High temperature roasting continues! Henan cement prices are facing downward pressure!

2024-06-13 15:02:53

High temperature weather exerts pressure on Henan cement market, so the trend of cement price is overshadowed, there is a risk of another decline, and the situation is not optimistic.

According to China Weather Network, today (13), high temperatures in the North China Plain and other places are still at their peak, and 40 degrees Celsius may occur in central and southern Hebei, northwestern Shandong and north-central Henan. The surface temperature in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei and Shandong may exceed 60 degrees Celsius in the afternoon , and even exceed 70 degrees Celsius locally.

In the south, from today to the 15th, a new round of rainfall will be launched, and heavy rains will continue in Guizhou, Jiangnan and South China, possibly accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and gales.

Whether it is high temperature roasting or rainstorm attack, it has a great impact on construction, which directly affects the demand for cement. This is undoubtedly a more severe test for the current cement industry.

Taking Henan as an example, senior people in the local industry said that the price of cement in Henan has been pushed up in many rounds since this year, but it is always difficult to maintain . Henan cement price is running at a low ebb, coupled with high hidden costs such as environmental protection management, resulting in serious losses of enterprises and great operating pressure.

China Cement Network data show that the current market demand in Henan is weak, and the shipment volume of enterprises is only 4-5%. Recently, the transaction price of enterprises continues to decline by 10-20 yuan/ton. On the 6th, the leading enterprises raised the cement price by 30 yuan/ton. At present, there is no implementation in place.

China Weather Network predicts that the high temperature will shift southward and weaken from 14 to 15, but the high temperature in Henan may continue. High temperature weather exerts pressure on Henan cement market, so the trend of cement price is overshadowed, there is a risk of further decline, and the situation is not optimistic.

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