Shanshui Group Luxi Operating Area Holds 2024 Working Conference

2024-02-22 09:20:49

On February 20, the Luxi Operating Area of Shanshui Group held the 2024 Working Conference in Pingyin Company of Shanshui Group.

On February 20, the Luxi Operating Area of Shanshui Group held the 2024 Working Conference in Pingyin Company of Shanshui Group. Summarize the work of Luxi Operating Area in 2023, commend the advanced collectives and individuals in 2023, and arrange the deployment of key tasks in 2024. Zhao Dongwei, Vice President of Shanshui Group and General Manager of Luxi Operating Area, attended the meeting and delivered a work report entitled "Consolidating the competitive strength of survival, improving the ability of sustainable development and promoting the steady and far-reaching development of Luxi Operating Area on the road of high-quality development". Zhao Gang, Vice General Manager of Luxi Operating Area, presided over the meeting. In his work report,

Zhao Dongwei comprehensively reviewed and summarized the work of Luxi Operating Zone in 2023. He said that in 2023, facing severe challenges and tests such as insufficient market demand, intensified industry competition and declining enterprise efficiency, Luxi Operating Zone, under the strong leadership of the Group, adhered to the general work of "stability first, stability and progress". Focusing on "improving the quality and efficiency of development", taking "deepening standardized management, strengthening scientific operation and focusing on precise investment" as the main line, and focusing on "strengthening superior industries and eliminating inferior enterprises", we should pay close attention to "stabilizing prices, guaranteeing quantity, creating new heights", "reducing costs, increasing efficiency and standardizing", and unite up and down in the operation area. It has made steady progress in overcoming difficulties and accumulated energy in climbing slopes and crossing barriers, and has made new achievements and progress in all aspects of its work. At the same time, he pointed out the main problems and shortcomings in the work of Luxi Operating Area in 2023, and analyzed the business situation in 2024 from the macro level, industry and operating area.

Zhao Dongwei arranged and deployed the work of Luxi Operating Zone in 2024 from five aspects: first, strengthen the determination to complete the target task under the command of "increasing confidence"; second, focus on "strengthening the leader" to comprehensively improve the market control; third, take "consolidating the fundamentals" as the main line to comprehensively improve the hard power of enterprises; Fourth, we should take "risk prevention" as the starting point to comprehensively improve the soft power of enterprises; fifth, we should take "promoting integration" as the guidance to condense the leading force of Party building.

Zhao Dongwei signed the Responsibility Letter for Safety Production, Occupational Health and Ecological Environment Objectives with the representatives of enterprises in Luxi Operating Area. At the same time, he asked the responsible persons of enterprises to fulfill the responsibility of "the first responsible person", take overall responsibility for the safety production and ecological environment work of their units, and create a safe and harmonious working environment and development environment for employees and enterprises.

The meeting detailed and decomposed the main operating indicators of Luxi Operating Zone in 2024, and required companies to formulate work promotion plans according to their own reality, re-decompose the indicators, re-compact the tasks, implement specific and effective work measures and assessment mechanisms, and do a solid job to ensure the completion of the production and operation indicators in 2024. In conclusion,

Zhao Gang pointed out that all companies in Luxi Operating Area should fully implement the spirit of the annual working conference of the Group and the spirit of the annual working conference of Luxi Operating Area, unify their thinking, strengthen their confidence, take the initiative and do solid work to promote the high-quality development of the operating area. In view of the recent work, Zhao Gang emphasized that, first, we should fulfill our responsibilities, act quickly, formulate and implement specific measures to fully implement the spirit of the conference and decompose the tasks and objectives; second, we should do our best to start the market after the festival in line with the principle of "everything goes forward", so as to ensure a good start of the marketing work; Third, it is necessary to make overall arrangements for all production and operation work, earnestly implement the requirements of "the first lesson of commencement" for the resumption of work and production, make every effort to finish the maintenance work, and continue to do a good job in the storage and reserve of raw materials before the arrival of the peak production season; fourth, it is necessary for the production and marketing departments to cooperate closely and make every effort to prepare for the implementation of the new standards, so as to ensure the smooth docking of the market and the stability and controllability of quality and cost.

At the meeting, Fu yuanwei, the assistant to the general manager of Luxi Operation Zone, read out the Decision of Luxi Operation Zone on Commending the Excellent Enterprises and Advanced Individuals in 2023 to commend the advanced collectives and individuals in 2023; the leaders of Pingyin Company, Shanghe Company and Liaocheng Commercial Mixing Station and the representatives of the advanced individuals made typical speeches respectively.

The meeting was held in the form of "online + offline". Heads of departments and offices in Luxi Operating Area and general managers of subsidiaries, representatives of outstanding enterprises and advanced individuals, and middle-level and above managers of companies attended the meeting.

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Municipal ecological environment departments timely publicize and interpret the requirements of inefficient and ineffective pollution control facilities and monitoring and control systems for enterprises within their jurisdiction, and organize enterprises to complete self-examination by the end of October 2024. In view of the problems found in the self-examination, enterprises should formulate rectification measures and actively promote rectification.