Deepening Management, Reducing Cost and Increasing Efficiency Fujian Jinniu Group Holds 2024 Annual Business Conference

2024-01-29 09:35:06

On the afternoon of January 27, Fujian Jinniu Cement (Group) Co., Ltd. held a grand 2024 annual business conference.

  At the beginning of the new year, everything is renewed. On the afternoon of January 27, Fujian Jinniu Cement (Group) Co., Ltd. held a grand 2024 annual business conference. The meeting was presided over by Vice General Manager Wu Lihua. Vice General Manager Lu Jiping read out the Decision on Promotion, Demotion and Post Adjustment of Some Cadres, and Vice General Manager Yu Jianping read out the Decision on Recognition of Advanced Collectives and Individuals in 2023. Zhang Wen, chairman and general manager, presented awards to the awarded collectives and individuals. Zhang Wen, Chairman and General Manager of the Main Venue

of the

2024 Annual Business Conference, made the annual business report

. Vice General Managers Lu Jiping, Yu Jianping and Wu Lihua were seated

on the rostrum. Chairman and General Manager Zhang Wen presented awards

to the award-winning advanced collectives and individuals. The 2023 Advanced Collective and Individual Honor List

Conference summarized and reviewed the achievements of 2023 in the form of video.

Leader's Speech

Chairman and General Manager Zhang Wen made a report on 2024's business work.

This paper briefly analyzes the current situation of macro-economy and cement industry, and focuses on the advantages of Jinniu Cement in view of the development trend and characteristics of the industry. He said that the Central Economic Work Conference held at the end of last year proposed that in 2024, we should adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, establishing first and then breaking through, and adopt more policies conducive to stabilizing expectations, stabilizing growth and stabilizing employment, so as to make positive progress in changing the mode, adjusting the structure, improving quality and increasing efficiency, and constantly consolidate the foundation of stability and improvement. However, from a macro point of view, the original accumulation of factors affecting economic development still exists. At present, the cement industry will develop towards the trend of greening, intellectualization and high-end. With the further development of the industry, the cement industry will be further divided, and some of the poor ones will be phased out due to equipment, equipment, resources, management and national policy factors. Taurus has more obvious advantages: regional market demand advantage, industrial distribution advantage, enterprise cost advantage, brand advantage, green manufacturing advantage and scale and industrial chain advantage. Because of this, we are still full of confidence in the cement industry and believe that there will be new development opportunities relying on the main industry.

Zhang Wen said that 2024 is the key year for the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan and the development of Jinniu Cement. In the new year, we will continue to adhere to the mission of "continuing to run the enterprise well and striving to be evergreen", and clarify the working ideas for the new year: take high-quality development, enhance the value of Taurus enterprises, reduce costs and enhance competitiveness as the main line, promote in-depth optimization of management, consolidate the foundation, make up for shortcomings, and develop the enterprise steadily. We should continue to deepen cost reduction and efficiency enhancement, achieve cost leadership, further optimize production technology and economic indicators, and maintain the leading level in the industry. To enhance the brand value of Taurus enterprises. We should not only strengthen asset management, improve economic efficiency and competitiveness, but also enhance the soft power of marketing channels, goodwill, brand, industry status and many other factors, as well as the sustainability of long-term development of enterprises. We should steadily develop enterprises, promote sustainable development, speed up the construction of mixing stations, photovoltaic, aluminum ash and other projects, and steadily promote the Ninghua project and the headquarters building project. We should closely follow the development trend of "green, intelligent and high-end" cement industry, accurately implement technical renovation projects such as ultra-low emission (SCR), graded combustion transformation + precise denitrification, technical renovation, automatic bag insertion and automatic loading, carefully demonstrate the technical renovation of large-scale roller press invested 50 million yuan by Fuzhou Taurus, and continue to promote green. To speed up the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, we should closely follow the new development and new technologies of the industry. Such as artificial intelligence, AI and other cutting-edge technologies, as well as the application of new energy-saving and consumption-reducing technologies.

He said that a series of safeguard measures are needed to achieve the above goals and tasks:

-- Strengthen marketing work and enhance profitability. Do a good job of strategic and tactical analysis under the new market environment, formulate marketing strategies and price strategies, improve the market share of products; take the construction of sales team as the starting point, through training, assessment, post training and other forms, the survival of the fittest, and strive to build an excellent marketing elite team. It is necessary to optimize sales channels, improve the operational capacity of the dealer team, integrate logistics and concrete and other resources, and enhance the market competitiveness of products. -- Promoting operation and management

in depth and consolidating the management foundation. We should continue to deepen the new employment plan, adopt a humanized approach, and reduce the number of employees in a stable and orderly manner according to the actual situation of production and operation; at the same time, through the application of automation and intelligent technology, we can replace the work of employees, reduce the use of employees, improve the working environment and reduce working hours. In 2024, a series of post workshops and mergers will be tried out, and the operation mechanism of the class will be improved.

-Strengthening system construction, focusing on supervision and consolidating management. We should improve the system construction and the functions of departments, continue to improve the supervision of production, safety, finance and administration at the head office level, and promote the normalization of supervision at all levels. We should further deepen the assessment, strengthen the depth and breadth of the assessment, and pay attention to the seriousness and rationality of the assessment. The accountability mechanism should be well implemented. Responsible persons should be held accountable for their mistakes and punished, and those who violate the law and discipline should be severely punished.

Adhere to the people-oriented principle and strengthen team building. We should create a learning organization, pay attention to the improvement of the quality of cadres and staff, carry out various forms of normal training activities, attach importance to the combination of theoretical learning and practical training, and effectively enhance labor skills. Attach importance to echelon construction, give full play to the role of "transmission and guidance", advocate the spirit of craftsmen, continuously improve the working environment, improve the welfare of employees, and enhance cohesion. Pay attention to recruitment, actively carry out various forms of League building activities such as Party building, trade unions and associations, and continue to improve working and living conditions to reflect the company's humanistic care.

Do a good job in the inheritance of corporate culture. It is necessary to advocate the spirit of pragmatism, "results-oriented" in everything, adhere to the principle of seeking truth and pragmatism, and advocate practical work and responsibility; it is necessary to be upright and principled, the first level should be seen by the first level, and the first level should lead the first level; it is necessary to believe in the strength of the team, mobilize the enthusiasm of all employees, and vigorously carry out the activities of "golden ideas" and "silver ideas"; We should show our vitality, work hard and conscientiously, and go all out to do what we say.

Standardize enterprise operation and strengthen enterprise publicity. We should strictly enforce the laws and regulations of the state, pay special attention to the compliance of environmental protection, mining, safety production, human resources management, business cooperation, finance and taxation, and operate legally and pay taxes according to regulations; We should further strengthen external publicity, continue to run Taurus newspaper, tell Taurus stories, highlight Taurus spirit, promote Taurus culture, transmit positive energy to society, and fully display the good corporate image of Taurus Cement.

Zhang Wen finally said, "Taurus knows that time is precious, so it doesn't have to raise its whip.". The new year has arrived, let us continue to carry forward the enterprise spirit of "dedication, pursuit of excellence", adhering to the Taurus style of "go all out to do, do the best to do", work with one heart and one mind, work pragmatically, clarify working ideas, implement working measures, and strive for the full completion of the new year's work objectives and the realization of high-quality development of enterprises! The main venue of

this year's annual business conference is located in Jinniu, Fujian Province. 136 leaders of the group company, heads of competent departments, award-winning advanced collectives and individuals attended the meeting in the main venue, and 201 heads of subsidiaries and management backbones above the chief monitor attended the meeting in each sub-venue.

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