Conch Cement: Work hard in the first quarter and get off to a good start

2024-02-21 09:15:16

People are diligent and live up to the good spring scenery. All units of Conch Cement have heard the order and implemented it quickly. Everywhere is a busy scene of striving to be the first and in full swing. The majority of cadres and employees have expressed that they will strengthen their confidence, seize the day and try their best to make a "good start" and run out of a "new scene".

Every day of

hard work is a new starting point. On February 18, the ninth day of the first lunar month, people started the new year's struggle by saying "good luck in starting work" to each other. At 10:30 a.m., Conch Cement held a post-holiday reception meeting at its headquarters in Wuhu to mobilize all cadres and staff to return to their positions, quickly adjust their mental state, and go all out to start the new year's work. Leaders of the company and heads of relevant departments and offices attended the meeting on the spot, and the principal heads of regional and subsidiary companies attended the meeting by video.

The meeting reported the company's recent production and operation situation, each unit reported the key work arrangements, and the company leaders made a concluding speech.

The meeting demanded that all units of Conch Cement should quickly return to their positions, return from the "festival state" to the working state, and do a good job in the work of resuming work after the festival, organizing production and marketing, and Party building, so as to achieve new results in promoting high-quality development with new meteorology.

We should earnestly implement the spirit of the annual meeting of the group and the joint-stock company, earnestly enhance the sense of pressure and urgency, closely grasp the target task of production and marketing efficiency in February, arrange work measures, increase market visits, keep a good rhythm of production and marketing, and the backbone of management should sink to the front line, seize every month and every day, work hard for the first quarter and win a good start. To lay a solid foundation for the completion of the annual target tasks.

We should always tighten the chord of safe production, enhance the sense of responsibility of "always at ease", strengthen the safety education of employees and the investigation and management of hidden dangers, resolutely overcome the fluke mentality, paralysis and lax mentality, and safeguard the overall situation of the company's safety and stability.

People are diligent and live up to the good spring scenery. All units of Conch Cement have heard the order and implemented it quickly. Everywhere is a busy scene of striving to be the first and in full swing. The majority of cadres and employees have expressed that they will strengthen their confidence, seize the day and try their best to make a "good start" and run out of a "new scene".

Visit customers to understand their demands

, overhaul equipment meticulously

, and ship the site in good order

All can be viewed after purchase

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.