Fully release the high-quality production capacity of cement industry from the exemption of off-peak production

2024-06-11 15:28:00

Support cement enterprises with energy efficiency reaching benchmark level and environmental performance reaching A-level to fully release production capacity.

The National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the General Administration of Market Supervision and the State Energy Administration recently issued the Special Action Plan for Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in the Cement Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Action Plan).

In the section of policy guarantee, the Action Plan proposes to strengthen incentives and constraints, improve the level of fine management in the cement industry, implement differentiated output control, and support cement enterprises whose energy efficiency reaches the benchmark level and environmental performance reaches A-level to fully release their production capacity.

So how to achieve "full release of production capacity"?

The author believes that, in view of the normalization requirement of peak staggering production, the full release of production capacity mentioned in the Action Plan should be understood "dialectically". To be

"full" is to be fully utilized, allowing the enterprise to operate at full capacity as far as possible throughout the year's production time. At the same time, considering the "seriousness" of peak staggering production, we need to give full play to high-quality production capacity and increase restrictions on inefficient production capacity.

On the one hand, cement enterprises with energy efficiency reaching benchmark level and environmental performance reaching A-level can be exempted from peak staggering production, fully release production capacity and reduce the overall energy consumption level of cement industry; On the other hand, the differentiated peak-staggering policy requires enterprises with low energy efficiency and high emissions to further increase the peak-staggering production time, so as to limit the inefficient production capacity and promote the upgrading of energy-saving and emission-reduction technology in the industry.

Therefore, in essence, there is no contradiction between "fully releasing production capacity" and peak staggering production.

However, in recent years, there are obviously some deviations in the formulation and implementation of the policy of peak staggering production in China. Many provinces require "staggered peak production" across the board, which seriously undermines the enthusiasm of technological upgrading in the industry, and directly leads to the high level of energy efficiency in the industry as a whole, which is not conducive to the low-carbon green development of the industry.

Even though some provinces have proposed differentiated peak staggering, the details are still missing. The exemption time for off-peak production of high-quality production capacity is either too short, only 10-20 days, or required to be completed within the non-off-peak production time, which is obviously not conducive to the realization of the "double carbon target" of the cement industry.

The author believes that it is of great significance to promote the green and low-carbon development of the cement industry that the Action Plan clearly proposes to "support cement enterprises whose energy efficiency has reached the benchmark level and whose environmental performance has reached A-level to fully release their production capacity". Under the

current industry situation, the cement industry should not only increase the intensity of peak staggering production, but also fully release high-quality production capacity, and the two are not contradictory.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.