China Building Material International South Africa Company Deeply Ploughs the New Energy Track and Runs out the New Power of Development

2024-03-01 10:55:13

In order to achieve the international development goal of "rebuilding a Chinese building material overseas" in 10 years, we will write a new chapter of high-quality development belonging to South African companies.

South Africa, as the engine

of Africa's industry and economy, is also an important part

of the "one belt and one way" initiative. Unlimited

business opportunities According to the internationalization strategy and global layout

of CNBM Group, in 2016, CNBM International South Africa Company launched

business innovation in response to the situation & nbsp; & nbsp; When Helmsman Pilot

South Africa was founded, there were only four team members, focusing on the main products such as plywood, hardware tools, water supply and drainage pipes, photovoltaic modules, etc. The business model is planned to be explored in the fields of wholesale trade and manufacturing.

The company team is full of confidence and wants to open up a new world in this hot land of South Africa. However, the market situation was not optimistic. At that time, the South African building materials market had already been occupied by large building materials chain stores, and it was very difficult for latecomers to enter this mature market. In this "three nothingness" situation of no warehouse, no product and no customer, the team members have been exploring hard for more than a year, but nothing has been achieved. After in-depth research, the company keenly observed the phenomenon of serious power outages and insufficient power supply in South Africa, and then carried out market demand research on new energy products to determine the direction of entering the photovoltaic new energy track in South Africa.

As a result, the South African company took the photovoltaic module business as a pilot for market development, extending to inverters and photovoltaic cell products. On the basis of deep specialization in the distribution and distribution business of photovoltaic products, we should dig deep into the product chain, plan the product structure and enrich the product categories. On the basis of mature products, continuous innovation of products will drive the increment and enable the value-added ability of the whole product chain. Under the guidance of the group's innovation policy, South African companies have transformed from traditional building materials trade to green photovoltaic industry.

Seize the opportunity to promote development

In 2022, the Cape Town warehouse was officially put into operation

. In recent years, the situation of power curtailment in South Africa has not decreased but increased. In addition, the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic has hindered the business development of domestic manufacturers in the same industry. It is the time to

come but not to lose, and it is the opportunity to dance but not to lose. The South African team has made full use of the advantages of localized operation, seized the opportunity and business opportunities to rapidly develop a number of high-quality brand suppliers. The business volume has doubled, and the business income has exploded from millions, tens of millions to hundreds of millions and billions every year, which vividly explains what is the development path from scratch, from existence to excellence, and from excellence to excellence. Especially in 2023, South Africa encountered a serious power shortage, up to 8 power outages, more than four times a day, which brought business opportunities to the photovoltaic business, and the overseas warehouse business in South Africa grew explosively.

Strengthen Management & nbsp; Focus on Service

: Those who observe the situation will be wise, and those who control the situation will win. After opening up market channels, with the increase of business income, South African companies continue to consolidate their competitiveness, actively strengthen team building, build a high-quality professional team, and provide solid support for the growth of the company. At present, the company's team has grown from 4 people to more than 150 people, and the localization rate of employees is nearly 80%, which has contributed to the local employment. The staff team


South Africa Company has continuously improved its supply chain service capabilities, from regular return visits to the establishment of after-sales service centers, providing customers with stable quality products and continuous high-quality services, gradually accumulating loyal customers in the local area, and winning more and more reputation and reputation. In order to expand the scope of business radiation and improve the quality of supply chain services, after the mature operation of the general warehouse in Johannesburg, sub-warehouses and marketing centers have been established in Cape Town, Durban and Elizabeth, creating a "1 + 3" market layout with Johannesburg as the general warehouse and Cape Town, Durban and Elizabeth as the sub-warehouses, forming a chain model of overseas warehouses in South Africa, and expanding product services and coverage areas. The influence of

Durban and Elizabeth sub-warehouse

companies in South Africa's new energy market is expanding day by day. On the basis of net profit growth of more than four times in 2022, the company's sales task was overfulfilled in 2023. Win-win

cooperation & nbsp; Conspiring development

South African overseas warehouse holds photovoltaic public welfare training

As South African companies continue to expand their business scale, they are facing increasingly fierce competition and stronger competitors. South African companies practice "win-win thinking" (themselves + upstream suppliers + downstream customers), replace "single-handed struggle" with "group heating", transform narrow competitors into win-win and symbiotic partner customers, South African companies and local head distributors play their respective strengths, the former look for high-quality new energy products, give full play to overseas warehouses. Guarantee high-quality supply chain service and stable product quality management system, the latter uses the promotion and marketing ability of local operation for many years to ensure smooth product sales.

Under the guideline of "collecting and purchasing at a better price", the top five purchasing customers of the company are all transformed from competitors to partners, which promotes the formation of a good competition order in the local new energy market, enlarges the cake of cooperation, promotes the healthy development of the market, and also stabilizes the top of the industry for the three parties, leaving competitors in the dust. The distribution and distribution market share of photovoltaic energy storage products accounts for more than 20%.

Focusing on the present and facing the future, opportunities and challenges coexist on the road ahead. The South African company has become the regional center of CNBM in Southeast Africa. In the future, it will continue to explore the sustainable development of the new energy industry, build a replicable overseas warehouse operation benchmark, base itself on South Africa, open up territory, and write a new chapter of high-quality development belonging to the South African company in order to achieve the international development goal of "rebuilding a Chinese building material overseas" in 10 years.

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