Wei Rushan and His Delegation Investigate East China Material Chizhou Project

2024-02-20 16:12:27

Wei Rushan, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China National Building Material Group, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China National Building Material Co., Ltd., investigated the Chizhou Project of East China Materials and organized a symposium on project construction.

On February 19,

2024, Wei Rushan, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China National Building Material Group, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of China National Building Material Co., Ltd., investigated the Chizhou Project of East China Materials and organized a symposium on project construction. Liu Yan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China National Building Material Corporation and Chairman of New Tianshan Cement , Zhao Xinjun, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China National Building Material Corporation, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of New Tianshan Cement, and Yin Zhisong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sinoma International, accompanied the investigation.

Wei Rushan and his delegation went to Chizhou CNBM Mine Processing Zone, adit and wharf construction site to learn about the project construction on the spot, and listened to the reports of East China Materials, Sinoma International (Nanjing) and Chizhou CNBM Company on the EPC implementation of the project and the overall situation of the project construction. Wei Rushan extended New Year's greetings to the staff who participated in the construction of Chizhou Project, and fully affirmed the spirit and achievements of the East China Materials and Chizhou China Building Materials Team and leading cadres. He pointed out that the construction of Chizhou project is very difficult. The project team and the participating contractors should aim at the established trial production time node, reverse the schedule, overcome difficulties, and build Chizhou project into a first-class aggregate production project as soon as possible according to the planned schedule. Guo Zhengyong, Vice President

of Sinoma International, Secretary and Chairman of Sinoma Mine Party Committee, Liu Renyue, Vice President of Sinoma International and Chairman of Sinoma Zhike, Secretary, Chairman and President of East China Material Party Committee, Wang Shengwei, General Director of Chizhou Project, Zhu Lisheng, Marketing Director and General Manager of Marketing Department of New Tianshan Cement, and Sinoma International (Nanjing). Niu Yanlin, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Sinoma International (Nanjing), Diao Guangyu, Member of the Party Committee, Chief Engineer and Assistant President of East China Materials, and comrades in charge of Chizhou Project Site participated in the investigation and discussion.

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