Conch Group Holds 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the Fourth Workers' Congress

2024-01-31 10:30:23

On January 30, 2024, Conch Group held the 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the Fourth Workers'Congress at its headquarters.

Work hard and go far in practice. On January 30, 2024, Conch Group held the 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the Fourth Workers'Congress at its headquarters to implement Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, to study in depth the spirit of the Economic Work Conference of the Central and Provincial Committees, to summarize the work in 2023, to analyze the internal and external situation, and to deploy the work in 2024. Yang Jun, Party Secretary and Chairman of Conch Group, attended the meeting and made a speech. Qi Shengli, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Conch Group, presided over the meeting. Wang Jianchao, member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Conch Group, made a work report.

The conference opened with the solemn national anthem.

Wang Jianchao delivered a work report entitled "Building a New Development Pattern & Shaping New Competitive Advantages & Making New Breakthroughs and Achievements in Promoting the New" Double One "Goal" to the conference, which systematically summarized the main work of the group company in 2023 and fully deployed the key work in 2024.

The report points out that in 2023, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the Group will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and the major decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee. The quality of operation has steadily improved, innovation and empowerment have achieved remarkable results, transformation and development have been accelerated, reform and restructuring have continued to deepen, Party building has led to a new chapter, and "one base and five industries" have begun to take shape, which has demonstrated the resilience of operation in withstanding the downward pressure of the industry and played a comparative advantage in full competition.

The report makes a profound analysis of the situation and opportunities in 2024, clarifies the overall management ideas of the group company in 2024, and deploys five key tasks. First, it strengthens confidence and stabilizes expectations to escort the completion of the year-round goals and tasks. The second is to promote transformation and adjust the structure so as to promote the cohesion of "one base and five industries". Third, we should seek innovation and breakthroughs in order to build new quality productive forces. Fourth, we should promote reform and strengthen governance so as to maintain the momentum of development. Fifth, we should focus on Party building and cohesion to promote high-quality development.

According to the agenda of the meeting, Comrade Ding Feng, member of the Party Committee and chief economist of the Group, reported to the General Assembly on the implementation of the budget in 2023 and the budget arrangement in 2024.

The conference solemnly commended the advanced collectives and individuals of the group company in 2023, and 24 units such as Tongling Conch, Light Industry International Hefei Dazhong, Henan Songji New Materials and Ningbo Conch New Materials were awarded the title of "Advanced Unit of Comprehensive Management of Conch Group in 2023"; Lu Shumin, Han Wenhui, Duan Tianxiang, Le Jian and other 22 comrades won the title of "Excellent Manager of Conch Group in 2023"; Zhong Nannan, Zhan Rong, Zhang Rulin, Sun Weishi and other 108 comrades won the title of "Advanced Worker of Conch Group in 2023". After

completing the agenda, Comrade Yang Jun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group, delivered a speech. He fully affirmed the efforts made by the Group in stabilizing operation, promoting development and reducing risks in 2023. On behalf of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors of the Group, he expressed sincere respect and heartfelt thanks to the cadres and employees who fought on all fronts of the company!

He said that 2024 is the key year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and also an important year for the Group to accelerate the construction of a new high-quality development model of "one base and five industries" and to accelerate the establishment of world-class enterprises with global competitiveness. We should focus on the main business and key areas of transformation and development, improve the quality of operation, accelerate transformation and upgrading, adhere to the principle of "drawing a blueprint to the end", stick to the goal of "double one" and not relax, and strive to win the strategic initiative of high-quality development of conch.

He pointed out that we should innovate the sales mode, tap the market potential, improve the quality management system, unswervingly consolidate and expand the competitive advantage of the main cement industry, cultivate the international market of "one belt and one road", gradually expand the global competitiveness and influence, and expand the upstream and downstream industrial chain to enhance the competitiveness of the main industry market. We will accelerate the cultivation of new advantages in new industries, cultivate more "specialized, special and new" enterprises, and improve the development layout of new building materials and environmental protection materials industries.

He stressed that we should continue to expand R & D investment, further optimize the R & D structure of science and technology, and improve the ability of independent innovation. Focus on major scientific and technological projects to set up research teams, upgrade the main industry to "high-end, intelligent and green", develop strategic emerging industries, transform high-quality scientific and technological achievements into new productive forces, and use innovation to enable the development of new industries. We will deepen the reform of the system and mechanism, simultaneously build a management and control model that is compatible with the high-quality development of the "one base and five industries", continuously improve the compliance internal control system, investment decision-making mechanism and fund management system, and do a good job in daily operation and management in accordance with the law.

He demanded that we should study and implement Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, consolidate the achievements of thematic education, strengthen the Party building in enterprises, strengthen the functions of grass-roots Party organizations, improve the work style, highlight the effectiveness of Party building with the achievements of business development, guide the entrepreneurship of officers with the correct employment orientation, and promote the Party. Strictly implement the list of key tasks of strictly administering the Party in an all-round way and the responsibility system of strictly administering the Party in an all-round way, continuously promote the rectification of the inspection feedback problems of provincial Party committees, and cohere strong forces in such major tasks as accelerating innovation and development, improving the quality of operation and striving for first-class enterprises.

The conference closed with the sound of the Internationale.

Conch Group, Conch Cement , Anhui International Trade, Conch New Materials, Conch Kechuang, 264 representatives from the Group's departments and directly affiliated subsidiaries attended the meeting on the spot, and other units, including overseas projects, attended the meeting through video.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.