North Cement Sales Company Holds 2024 Annual Working Meeting

2024-01-29 09:21:21

On January 27, the North Cement Sales Company held the 2024 annual working meeting in Changchun.

On January 27, the North Cement Sales Company held the 2024 annual working meeting in Changchun. Wang Lei, Party Secretary and President of Northern Cement, attended the meeting and made a speech. Xin Jiangui, member of the Party Committee of Northern Cement and Vice President in charge of marketing, attended the meeting and put forward work requirements. Sun Tingting, deputy general manager of North Cement Sales Company (presiding over the work), made a work report entitled "Opening a new situation and seeking a new chapter to help North Cement achieve the goal of turning around losses and extricating itself from difficulties". The meeting was chaired by Gao Xingwen, deputy general manager of the company. In

2023, under the strong leadership of New Tianshan Cement and Northern Cement, with the care and support of the functional departments and the strong support of the production enterprises, all the marketing personnel of the Northern Cement Sales Company made bold attempts with indomitable spirit, practical style and the courage of the Vietnam War. With constant changes, many new breakthroughs have been made in internal management and external market, and various marketing work has been steadily promoted.

Sun Tingting made a report

in which Sun Tingting systematically analyzed the current market situation, made a comprehensive review of the marketing work in 2023, and planned the work in 2024 from five major aspects, totaling 25 specific tasks. She pointed out that the sales company should fully implement the spirit and work deployment of the 2024 working conference of the Group Company, New Tianshan Cement and Northern Cement, focus on the market, strengthen the management of marketing business, seek truth and pragmatism, work hard, and strive to create a new situation in the marketing of Northern Cement. At

the commendation

meeting, Gao Xingwen read out the commendation documents and held a commendation ceremony for advanced individuals.

Sign the responsibility

certificate. The general manager of each marketing center signs the responsibility certificate and makes a statement.

Xin Jiangui

pointed out in his speech that in the past year, the sales company has made great efforts to build a sales team capable of going up and down, and has basically formed a unique team culture belonging to the sales company, and the level of marketing management and business has been greatly improved; Xin Jiangui made a brief evaluation of the main operating indicators of the sales company, and pointed out that the sales company needs to improve and improve the direction of marketing strategic positioning, system construction, market research, labor productivity and other aspects, requiring all sales company personnel to reflect on setbacks and lessons, but also to explore innovative mechanisms, and strive to solve market and management problems as soon as possible; For the work in 2024, he emphasized that the sales company should keep a close eye on the target, consolidate the responsibility, and meet the new challenges of the market wholeheartedly with a strong will and pragmatic attitude. The marketing personnel should always keep the indicators in their arms, in their hearts and in their minds, and pay close attention to the performance to ensure the completion of the annual marketing indicators issued by Northern Cement. Speech

by Wang Lei On behalf of the Party Committee and the management team of Northern Cement, Wang Lei expressed his cordial condolences to the cadres and staff of the sales company who had worked hard in various positions in the past year, and fully affirmed the work of the sales company in 2023. He pointed out that the sales company had achieved fruitful results in five tasks. First, the marketing system has been reformed rapidly and effectively, achieving a smooth transition between the old and new systems; second, the mental outlook of the marketing team has changed greatly, not discouraged in the face of difficulties, not flinched in the face of challenges, and the market competitiveness has been constantly demonstrated; third, the marketing network has been continuously optimized, and the market has been deeply cultivated by all means, with remarkable results in increasing market share; Fourth, keep pace with the times, break through the bottleneck of the development of traditional building materials industry, vigorously promote the launch of Jucaitong platform, accumulate valuable experience in the development of e-commerce business, and achieve remarkable results. Fifth, brand integration has been promoted in an orderly manner, and the popularity, reputation and influence of "Northern Cement" enterprises and "Huding" brands have been continuously improved in Northeast China; Sixthly, the reduction of the two funds has achieved remarkable results, effectively reducing the stock of historical accounts receivable. Wang Lei also deeply analyzed the main problems of the sales company in the past year from the perspective of strategic positioning and management strategy of northern cement, and asked all marketing personnel to face up to the difficulties, recognize the situation and strengthen confidence. He emphasized four requirements for the marketing work in 2024, one is to give full play to subjective initiative and actively carry out the industry. Promote and implement the national policy of normalized peak-staggered production to alleviate the pressure of contradiction between supply and demand; secondly, take the profit index as the core, adhere to the business philosophy of "price, cost and profit", strengthen market self-discipline, and maintain the healthy and stable development of the regional market; thirdly, continue to strengthen the construction of the marketing team, and strive to create a loyal, disciplined and responsible high-quality marketing team; The fourth is to strengthen the market research work, improve the market control ability, require the sales company to pay attention to the policy, market and other aspects of information in a timely manner, especially pay attention to the micro-market research and analysis, implement policies according to the time, implement policies according to the region, maintain the forward-looking information, and ensure the timeliness of decision-making. At the same time, Wang Lei made clear requirements on the work of Jucaitong and foreign trade business development. More than 180 people attended the meeting, including Li Zhi, member of the Party Committee, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel of

Northern Cement, Wei Xuewen, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Chang Yingkao, member of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union, heads of functional departments and offices of Northern Cement Headquarters, representatives of general managers of member enterprises, members of the leading group of sales companies, middle-level cadres and staff representatives.

All can be viewed after purchase

Recently, the local weather conditions in China are not good, the recovery of market demand is insufficient, the price of concrete is mainly stable, and the local pressure is falling. From September 12 to September 18, the national concrete price index closed at 112.93 points, down 0.21% annually and 10.83% year-on-year.