Weekly Report of Cement Net: Poor Market Demand in Central and South China, Loose and Declining Concrete Price (5.13-5.17)

2024-05-17 16:23:51

The market demand is not good, and the price of concrete in some areas is loose and declining.

China Cement Net Market Data Center News: The market demand is not good, and the price of concrete in some regions is loose and declining.. (More mixed prices in central and southern China)

Guangdong and Guangxi: The rain weather in Guangdong has decreased recently. However, the recovery of terminal market demand is limited and the market competition is fierce. At the same time, as the price of raw materials continues to fall, some enterprises in the Pearl River Delta region dropped the price of concrete by about 5-10 yuan/ton at the beginning of the month, and the surrounding markets have followed up in recent days. In addition, the next traditional Meiyu high temperature off-season, the market price does not rule out the possibility of continuing to fall. The quotation of concrete market in Guangxi is weak and stable.

Two lakes area: The weather in Hunan area is fine recently, and the downstream construction progress has recovered. At present, the overall market situation has not changed much, but the demand has declined year on year. Secondly, with the fluctuation of raw material prices and the increase of transportation costs, the cost of concrete is constantly changing, which aggravates the instability of market prices. At present, the mainstream price of C30 non-pumping tax in Hunan is about 320-350 yuan/square meter. In Hubei, the price of raw materials has risen in the early stage, and the current implementation is not good, coupled with weak market demand, the price of concrete is mainly weak.

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