Duyun Shangfeng Southwest Cement signed a contract of 300000 tons of cement production, marketing and ordering intention

2024-02-22 09:45:31

Duyun Shangfeng Southwest Cement Co., Ltd. has reached a total of 300000 tons of cement production and marketing orders with several enterprises on the spot.

On February 20, a symposium on production and marketing docking of service industrial enterprises in Duyun City, Guizhou Province was held in Duyun Shangfeng Southwest Cement Co., Ltd. Zhang Lifang, member of the Standing Committee of the State Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party and Labor Committee of Duyun Economic Development Zone, and city leaders Yang Jiajun and Wu Qinggui attended.

At the meeting, Yu Feng, general manager of Duyun Shangfeng Southwest Cement Co., Ltd., introduced the enterprise development plan for 2024, and the participants discussed and exchanged views on the development of their own enterprises and the demand for cement products. Subsequently, Municipal State-owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd., Duyun Highway Construction Co., Ltd., Qiannan Hongtai Building Materials Co., Ltd., Duyun Binjiang Commercial Mixing Co., Ltd. and Duyun Shangfeng Southwest Cement Co., Ltd. reached a total of 300000 tons of cement production and marketing orders.

It is understood that this symposium is one of the effective explorations for Duyun City to strengthen the accuracy of service enterprises, actively build a communication platform for enterprises, actively bridge enterprises, promote the internal circulation of the city's economy, effectively solve the problem of poor sales of enterprises, help enterprises reduce costs, and help enterprises develop with high quality.

Next, Duyun City will continue to improve its working mechanism, take the initiative to serve ahead, help solve the problems of enterprise development, boost the confidence of enterprise development, strive to provide high-quality, efficient and accurate services for enterprises, and strive to create a better business environment to promote the development and growth of local enterprises. Relevant departments

directly under the municipal government, relevant persons in charge of municipal state-owned enterprises and key enterprises participated.

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Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.