Gezhouba, Huaxin and other cement enterprise mines to be included in the provincial green mine list

2024-06-17 09:42:56

74 mines will be included in the list of provincial green mines in Hubei Province.

The Department of Natural Resources

of Hubei Province issued the announcement on the proposed inclusion of 74 mines such as Houping Phosphate Mine of Hubei Xingshun Mining Co., Ltd. in the list of provincial green mines in Hubei Province.

According to the requirements of the Notice on Further Strengthening the Construction of Green Mines (Natural Resources Regulation No.2024) issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and other seven ministries and commissions, through self-evaluation by mining enterprises, examination and verification by county-level and municipal-level natural resources management departments, selection and evaluation by third-party organizations organized by provincial departments, and consultation with relevant departments, the Ministry of Natural Resources and other seven ministries and commissions issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Construction of Green Mines. 74 mines will be included in the list of provincial green mines in Hubei Province.

Among them, a number of cement enterprises and a number of cement limestone mines were selected.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.