace of transformation of enterprises in the industry has slowed down."

In this regard, Zhou Jinbo suggested strengthening the financial and policy support for the digital transformation of the cement industry, establishing and improving the standard system for the digital transformation of the cement industry, and encouraging the leading cement enterprises to try first, explore value-added services based on products and demand-based services, and promote the integration of enterprise manufacturing and services.

In addition to digital transformation, Zhou Jinbo also put forward relevant suggestions on the low-carbon green development of the cement industry, including strengthening the standardized management of waste sources, increasing policy support for the industrialization of alternative fuels, establishing and improving the standard and normative system of alternative fuels in the cement industry, and encouraging the research and development of alternative fuel disposal technology and equipment upgrading iteration.

"Fiscal and tax subsidy policies can be established to support the industrialization of alternative fuels.". While promoting the cement industry to enter the carbon trading market, it is suggested to reduce the emissions of waste alternative fuels for cement kilns. Zhou Jinbo said that in terms of technology research and development, it is suggested that the research and development of key technology and equipment for waste recycling should be included in the special support scope of key R & D plans, and that enterprises should cooperate with universities and research institutes to promote the upgrading and iteration of technology, technology and equipment, so as to realize green and low-carbon transformation.

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