Chairman of Kyrgyzstan-Cement Group and His Delegation Visit Sinoma International

2024-01-28 16:26:06

He hoped that the two sides would further expand cooperation in the future and make greater contributions to Kyrgyzstan's economic and social development based on the advantages of China Building Materials Group, the world's largest comprehensive building materials industry group.

On January 24,

2024, Liu Yan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China National Building Material Corporation and Chairman of New Tianshan, met with Arabayev Azamat, Chairman of Kyrgyzstan-Cement Group, and his delegation at the headquarters of Sinoma International. Chen Zengfu, Vice President of Sinoma International, Secretary of the Party Committee of Equipment Group, Chairman, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin Cement Institute and Executive Director, and Yerakhanov John, President of Cement Group, attended the meeting.

Liu Yan extended a warm welcome to Mr. Arabayev Azamat and his delegation. He said that-Cement Group is an important strategic customer of the company in Central Asia. The two sides have a long history of cooperation and have established profound friendship and mutual trust. He hoped that the two sides would further expand cooperation in the future and make greater contributions to Kyrgyzstan's economic and social development based on the advantages of China Building Materials Group, the world's largest comprehensive building materials industry group.

Mr. Arabayev Azamat thanked Liu Yan for her warm reception. He expressed his admiration for the achievements made by China Building Material Group in its business development, thanked for its good cooperation with Sinoma International over the years, and especially highly affirmed the equipment group's ability to implement high-quality projects. He hoped that the two sides would continue to strengthen cooperation in the future, deepen cooperation in more areas of building materials, and work together to achieve more brilliant results. Liu Jun, Assistant President

of Sinoma International, Sun Jian, Vice General Manager of Equipment Group, Zhang Xiaoli, General Manager of Business Development and International Cooperation Department, and Fan Bo, General Manager of Sinoma Mechanical and Electrical Spare Parts Co., Ltd. attended the meeting.

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