Gezhouba Cement: Have a Good "First Lesson" to Start Construction, Return to the Position and Start a New Situation

2024-02-29 10:58:33

The headquarters of China Gezhouba Cement Company and its affiliated units closely focus on the spirit of the "two sessions" of the two levels of groups and companies, and make full use of various forms to teach the "first lesson" of start-up.



Spring Festival holiday, the headquarters of China Gezhouba Cement Company and its affiliated units

closely focus on the spirit

of the "two sessions" of the two groups and companies, and make full use of various forms.

Have a good "first lesson"

to mobilize all cadres and workers

with high spirits and pragmatic style. Powerful measures

are put into the work

of the whole year, striving to win the "good start"

of the company's headquarters

< IMG SRC = "Before the meeting of the

, Mr. Gui Tongsheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board, Yang Dan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager, visited the cadres and staff of all departments and business departments of the company, and encouraged them to boost their spirits and devote themselves to the work of the new year with a more vigorous spirit.

Zhongxiang Company

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On the first day after the holiday, In the finished product section of Line 1 # of Zhongxiang Company, Huang Lin, the team leader, gave a lesson to the staff on duty who were about to change the steel forging of the mill before taking up their posts, reminding the team members to work safely. < IMG SRC = "All participants in the

of Dangyang Company

responded quickly and orderly." The tacit cooperation of each unit has effectively enhanced the awareness of emergency response of the whole staff and the ability of coordination and linkage of each unit, and accumulated experience for the company to deal with mine emergencies.

Songzi Company

< IMG SRC = " Songzi Company held" the first pre-shift meeting in 2024, Annual Goal Oath Meeting and Signing Ceremony of Safety, Environmental Protection, Quality and Performance Responsibility Letter. The heads of departments and units of the

company led the team to pledge their business tasks in 2024. After the meeting, the company quickly organized the whole staff to study the spirit of the meeting, discuss the difficult problems of the work, formulate the annual work digital list, and fire the "first shot" for the high-quality completion of the 2024 annual target task.

Laohekou Company

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Jingmen Company


Yicheng Company

< IMG SRC = "The General Party Branch of Yicheng Company organized a collective (expanded) learning meeting to convey the spirit of the" two sessions "of the two-level group and the cement company and the spirit of the second Party Congress of the cement company. All Party members are required to give full play to their vanguard and exemplary role, to help "open the door red" with "Party building red", and to jointly create a new situation of high-quality development of enterprises.

In order to compact the main responsibility of safety production, Yicheng Company organized activities such as "the first course of safety training for resumption of work and production", "work conference on safety production for resumption of work and production" and "special inspection on safety production for resumption of work and production" after the Spring Festival. Avoid "holiday syndrome" such as physical and mental exhaustion, irritability, lack of concentration and emotional instability.

Jiayu Company

< IMG SRC = "At the meeting, The person in charge of the company arranged and deployed the key points and safety work of the overhaul after the festival, laying a solid foundation for a good start and a new chapter for the whole year's work, and ensuring the successful realization of the tasks and objectives in 2024.

Xingshan Company

< IMG SRC = ", each team of the company held a reception meeting for resumption of work and production." Popularize the "post-holiday syndrome" to the workers and guide them to adjust their status in order to cope with the follow-up production and maintenance tasks.

Shimen Company

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< IMG SRC =" The teaching of is based on a number of accident warning cases. Focusing on safety production, maintenance operation safety, fire safety and other matters needing attention, the safety risks of starting construction after the festival are accurately analyzed, and scientific countermeasures and work requirements are put forward. At the same time, workers are educated and guided to enter the working state quickly to effectively prevent all kinds of production safety accidents.

Sealy Company


Hanchuan Company

< IMG Https://

Qianjiang Company

< IMG SRC = "At the meeting, the person in charge of the company asked all employees to thoroughly implement the spirit of the" two sessions "of the two-level group and the cement company, and focus on the central work. Arrange and deploy all tasks throughout the year to make a good start for the work in 2024.

Logistics Distribution Center

< IMG SRC = "At the meeting, With the theme of "theoretical co-learning, organizational co-construction, humanistic co-construction and development conspiracy", the two sides earnestly studied the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's recent important speech, the spirit of the Second Party Congress of the Cement Company and the "two sessions", and jointly explored the revitalization of existing assets, the intensification of market development, the enhancement of operational efficiency and competitiveness. To make suggestions for deepening the reform, transformation and upgrading of logistics distribution centers.

Technical Consulting Company

< IMG SRC = "The meeting emphasized the need to proceed from quality and pay close attention to product quality.". First, we should strengthen relevant technical reserves, enhance technical service capabilities and ensure good quality. The second is to train a group of high-skilled talents in an "order-based" way, and promote the quality level through the training of talents in relevant positions. Third, actively follow up the application of new equipment and materials, assist subsidiaries to optimize product quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Jiexin Technology Company

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Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.