Zhongnan Cement 2024 Working Conference Held in Changsha

2024-01-23 14:40:28

On the morning of January 17, the Central South Cement 2024 Working Conference was held in Changsha.

On the morning of January

17, the Central South Cement 2024 Working Conference was held in Changsha. Li Xinhua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of China Building Materials Group, attended the meeting and made a speech. Zhao Xinjun, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of China National Building Material Co., Ltd., Secretary and President of the Party Committee of New Tianshan Cement , attended the meeting and put forward work requirements. Lv Wenbin, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and President of Zhongnan Cement, made a 2023 annual work report entitled "Firm confidence, overcome difficulties with tenacity, and strive to create a new situation of high-quality development of the company". The meeting was presided over by Li Shengtai, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union of Zhongnan Cement.

2023 is an extremely difficult year for Zhongnan Cement. Faced with the objective situation of insufficient effective demand, excess capacity of the industry, and the rising complexity, severity and uncertainty of the external environment, all the cadres and staff of Zhongnan Cement, under the strong leadership of China Building Materials Group and Xintianshan Cement, adhere to the same direction of Party building and management, continue to deepen management integration, pay close attention to reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and take the lead. New progress and achievements have been made in production and operation, reform and development, Party building and discipline inspection by tapping the potential of commercial aggregates and accelerating the transformation of "three modernizations".

Li Xinhua's speech

Li Xinhua fully affirmed the work of Zhongnan Cement in 2023, which is mainly manifested in three aspects: first, the introduction of the "six identities" management mode in small areas, highlighting the role of regional superior capacity enterprises and market competitiveness; second, the effect of cost reduction is obvious; Third, new progress has been made in the optimization of key technical indicators, with individual enterprises ranking in the forefront of the industry in terms of clinker standard coal consumption and other indicators. He analyzed the problems existing in the development of Zhongnan Cement, pointed out that "sailing against the current, not to advance is to fall behind", and further efforts should be made to make up for the shortcomings of supporting resources, strengthen management efficiency, and activate the endogenous power of development, so as to effectively improve the quality of enterprise management and development. Regarding the work in 2024, Li Xinhua emphasized that we should take the initiative to deal with the uncertainty of the business environment with the certainty of our own work. First, we should strengthen management and control, practice internal skills and face the development trend of the cement industry correctly. We should not only firmly establish the idea of "a chess game" and coordinate closely, but also try to enhance the combat effectiveness of each "combat unit" so as to achieve clear tasks and responsibilities. Put an end to the sales volume without benefit contribution, and resolutely win the market battle. Secondly, we should strictly manage and reduce costs. We should calculate big accounts and detailed accounts, make up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, compare with advanced enterprises in the industry, continuously reduce costs and control costs in production technology, procurement and logistics, refine every cost control point, tap every benefit growth point, and strive to achieve the ultimate goal of reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Thirdly, we should improve the "horse racing" mechanism, encourage cadres to take responsibility, take business performance as the guide, implement the last elimination, strive to enhance the overall combat effectiveness of cadres, and strive to accomplish the objectives and tasks of business development throughout the year.

Zhao Xinjun put forward the work requirements

. Zhao Xinjun affirmed the achievements of Zhongnan Cement in 2023: First, deepen the three fine management, reduce costs and increase efficiency. Second, it is difficult to make progress, and the market competition and cooperation ecology has improved. The three is to deepen investment control and make some progress in the transformation of "three modernizations". In view of the gaps and shortcomings in the work of Zhongnan Cement in 2023, he pointed out that efforts should be made to further reduce costs, make up for the shortcomings of limestone resources as soon as possible, accelerate the transformation and development, and effectively enhance the profi tability of enterprises. Regarding the work in 2024, he asked Zhongnan Cement to fully implement the spirit of the 2024 Working Conference of China Building Materials Group and New Tianshan Cement, adhere to the working principle of "striving for progress in stability, improving quality in progress and increasing efficiency in progress", keep a close eye on the objectives of "one benefit, five rates", "four stability, three reductions, two reductions and one supplement", and follow the principle of "all costs can be reduced and all costs can be reduced". To fully complete the annual objectives and tasks, we will focus on the following tasks: first, we will strengthen our confidence, goals and determination, and go all out to turn around losses and overcome difficulties; second, we will train our internal skills, reduce costs, control costs and improve quality; third, we will do a good job in the ecological construction of the industry, go all out to accurately stagger the peak, stabilize the market and restore prices; fourth, we will do a good job in the integration of industry and finance, and ensure the safety of cash flow and funds; Fifth, we should make up for the shortcomings of development and improve the efficiency of investment. Sixth, we should continue to deepen the discipline inspection of Party building.

Lv Wenbin made a work report

in which Lv Wenbin comprehensively reviewed and summarized the work and achievements of Zhongnan Cement in 2023. He pointed out that 2024 is the key year to achieve the "14th Five-Year Plan" goal, and also the key year for Zhongnan Cement to break through the tight encirclement and catch up with it. It is necessary to anchor the goal, persevere and make every effort to create a new situation for the high-quality development of Zhongnan Cement, so as to promote the construction of Xintianshan Cement into a world-class cement company with Chinese characteristics. To contribute to building CNBM Group into a world-class material industry investment group with global competitiveness, we will focus on six aspects: first, strengthen top-level design, actively coordinate the four parties, and alleviate the imbalance between supply and demand; second, strengthen marketing planning, scientifically plan the layout, and strive to stabilize the quantity, price and efficiency; The third is to strengthen cost control, reduce cost and expenditure in an all-round way, and improve long-term adaptability; the fourth is to strengthen the integration of advance and retreat, promote structural optimization, and enhance the sustainable development potential; the fifth is to strengthen compliance management, coordinate safety development, and prevent major risks; the sixth is to strengthen the leadership of the Party, give full play to the advantages of Party building, and promote high-quality development with high-quality Party building.

At the meeting, Li Shengtai read out the commendation document and commended 16 advanced collectives and 140 advanced individuals. Yin Guoming, Vice President of Zhongnan Cement, made a special exchange on the promotion of "I am looking for a car". Shaoyang South, Guilin South, China Material Luoding, Shaofeng South and other four member enterprises exchanged experiences respectively. Zhang Li, General Manager of Finance Department of

China National Building Material Group, Wang Wei, Office Director; Jiang Dehong, Vice President and Chief Engineer of New Tianshan Cement, Huang Xiang, Deputy Director of Office, Yu Xixi, Senior Manager of Party Committee Organization Department/Human Resources Department; More than 150 people attended the meeting, including members of the leading group of Zhongnan Cement and cadres above the middle level, members of the party and government team of each member enterprise, members of the marketing center team of each district, heads of accounting centers, financial heads of each member enterprise and staff representatives of the headquarters.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.