Seven departments jointly issued a document! Overall layout of future industries!

2024-01-29 21:18:22

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating its evolution, major frontier technologies and subversive technologies continue to emerge, and the integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development is deepening, which has led to the emergence of new industrial development directions such as the meta-universe, humanoid robots, brain-computer interfaces, quantum information and so on. Vigorously cultivating future industries has become a strategic choice to lead scientific and technological progress, promote industrial upgrading, open up new tracks and shape new quality productivity.

The Ministry of

Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the SASASAC of the State Council and the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently jointly issued the Opinions on the Implementation of Promoting Future Industrial Innovation and Development. It is proposed that by 2025, China's future industrial technological innovation, industrial cultivation, security management and other comprehensive development will reach the international advanced level in some areas, and the industrial scale will be steadily improved. We will build a number of future industrial incubators and pilot zones, break through 100 frontier key core technologies, form 100 landmark products, and initially form a future industrial development model in line with China's reality. By 2027, the comprehensive strength of the future industry will be significantly improved, and some areas will achieve global leadership. Major breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies, and a number of new technologies, new products, new formats and new models have been widely applied, forming a long-term mechanism for sustainable development and becoming an important source of future industries in the world. Implementation Opinions

on Promoting Industrial Innovation and Development in the Future Ministry of Industry and Information Technology [2024] No.

12 All provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities with separate plans, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Industry and Information Technology, Education, Science and Technology, Transportation, Culture and Tourism, Departments in charge of the supervision and administration of state-owned assets, subordinate units of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, communications administrations of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, relevant central enterprises and relevant units:

The future industry is driven by cutting-edge technology and is currently in the stage of germination or the early stage of industrialization. It is a forward-looking emerging industry with significant strategic, leading, subversive and uncertain characteristics. Vigorously developing future industries is a strategic choice to lead scientific and technological progress, promote industrial upgrading and cultivate new quality productivity. In order to implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the 2035 Long-Term Goals, seize the opportunity of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, accelerate the development of future industries around the battlefield of manufacturing owners, and support the promotion of new industrialization, the following suggestions are put forward.

1. Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the guiding ideology

comprehensively implements the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, completely, accurately and comprehensively implements the new development concept, speeds up the construction of a new development pattern, coordinates development and security, and takes the high-end upgrading of traditional industries and the industrialization of cutting-edge technologies as the main line. With innovation as the driving force, enterprises as the main body, scenarios as the traction, symbolic products as the grasp, following the laws of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development, we should strengthen forward-looking planning and policy guidance, actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and provide strong support for the construction of a powerful country.

2. The basic principles

are forward-looking deployment and echelon cultivation. In line with the trend of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we should systematically plan and advance the layout in the face of the country's major needs and strategic areas. Grasp the law of future industrial development, cultivate in stages and adjust dynamically.

Innovation-driven and application-driven. Lead the future industrial development with the breakthrough of frontier technology, and strengthen the original and subversive technological innovation. Take the scene as the traction, run through R & D and application, and speed up the industrialization process.

Ecological synergy and systematic promotion. It gathers resources such as government, industry, education and research, integrates capital, talent, technology, data and other elements, and creates an industrial ecology with deep integration of innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain and talent chain.

Open, cooperative, safe and orderly. Actively participate in the global future industrial division of labor and cooperation, and deeply integrate into the global innovation network. Technological innovation and ethical governance should be coordinated to create an inclusive, prudent, safe and sustainable development environment.


By 2025, the future industrial technological innovation, industrial cultivation and safety management will develop in an all-round way, some areas will reach the international advanced level, and the industrial scale will be steadily improved. Build a number of future industrial incubators and pilot zones, break through 100 frontier key core technologies, form 100 landmark products, create 100 leading enterprises, develop 100 typical application scenarios, formulate 100 key standards, cultivate 100 professional service institutions, and initially form a future industrial development model in line with China's reality.

By 2027, the comprehensive strength of the future industry will be significantly improved, and some areas will achieve global leadership. Major breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies, a number of new technologies, new products, new formats and new models have been widely applied, key industries have been developed on a large scale, a number of ecological-oriented leading enterprises have been nurtured, and a coordinated development pattern of future industries and superior industries, emerging industries and traditional industries has been constructed to form a sustainable development. It has become an important source of future industries in the world.

4. Key tasks

(1) Overall layout of future industries

1. Grasp the trend of global scientific and technological innovation and industrial development, and focus on promoting industrial development in six directions: future manufacturing, future information, future materials, future energy, future space and future health. Build a future industry observation station, using artificial intelligence, advanced computing and other technologies to accurately identify and cultivate high-potential future industries. Give full play to the advantages of the new national system, guide local governments to combine industrial base and resource endowment, rationally plan, accurately cultivate and dislocation the development of future industries. Give full play to the role of frontier technology incrementer, aim at high-end, intelligent and green directions, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and provide new impetus for the construction of a modern industrial system.

Box 1: Proactive deployment of new tracks

and future manufacturing. We will develop intelligent manufacturing, bio-manufacturing, nano-manufacturing, laser manufacturing and recycling manufacturing, break through key core technologies such as intelligent control, intelligent sensing and simulation, promote flexible manufacturing and shared manufacturing, and promote the development of industrial Internet and industrial meta-universe.

Future information. We will promote the industrial application of next-generation mobile communications, satellite Internet, quantum information and other technologies, accelerate breakthroughs in quantum, photonic and other computing technologies, accelerate the deep empowerment of brain-like intelligence, swarm intelligence and large models, and accelerate the cultivation of intelligent industries.

Future materials. We will promote the upgrading of advanced basic materials such as non-ferrous metals, chemicals and inorganic non-metals, develop key strategic materials such as high-performance carbon fibers and advanced semiconductors, and accelerate the innovative application of cutting-edge new materials such as superconducting materials.

Future Energy. Focus on key areas such as nuclear energy, nuclear fusion, hydrogen energy and biomass energy, and build a future energy equipment system with a full chain of "collection-storage-transportation-application". Research and development of new crystalline silicon solar cells, thin film solar cells and other high-efficiency solar cells and related electronic equipment, accelerate the development of new energy storage, and promote the integration and upgrading of the energy and electronics industry.

Future space. Focusing on the fields of space, deep sea and deep earth, we will develop high-end equipment such as manned spaceflight, lunar fire exploration, satellite navigation, airborne unmanned system, advanced and efficient aircraft, accelerate the development and innovative application of deep-sea submersibles, deep-sea operation equipment, deep-sea search and rescue detection equipment, and deep-sea intelligent unmanned platforms, so as to promote the development of manned spaceflight, lunar fire exploration, satellite navigation, airborne unmanned system and advanced and efficient aircraft. We will promote the development of equipment in the fields of deep resource exploration, urban underground space development and utilization, and polar exploration and operation.

Future Health. We will accelerate the industrialization of cutting-edge technologies such as cell and gene technology, synthetic biology and biological breeding, promote new medical services enabled by technologies such as 5G/6G, meta-universe and artificial intelligence, and develop high-end medical equipment and health supplies that integrate advanced technologies such as digital twins and brain-computer interaction.

(2) Accelerating technological innovation and industrialization

2. Implementing major national science and technology projects and key scientific and technological projects in the key direction of future industries, and accelerating breakthroughs in key core technologies. Give full play to the role of national laboratories, national key laboratories and other innovative carriers, and strengthen the supply of basic common technologies. Leading enterprises are encouraged to take the lead in forming innovative consortia, gather resources for production, education and research, and systematically promote technological research in key areas. Promote cross-domain technology integration and innovation, accelerate disruptive technological breakthroughs, and create a source of original technology. Hold the future industrial innovation and entrepreneurship competition to stimulate innovation momentum from all walks of life.

3. Publish the catalogue of frontier technology application and promotion, build an "online publishing hall" for future industrial achievements, build a product trading platform, hold an achievement docking exhibition, and promote the precise docking of supply and demand. Construct a new model of science and technology service and technology market, select professional institutions for evaluation and transfer of scientific and technological achievements, and develop application scenarios and business models. We will implement incentive policies for the first set of major technical equipment and the first batch of materials, and accelerate the application and promotion of new technologies and products.

(3) Create landmark products

4. Develop industrial terminal products adapted to the trend of general intelligence, support industrial production to improve quality and efficiency, and enable new industrialization. Develop a large number of consumer terminals with intelligent, convenient and immersive experience to meet the new needs of digital life, digital culture and public services. Intelligent medical and health terminals for the elderly will improve the quality of people's life and health. We will break through the super terminals with explosive potential, such as high-level intelligent network automobile and meta-universe entrance, and build new competitive advantages in the industry.

5. Develop the next generation operating system and build a safe and reliable digital base. Promote open source technology, build open source communities, and build an open source ecosystem. Explore the block chain as the core technology and data as the key element to build the next generation of Internet innovative applications and digital ecology. We will accelerate the development of software products for the new generation of mobile information networks and brain-like intelligence, encourage the demonstration and application of new products, and stimulate the potential of information services.

6.To meet the major strategic needs of the country and the needs of the people for a better life, we will accelerate the implementation of major technical equipment projects, break through high-end equipment products such as humanoid robots, quantum computers, ultra-high-speed trains, next-generation large aircraft, green intelligent ships and unmanned boats, and promote the industrialization of new technologies with the whole machine, so as to build a world-leading high-end equipment system. Deeply implement the industrial infrastructure reengineering project, complete the shortcomings of basic components, basic parts, basic materials, basic technology and basic software, and consolidate the foundation of future industrial development.

Column 2: Innovative Iconic Product

Humanoid Robot. It breaks through the core technologies of high torque density servo motor, high dynamic motion planning and control, bionic perception and cognition, intelligent dexterous hand and electronic skin, and focuses on promoting the development and application of products in the fields of intelligent manufacturing, family service and special environment operation.

Quantum computer. Strengthen the research and development of fault-tolerant general quantum computing technology, improve physical hardware indicators and algorithm error correction performance, promote the collaborative arrangement of quantum software and quantum cloud platform, give full play to the superiority of qua ntum computing, and explore the penetration of vertical industry applications.

New display. Accelerate the research of quantum dot display and holographic display, break through micro-led, laser, printing and other display technologies and achieve large-scale application, achieve barrier-free, fully flexible, 3D and other display effects, and accelerate the promotion in intelligent terminals, intelligent network vehicles, remote connection, cultural content presentation and other scenarios.

Brain-computer interface. We will break through key technologies and core devices such as brain-computer fusion, brain-like chips and brain computing neural models, develop a number of easy-to-use and safe brain-computer interface products, and encourage the exploration of applications in typical fields such as medical rehabilitation, unmanned driving and virtual reality.

6G network equipment. We will carry out research on advanced wireless communication, new network architecture, cross-domain integration, integration of space and earth, network and data security, develop conceptual prototypes of key wireless technologies, and form characteristic applications represented by holographic communication and digital twins.

Super large-scale new intelligent computing center. Accelerate the breakthrough of GPU chip, cluster low-latency interconnection network, heterogeneous resource management and other technologies, and build a super-large-scale intelligent computing center to meet the needs of large model iterative training and application reasoning.

The third generation of Internet. We will promote the pilot application of the third-generation Internet in data exchanges, explore the use of block chain technology to open up the data of various main platforms in key industries and fields, study the third-generation Internet digital identity authentication system, establish data governance and transaction circulation mechanisms, and form replicable and popularizable typical cases.

High-end cultural tourism equipment. Research and develop special and supporting software to support cultural and entertainment creation, promote the development of advanced equipment for performing arts and recreation, high-end equipment for water, land and air tourism, immersive experience facilities, intelligent tourism system and detection and monitoring platform, and develop intelligent, high-end and complete sets of cultural and tourism equipment.

Advanced and efficient aviation equipment. Focusing on the development of the next generation of large aircraft, we will break through the core technologies of new layout, intelligent driving, interconnected avionics, multi-electric system and open-rotor hybrid engine. Advanced concepts such as supersonic, ultra-efficient subsonic and new energy airliners are promoted. Focusing on the future demand for intelligent air traffic, we will accelerate the development and application of electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft and intelligent and efficient aviation logistics equipment.

Deep resource exploration and development equipment. Focusing on the needs of deep operation, a series of key technologies have been promoted with high-end resource exploration and development equipment such as ultra-deep intelligent drilling rig engineering prototype, deep-sea oil and gas underwater production system, deep-sea polymetallic nodule mining vehicle and so on.

(4) Expanding the main body

of industry 7. Guiding leading enterprises to plan new tracks and cultivate new main body of future industry through internal entrepreneurship and investment incubation. We will implement the action plan for central enterprises to set sail for future industries and accelerate the cultivation of new enterprises in future industries. We will build an incubation base for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises in future industries, and gradually cultivate specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech enterprises and "Little Giant" enterprises. We will support the rapid development of new R & D institutions and foster a diversified driving force for future industries.

8. Relying on leading enterprises to cultivate future industrial chain and build advanced technology system. Conditional areas should be encouraged to try first, and future industrial pilot zones should be established in combination with national independent innovation demonstration zones, national high-tech industrial development zones and new industrial demonstration bases, so as to promote the development of industrial agglomeration with characteristics. Innovating management mechanism, building digital supply chain industry chain, promoting the convergence of innovative resources, and accelerating the efficient circulation of production factors such as data and knowledge.

9. Strengthen industry-university-research collaboration, build a future industrial innovation consortium, and build an ecological system of integrated development of large and medium-sized enterprises and collaborative innovation of upstream and downstream industrial chains. We should strengthen the mutual recognition of standards and the exchange of elements under the unified national market, enhance the resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain, and build an industrial ecology of product matching and soft and hard coordination.

Enriching application scenarios

10. Focusing on key areas such as equipment, raw materials and consumer goods, we will build application test sites for design, production, testing, operation and maintenance, and promote the maturity of future industrial technology through large-scale iterative application of products. We will deepen the integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry, accelerate the reconstruction of industrial chain structure, process and mode, and develop new manufacturing applications in the future. Give full play to the advantages of rich scenarios of central enterprises and accelerate the construction of diversified future manufacturing scenarios. Accelerate the promotion of new scenarios such as industrial meta-universe and bio-manufacturing, and promote the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industry through scenario innovation.

11. Relying on major activities, we will achieve cross-domain and comprehensive pilot applications of cutting-edge technologies and products, and build demonstration benchmarks. Relying on major projects and project scenarios such as manned spaceflight, deep sea and deep earth, we will accelerate the exploration of innovative applications of achievements in the future direction of space and serve the national strategic needs. Relying on the construction of urban agglomeration and metropolitan area, we will create a green and intensive scene of integration of production and city. We will innovate future information service scenarios and accelerate the formation of a new paradigm of inclusive, equal, convenient and intelligent information services.

12. Regularly select and publish lists of typical application scenarios and recommended catalogues, and establish a library of excellent cases and solutions. We should guide local governments to develop characteristic benchmarking demonstration scenarios, organize high-level supply and demand docking activities relying on scenarios, and accelerate the promotion of new technologies and products. Enterprises are encouraged to carry out innovative R & D for application scenarios, and universities and research institutes are supported to build early test scenarios for original and subversive technologies, leading future technological breakthroughs.

(6) Optimizing the industrial support system

13. Combining with the future industrial development needs, we should coordinate the layout of the future industrial standardization development route and speed up the development of key standards. In view of the key standards, timely publicity and training should be carried out to guide enterprises to meet the standards and accelerate the application and promotion of future industrial standards. Promote the coordinated development of standards, patents and technologies, and guide enterprises to integrate independent intellectual property rights with technical standards. We will improve the construction and reserve mechanism of independent intellectual property rights in key areas, deepen cooperation between international and domestic intellectual property organizations, and build a high-quality patent selection, evaluation and promotion system for future industries.

Column 3: Strengthening standards to lead

the study of forward-looking layout standards. Focus on key areas such as meta-universe, brain-computer interface and quantum information, formulate standardization roadmap, develop basic general, key technologies, test methods, key products, typical applications and safety ethics standards, and timely promote the formulation of relevant standards.

Promote the pilot application of standards. Organize relevant industry associations, standardization professional institutions and technical organizations to carry out publicity and training of future industrial standards around the development needs of enterprises, and introduce advanced technologies, concepts and methods into R & D, production and management of enterprises in the form of standards.

Deepen international cooperation on standards. We will support domestic enterprises and institutions to participate in international standardization activities such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), organize upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain to jointly promote the development of international standards, and explore the establishment of international standardization alliances.

Build an intellectual property system. We will build a future industrial intellectual property operation service platform and carry out intellectual property risk monitoring and assessment. Establish intellectual property alliance, build industrial patent pool, carry out patent analysis of key industrial chains, and build a high-quality patent selection, evaluation and promotion system.

14. Build a batch of pilot test and application verification platforms according to industrial needs, enhance the supply capacity of precision measuring instruments, high-end test equipment, design simulation software, provide a trial environment for key technology verification, and accelerate the transformation of new technologies into real productive forces. A number of pilot public service institutions will be built to improve the level of pilot services such as engineering development, technology maturation, sample trial production, test and verification.

15. Vigorously cultivate leading entrepreneurs and scientists in future industries, and optimize the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship that encourages originality and tolerates failure. Stimulate the innovative vitality of scientific researchers, build a number of future technical colleges, and explore the training mode of compound innovative talents. Strengthen the joint training of schools and enterprises, expand the channels of overseas talent introduction, and increase the introduction of high-level talents in the frontier areas.

16. We will further promote the construction of 5G, computing infrastructure, industrial Internet, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles and gigabit optical network, and lay out forward-looking research on key technologies such as 6G, satellite Internet and mobile phone direct connection to satellites, so as to build a new digital infrastructure with high-speed ubiquitous, integrated interconnection, intelligent green, safe and efficient. We will guide major scientific and technological infrastructure to serve future industries, deepen the sharing of facilities, equipment and data, and accelerate the transformation and application of cutting-edge technologies. We will promote the integration of the new generation of information technology into traditional infrastructure such as transportation, energy and water conservancy, develop the digital economy of highways, and accelerate the digital transformation of infrastructure.

5. Safeguard measures

(1) Strengthen overall coordination.Under the leadership of the Central Science and Technology Commission and in accordance with the requirements of the National Leading Group for Building a Strong Manufacturing Country, a working pattern of inter-ministerial coordination and central-local cooperation has been formed. Guided by the implementation opinions, special policy documents are formulated around brain-computer interface, quantum information and other professional fields to form a complete future industrial policy system. Give full play to the role of social organizations such as trade associations, promote advanced typical cases, and create a good atmosphere for promoting future industrial development.

(Two) increase financial support. We will increase investment in the fund for the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the national fund for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, implement the special project of "financial integration of science and technology industries", and encourage more capital to invest in hard science and technology as early as possible. We will improve financial and taxation support policies, encourage policy banks and financial institutions to increase investment, guide local governments to set up special funds for future industries, explore the establishment of special funds for risk compensation, and optimize compensation measures such as risk reserve funds.

(3) Strengthen safety management. We should adhere to the concept of inclusive and prudent governance, explore a cross-sectoral joint governance model, and build a future industrial governance pattern with multi-participation and effective coordination. We should strengthen the study of ethical norms, scientifically delimit the "red line" and "bottom line", and build an integrated mechanism of identification-assessment-defense-governance. Enterprises should be guided to establish self-discipline mechanisms such as data management and product development, improve safety monitoring, early warning analysis and emergency response means, and guard against the application risks of cutting-edge technologies.

(4) Deepening international cooperation. Relying on the mechanism of "one belt and one road", domestic enterprises and research institutions are encouraged to go out and participate in the global industrial division of labor in depth. Multinational corporations and foreign scientific research institutions are encouraged to build cutting-edge technology research and development centers in China, and domestic and foreign enterprises are encouraged to jointly carry out technology research and development and industrial application. Hold the Global Future Industry Development Forum and other activities, and form the International Innovation Alliance for Future Industries. We will strengthen cooperation with relevant international organizations, actively participate in the formulation of international governance rules and international standards, and actively contribute to China's products, China's programs and China's wisdom. Ministry of

Industry and Information Technology

Ministry of Education

Ministry of Science and

Technology Ministry of Transport Ministry of

Culture and Tourism

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission

of the State Council Chinese Academy of Sciences 0 HTML 0 UNK1 0 January 18, 2024 0 HTML 0 UNK1 1 Document Interpretation 0 HTML 0 UNK1 2 I. Background of the Implementation Opinions? During his visit to Heilongjiang in September 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "we should actively cultivate future industries, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity and enhance new momentum for development". The Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that "scientific and technological innovation should be used to promote industrial innovation, especially subversive technology and cutting-edge technology to promote new industries, new models, new momentum and develop new quality productivity". The Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of the Long-Term Goals for 2035 clearly put forward the need to plan and lay out a number of future industries. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are accelerating, major frontier technologies and subversive technologies continue to emerge, and the integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial development is deepening, which has led to the development of new industries such as the meta-universe, humanoid robots, brain-computer interfaces, quantum information and so on. Vigorously cultivating future industries has become a strategic choice to lead scientific and technological progress, promote industrial upgrading, open up new tracks and shape new quality productivity. China has comprehensive advantages such as complete industrial system, huge industrial scale and rich application scenarios, which provide rich soil for future industrial development. Provinces (districts and municipalities) actively cultivate future industries, and Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places have issued policy documents to cultivate future industries. However, China's future industrial development is also facing problems such as inadequate system planning and weak technical base. 0 HTML0 UNK1 4 In order to seize the opportunity of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, strengthen the forward-looking planning and policy guidance for future industries, accelerate the development of future industries around the manufacturing owner battlefield, support the promotion of new industrialization, and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other seven departments jointly issued the Opinions on Implementation. 0 HTML0 UNK1 5 How are the primary objectives of the Implementation Plan considered? 0 HTML 0 UNK1 6 By 2025, the future industrial technology innovation, industrial cultivation, security management and other comprehensive development, some areas have reached the international advanced level, and the industrial scale has steadily increased. Build a number of future industrial incubators and pilot zones, break through 100 frontier key core technologies, form 100 landmark products, create 100 leading enterprises, develop 100 typical application scenarios, formulate 100 key standards, cultivate 100 professional service institutions, and initially form a future industrial development model in line with China's reality. 0 HTML 0 UNK1 7 to 2027, the comprehensive strength of the future industry will be significantly improved, and some areas will achieve global leadership. Major breakthroughs have been made in key core technologies, a number of new technologies, new products, new formats and new models have been widely applied, key industries have been developed on a large scale, a number of ecological-oriented leading enterprises have been nurtured, and a coordinated development pattern of future industries and superior industries, emerging industries and traditional industries has been constructed to form a sustainable development. It has become an important source of future industries in the world. 0 HTML 0 UNK1 8 How does the Implementation Opinion deploy cutting-edge technologies to promote future industries? HTML 0 UNK1 9 is to focus on innovation. Facing the six key directions of future manufacturing, future information, future materials, future energy, future space and future health, we will implement major national science and technology projects and tackle key scientific and technological problems, give full play to the role of national laboratories, national key laboratories and other innovative carriers, encourage leading enterprises to take the lead in establishing innovative consortia, and systematically promote key core technologies. The second is fine identification. Build a future industrial outlook station, track the development trend of science and technology in key areas, focus on frontier hot spots, and use artificial intelligence, advanced computing and other technologies to accurately identify technological innovations with high-level technological breakthroughs and high-potential industrialization prospects. Third, promote transformation. Publish the catalogue of frontier technology promotion regularly, build the "online publishing hall" of future industrial achievements at a high level, build a product trading platform, hold the results docking exhibition, and provide precise docking. We will build high-level technology markets and incubators for science and technology enterprises, efficiently integrate innovative resources, and promote the transformation of advanced scientific and technological achievements. 0 HTML 0 UNK2 0 How to build the future industrial system and development ecology? 0 HTML 0 UNK2 1 One is to strengthen technology supply. Give full play to the role of national strategic scientific and technological forces and leading enterprises, accelerate breakthroughs in cutting-edge technology and subversive technology, and create a source of original technology. The second is to create iconic products. Break through the next generation of intelligent terminals, develop industrial terminals adapted to the trend of general intelligence, consumer terminals oriented to the new needs of digital life, intelligent medical and health terminals suitable for the elderly, and super terminals with explosive potential. Make excellent information service products, develop the next generation operating system, and promote open source technology. Strengthen future high-end equipment, break through humanoid robots, quantum computers and other products. Third, strengthen the main body of industry. Leading enterprises should be guided to plan new tracks and implement the action plan for the future industrial launch of central enterprises. We will build an incubation base for innovative small and medium-sized enterprises in future industries, and gradually cultivate specialized, special and new small and medium-sized enterprises, high-tech enterprises and "Little Giant" enterprises. Relying on leading enterprises to cultivate future industrial chain and build advanced technology system. Create a future industrial pilot zone to promote the development of industrial agglomeration with characteristics. Strengthen the cooperation between industry, University and research, promote the development of large and medium-sized enterprises, and the ecological system of collaborative innovation between upstream and downstream industrial chains. Fourth, enrich the application scenarios. Focusing on key areas such as equipment, raw materials and consumer goods, we will build an application test site for design, production, testing, operation and maintenance. Accelerate the promotion of new scenarios such as industrial meta-universe and bio-manufacturing. Relying on major projects and project scenarios such as manned spaceflight, deep sea and deep earth, we will accelerate the exploration of innovative applications of achievements in the future direction of space. It regularly selects and publishes lists of typical application scenarios and recommended catalogues, and builds landmark scenarios through benchmarking demonstration and supply-demand docking. Fifth, optimize the industrial support system. We will implement the pilot project of new industrial standardization, coordinate the layout of future industrial standardization development routes, and accelerate the development of key standards. Build pilot capacity synchronously, provide trial environment for key technology verification, and accelerate the transformation of new technology into real productivity. We will vigorously cultivate leading entrepreneurs and scientists in future industries, and optimize the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship that encourages originality and tolerates failure. We will further promote the construction of 5G, computing infrastructure, industrial Internet, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles and Gigabit Optical Network, and build a new digital infrastructure with high-speed, ubiquitous, integrated, intelligent, green, safe and efficient. 0 HTML 0 UNK2 2 In order to promote the implementation of key tasks, what safeguards are proposed in the Implementation Opinions? First, we should strengthen overall coordination. Strengthen inter-ministerial collaboration and central-local collaboration, take the implementation opinions as the guide, formulate special policy documents around brain-computer interface, quantum information and other professional fields, and form a complete future industrial policy system. Second, increase financial support. We will encourage capital to invest in hard science and technology as early as possible, improve financial and taxation support policies, encourage policy banks and financial institutions to increase investment, and guide local governments to set up special funds for future industries. Third, strengthen safety management. We should adhere to the concept of inclusive and prudent governance, strengthen the study of ethical norms, scientifically delimit the "red line" and "bottom line", and build an integrated mechanism of identification-assessment-defense-governance. Fourth, deepen international cooperation. We will encourage domestic enterprises and research institutions to go global, encourage multinational corporations and foreign research institutions to build cutting-edge technology research and development centers in China, strengthen cooperation with relevant international organizations, and actively contribute to China's products, China's programs and China's wisdom.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.