Conch Driverless Mine Card Drives into Anshan Iron and Steel Iron Mine to Explore a New Mode of Cross-industry Cooperation

2024-02-29 09:59:08

This time, Conch is married to Anshan Iron and Steel Company, crossing the line but not crossing the border, and the track has not changed; there is no obstacle to the landing of driverless technology iron ore.

In recent years, driven by the national mine safety policy of "no one is safe, few people are safe", the intelligent upgrading of the mining industry is imminent, especially the application of driverless mining card technology, which is highly expected. The prospect of 100 billion-level market demand for driverless cars in mining areas has attracted a large number of high-tech enterprises to enter the market one after another. The small giants of the driverless track of mining cards have gathered, and the capital is competing for capital injection. In 2023, the driverless concept mine car began to enter the user's vision. Among them, Haibo Science and Technology, as a start-up technology company in Anhui Province, relies on the conch platform, with the help of technology and capital, takes advantage of the situation, and steadily advances the market expansion. Relying on the achievements of scientific and technological innovation projects and industrial Internet platform

, Conch Group has incubated Haibo Intelligent Technology. On December 18, 2023, the pure electric mine card unmanned transportation project built by Haibo Intelligent Technology was successfully delivered and accepted in Baimashan Cement Open-pit Mine in Wuhu, and put into normal application to realize the unmanned marshalling operation of electric mine cars. Six mine cars transport more than 10000 tons of ore per day, and the efficiency of unmanned transportation reaches 100% of the efficiency of manual operation. The successful landing of this

project is a significant milestone event for Haibo Science and Technology, and a model project for the subsequent expansion of the driverless market. Unmanned electric mining card technology has been popularized and used in the mines of Conch Group, which can increase economic benefits by about 300 million yuan annually. However, with a high starting point platform, how can Haibo Science and Technology be confined to a limited number of mines within the group, but look at the large mines in the whole country and even in the world, and the tentacles of expansion have extended from cement mines to metal mines. But the vast coal mine, the market space is huge, how can be willing to give up.

This time, Conch is married to Anshan Iron and Steel Company, crossing the line but not crossing the border, and the track has not changed; there is no obstacle to the landing of driverless technology iron ore.

Anshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. is headquartered in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. The proven iron ore reserves in Anshan area account for about a quarter of the country's total, as well as rich magnesite ore, limestone ore, clay ore, manganese ore and so on. Anshan Iron and Steel Company was founded in 1916, and its predecessor was Anshan Iron and Steel Works and Showa Steel Works during the Japanese puppet regime. Anshan Iron and Steel Company was founded in 1948, and started construction on the ruins on July 9 of the next year, quickly resumed production, and carried out large-scale technical transformation and capital construction. Anshan Iron and Steel Company is the first large-scale iron and steel complex restored and the earliest iron and steel production base built in New China, and is known as "the cradle of China's iron and steel industry".

< IMG SRC = "

Angang Mining Guanbaoshan is a state-level green mining enterprise." Actively responding to the national "double carbon" strategic deployment, it is the first domestic mineral processing "black lamp factory" built by the Group, and has become a classic case of Anshan Iron and Steel Group in promoting collaborative carbon reduction in recent years.

< IMG SRC = "The marks new achievements in the construction of smart mines and helps mining companies to accelerate the implementation of the" dual-core "strategy of Angang Group. Build a world-class resource development enterprise.

< IMG SRC = "The relies on advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, 4G/5G communications, and big data." On-site data collection of driverless road environment recognition, transportation path optimization, obstacle avoidance, self-processing of heavy fault recognition, loading and unloading, enriching and improving the cloud control scheduling, bicycle intelligence, data center and other systems of driverless electric mine card, and finally successfully completed 8 test items and 24 test sub-items. Realize the unmanned automatic operation of "loading-transportation-unloading-obstacle avoidance" and other links of the mine car, and provide a package of feasible solutions for comprehensively promoting the application of the company's open-pit stope and heavy truck driverless technology.

< IMG SRC = " that the mine has been mined for a long time, and now it is pit mining, and the tramcar crawls from the pit bottom to the unloading point, with a haul distance of 2 km." The lifting height is 70 meters, and the average slope of the road is 4%, which is quite challenging for the heavy load operation of the electric mine car.

When the unmanned mine truck is fully loaded with 70 tons of stone uphill, the rated power of the motor is 430KW, climbing at a constant speed, a cycle of 4 kilometers back and forth, which consumes about 30 degrees of electricity. If the power battery is fully charged with 422 degrees of electricity, 300 degrees of electricity can output effective electricity to do work, but it can only meet the needs of 10 times of vehicle operation. If a shift can pull 20 cars of stone in normal operation, the electric mine card needs to be stopped and charged for one hour during the single shift operation. Considering the local mining environment in Anshan, the long cold season and the low temperature in winter undoubtedly limit the endurance of the power battery of the electric mine car, and the operation efficiency is difficult to achieve the high efficiency of the oil car.

In fact, as early as 2022, Anshan Iron and Steel Company began to promote the trial work of mine car oil to electricity, put in small batches of electric mine cards, and carried out long-term on-site verification of the applicability of electric mine cards in Northeast China in real mining application scenarios.

< IMG SRC = " After the vehicle is put into use, its operation is stable, its transportation is efficient and its cost is reduced." It will play an important demonstration role in building green mines, saving energy and reducing emissions, improving quality and efficiency.

According to reports, the vehicle is driven by pure electricity, with large carriage volume and light body weight. When the empty vehicle goes up the mountain, it can convert the electric energy into the gravitational potential energy of the vehicle. When the vehicle goes down the slope with full load, it can convert the gravitational potential energy of the vehicle into the electric energy, reduce the power supply, and the range can reach more than 200 kilometers, reducing the energy consumption by more than 60%. Since it was put into use in July, the daily efficiency of a single truck can reach 0.

According to the local news media in Anshan on July 7, 2023,

the first electric mining truck with a load of 70 tons in Northeast China has completed the performance test in Anshan Iron and Steel Mining Guanbaoshan Company, and all the indicators have reached expectations. Effectively achieve energy saving and emission reduction, and provide support for the company to explore green and intelligent development.

After testing, 70 tons of electric mining truck heavy uphill operation can save 40% -60% of the energy consumption cost, heavy downhill operation can save more than 90% of the energy consumption cost, within 5 minutes to complete the power exchange operation, effectively guarantee the operation and production efficiency. Compared with diesel mining trucks, it can reduce carbon oxide emissions by 200-400 tons per year and effectively achieve energy saving and emission reduction. At the same time, the vehicle also has a basic platform for implanting driverless vehicles, which can be upgraded to driverless vehicles, which is conducive to speeding up the realization of electric, digital and intelligent mining.


Through this winter in-depth test, Haibo Science and Technology and Angang Mining Company will thoroughly summarize the experience and shortcomings in this test process, improve the data acquisition model, accelerate the iterative upgrading of the existing intelligent driving technology, promote the overall improvement with a single breakthrough, and accelerate the promotion of electric mining card driverless technology. Landing application in other open-pit mine scenarios of the company. Open a new mode of intelligent production, inject new momentum into the company's high-quality development, lead the transformation and upgrading of the iron ore industry, and improve quality and efficiency.

Unmanned and intelligent technology is a comprehensive transformation of the cement industry, which not only reconstructs the traditional mode of production, but also profoundly changes the management mode and development strategy of enterprises, and is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of the industry.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.