Yan Haochun: How to Build Green Competitiveness for Cement Enterprises in Carbon Market Expansion?

2024-10-17 11:20:09

Enterprises also need to understand the operation process of the carbon emission trading market, including the declaration, verification and reporting of carbon emission data, the allocation, trading and clearance of quotas, especially the accuracy of carbon emission data will directly affect the quota allocation and transaction costs of enterprises. Enterprises also need to pay attention to the dynamics and trends of the carbon emissions trading market, understand the market price fluctuations, trading activity and other information, in order to formulate reasonable trading strategies and risk management measures.

The cement industry will be included in the national carbon market, with 2024 being the first year of control, and the first performance will be completed by the end of 2025. Facing the coming carbon market, what preparations should cement enterprises make? Recently, China Cement Network has communicated with Yan Haochun, General Manager of the Chief Engineer Certification and Evaluation Center of China National Inspection and Testing Holding Group Co., Ltd.

Yan Haochun said that in the face of the upcoming carbon trading market, enterprises in the cement industry need to take a series of profound and comprehensive measures to actively respond.

First of all, in-depth understanding of the relevant policies, rules and operational procedures of the carbon emissions trading market is the foundation. Enterprises need to be familiar with and master relevant policies and regulations, such as the Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading and the Measures for the Management of Carbon Emission Trading (Trial), which provide the legal basis for carbon emission trading and clarify the key contents of trading rules, quota allocation methods, verification and regulatory requirements. Enterprises also need to understand the operation process of the carbon emission trading market, including the declaration, verification and reporting of carbon emission data, the allocation, trading and clearance of quotas, especially the accuracy of carbon emission data will directly affect the quota allocation and transaction costs of enterprises. Enterprises also need to pay attention to the dynamics and trends of the carbon emissions trading market, understand the market price fluctuations, trading activity and other information, in order to formulate reasonable trading strategies and risk management measures.

Secondly, it is essential to establish a sound monitoring, reporting and verification system for carbon emissions data. This system can ensure the accuracy, completeness and traceability of enterprise carbon emission data, and provide a reliable basis for the allocation and trading of carbon emission quotas. Enterprises need to invest resources to establish a professional carbon emission data monitoring team, adopt advanced monitoring technology and equipment, and accurately monitor carbon emissions. At the same time, enterprises should also establish a standardized carbon emission data reporting system, regularly submit carbon emission reports, and accept social supervision. In addition, in order to ensure the authenticity of carbon emission data, enterprises also need to accept the verification of third-party verification agencies. Establishing a sound carbon emission data monitoring, reporting and verification system will not only help enterprises improve their carbon emission management level and reduce their carbon emission intensity, but also enhance their competitiveness and credibility in the carbon emission trading market.

In addition, evaluating existing production processes and energy use and developing corresponding emission reduction plans are key. Cement enterprises should deeply analyze the carbon emission links in the existing production process, and identify the high energy consumption and high emission links. On the basis of evaluation, enterprises should formulate specific emission reduction targets and measures according to their own technological capabilities and market demand. For example, adopt advanced energy-saving technologies and equipment, optimize the production process, improve energy efficiency; explore the possibility of alternative raw materials and fuels, reduce carbon emission sources; strengthen energy management, establish a sound carbon emission data monitoring and reporting system. By formulating and implementing emission reduction plans, cement enterprises can not only reduce carbon emissions and enhance the image of environmental protection, but also enhance market competitiveness and achieve sustainable development.

Finally, the requirements of the carbon emissions trading market should be incorporated into the long-term strategic planning of enterprises, and close cooperation and exchanges should be maintained with industry associations. In a word, we should continue to pay attention to the latest national policies on the carbon market and adjust the coping strategies of enterprises in time to achieve the consistency of sustainable development and environmental protection objectives. Draw a new chapter on

energy conservation and carbon reduction, and speed up green development. China Cement Network will hold the " 2024 China Cement Double Carbon Conference and the 12th Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Exchange Conference " in Wuhu Conch International Hotel on October 24-25. The conference will focus on the core issues of low-carbon development and green upgrading in the cement industry, discuss the application of energy efficiency improvement and energy-saving and carbon reduction technologies, and how the cement industry can use the carbon trading mechanism to promote its low-carbon transformation. At the meeting, Yan Haochun will give a wonderful speech on carbon policy and countermeasures of cement enterprises. Sign up quickly!

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Data show that the national cement output from January to September 2023 is 1495.21 million tons, so the absolute value of cement output from January to September this year is 16851 million tons less than same period last year, a decrease of 11.27%.