Southwest Xingyi, Guizhou: Steady Progress, Grasp Achievements, Build an Iron Army and Create Benefits

2024-02-27 16:44:15

Southwest Xingyi, Guizhou will face difficulties and challenges directly, focus on practicing internal skills, go all out to create pioneers and achievements in a more full state of mind, make steady progress, grasp achievements, and build an iron army to create benefits.

Guizhou Xingyi Southwest Cement Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Guizhou Xingyi Southwest) was established in April 2006. In August 2008, a 3200t/d new dry process clinker cement production line was completed and put into operation, with a clinker production capacity of 900,000 tons and a cement production capacity of 1.2 million tons. The company is located in Yilong Development Zone, Qianxinan Prefecture, the border area of Guizhou, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces, with serious overcapacity, fierce market competition and severe and complex business environment.

Guizhou Xingyi Southwest Party Branch gives full play to the role of fighting fortress, and the management team has the same goal and sincere cooperation, leading the staff to overcome many difficulties and make every effort to fight for a chance of survival in the predicament. The Party branch has been awarded the title of "Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization" by the local Party Committee or Guizhou Cement for seven consecutive years, and the demonstration Party branch of "Standardization and Standardization" at the municipal level in 2022. The enterprise won the title of "Green Factory" of Guizhou Province in 2021, the title of the first batch of "Demonstration Enterprise of Rule of Law Culture Construction" of Guizhou Province in 2022, and the title of "Women's Pacesetter Post" of Guizhou Machinery, Metallurgy and Building Materials Trade Union in 2023. Enterprise Youth League Branch won the title of "Youth Civilization" of China Building Materials in 2022.

Build a strong fortress to overcome difficulties and create benefits

steadily and steadily. The Party branch of the enterprise gives full play to the role of the fighting fortress of the branch. Give full play to the leading core, political core and fighting fortress role of the Party organization, and constantly promote the integration of corporate governance and Party building management. Party members now account for 18% of the staff, deepen the establishment of the "123" branch work law party building brand, set up a team to tackle key problems, overcome a number of technical difficulties, and set a record for a number of key indicators in 2023. The proportion of "better than year-on-year" indicators is 75%, and the proportion of "better than budget" indicators is 50%. Under the guidance of Party building, enterprises strive for diversified business benefits. The completion rate of the 3-5 year accounts receivable collection plan exceeded 100%. Under the difficult market environment, the Company recovered the operating performance of its main business, and the net operating profit of the same caliber increased year on year. Focus on personnel training, further promote organizational standardization, implement organizational streamlining, department integration, personnel optimization, post merging, deepen the development of reserve personnel training, and build a younger team.

Focus on innovation, practice, self-breakthrough and

pioneer enterprises to innovate fuel substitution, and reduce the consumption of standard coal per ton of clinker to the lowest level in the history of enterprises. Efforts have been made to innovate, reform and reform, and many indicators have been the best in history. The power consumption and output per unit hour of raw mill are the best in history, the standard coal consumption per month is the best in history, the strength of clinker in 3 days is the best in history, and the power consumption per month of cement mill is the lowest in history. Innovative management ideas to extend the use time of kiln bricks. In the face of precise peak staggering and frequent kiln shutdown, the process control has been strengthened, the management level has been improved, and the protection of refractory materials has been done well every time the kiln is opened and shut down, so that no kiln brick has been replaced in 2023, breaking the convention of replacing kiln bricks once a year, and saving maintenance costs up to one million yuan. Innovation and fine debugging, reduce waste, realize frequent start-up and shutdown without increasing power consumption. Increase the fine management of the system, and cut off the power of the air conditioner and the electric light; calculate the time of the operator's startup and shutdown by minutes and seconds, and reduce the waste of startup.

In the next step, the southwest of Xingyi, Guizhou, will face up to difficulties and challenges, focus on practicing internal skills, go all out to create pioneers and achievements in a more full state of mind, make steady progress, grasp achievements, and build an iron army to create benefits.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.