The Work Safety Committee of the State Council issued the "hard measures to prevent and curb major production safety accidents in the mining sector"!

2024-01-22 10:55:51

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on safety in production, and in accordance with the executive meeting of the State Council and the deployment of the national teleconference on safety in production, resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of serious and extraordinary production safety accidents in the field of mines, with the consent of the leading comrades of the State Council, the "On Preventing and Curbing Serious and Extraordinary Production Safety Accidents in the Field of Mines" is now issued. Please earnestly implement it in light of the actual situation.

On January 19, the Safety Production Committee of the State Council issued the Circular on Hard Measures to Prevent and Contain Serious and Extraordinary Production Safety Accidents in the Field of Mines.

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on safety in production, and in accordance with the arrangements of the executive meeting of the State Council and the national teleconference on safety in production, resolutely curb the frequent occurrence of serious and extraordinary production safety accidents in the mining field, with the consent of the leading comrades of the State Council, the State Council has decided to implement the plan. The Hard Measures on Preventing and Curbing Serious and Extraordinary Production Safety Accidents in the Field of Mines are now printed and distributed to you. Please earnestly implement them in light of the actual situation.

< IMG SRC = "Mine safety supervision and supervision departments of

must strengthen the self-construction of cadres." Strengthen institutional constraints and source governance, establish and improve the supervision mechanism of the whole process of law enforcement, and effectively enhance the strong willingness and ability to find and solve problems; If the hidden dangers of major accidents that should be found in the basic conditions of production safety are neglected for a long time, only inspected but not enforced, and the description of hidden dangers is evasive, the responsibility inversion mechanism shall be initiated, and the accountability shall be seriously pursued in accordance with the law of "who inspects, who signs and who is responsible".

Local safety production committees must strengthen overall coordination, take the lead in establishing and improving joint law enforcement and work cooperation mechanisms for departments responsible for supervision and management of mine safety production, guide relevant departments and units to strictly perform their duties, form joint efforts, and strictly prevent leakage out of control; For accidents caused by inadequate performance of duties and prevarication, serious accountability shall be pursued in accordance with the law that "the management industry must be in charge of safety, the management business must be in charge of safety, and the management of production and operation must be in charge of safety".

All localities should strictly implement the territorial responsibility for mine safety, strengthen the construction of mine safety supervision institutions and teams, refine and implement the responsibility system for safety production of Baobao coal mines, metal and non-metal underground mines and tailings reservoirs under the leadership of local governments at the municipal and county levels, organize and carry out a general survey and management of hidden disaster-causing factors in regional mines, and ensure the safety of mines. Strictly crack down on unlicensed mining, concealed working face operations, illegal mining of mineral resources and other acts.

2. To effectively improve the quality

of risk investigation and rectification, mining enterprises must establish and improve the safety risk classification management and control system and the normalization mechanism of self-examination and self-correction of major accident hidden dangers, and regularly carry out self-examination and self-correction of "three violations". Strict risk management and control of key links such as hot work, blasting construction, coal bunker cleaning, transportation and lifting, sealing and unsealing, and strengthen the investigation of potential fire safety hazards of equipment such as ground hanging baskets and facilities such as "three halls and one house". If the hidden danger of the same kind of major accident occurs repeatedly, repeatedly commits and practices fraud, it shall be severely punished according to law, and the principal responsible person of the enterprise shall be strictly investigated for responsibility. If there is a superior company, the principal responsible person of the superior company shall be seriously investigated for responsibility.

Mine safety supervision and supervision departments should draw lessons from the practice of the central ecological environment protection supervision, adopt such inspection methods as "four not two straight", "open and secret visits", "surprise night inspection" and "return to the horse gun", and make comprehensive use of such means as notification and exposure, accountability, execution convergence and joint punishment, so as to hit the key points at the critical time; It is necessary to coordinate underground and underground, open-air and underground workers, coal mines and non-coal mines, coordinate and strengthen professional law enforcement personnel, give full play to the role of industry experts and retired technical and safety personnel, rush to specific problems, go directly to the scene to carry out in-depth investigation and rectification, and strictly prohibit formality; it is necessary to establish and improve the system of rectifying and selling hidden dangers of major accidents, implement accounting management, and dynamically clear zero; We should adhere to the combination of law enforcement and service, and implement special guidance to help solve practical problems in view of the difficult problems and hidden dangers of major accidents found in law enforcement inspection. Mine safety supervision and supervision departments

at all levels should severely crack down on all kinds of illegal production and construction activities in mines, and severely punish and publicly expose enterprises that commit crimes against the wind and repeatedly prohibit them. We should establish convenient and effective reporting channels, encourage the public and employees to report violations of laws and regulations, and reward those who report hidden dangers of major accidents or violations of production safety. Through the analysis and comparison of the factors such as the location and distribution of mine personnel, the distribution of air volume, the monitoring of electricity consumption, the source of production, the source of transportation volume, the source of gas emission, the source of water inrush and the place where civil explosives are used, the operation of concealed working face, the theft of mining during the integration of technical renovation, and the falsification of safety monitoring system should be thoroughly studied. Those who are ordered to stop production and rectify according to regulations and suspected of committing crimes shall be transferred to judicial organs for criminal responsibility according to law. If a mining enterprise is found to have committed illegal acts such as cross-border mining, it shall be transferred to the local natural resources department for serious treatment, and the power supply department shall be notified to stop or restrict the supply of power, and the public security organ shall stop supplying explosives for civil use. For those who are engaged in production without a license or with incomplete licenses, if they find that there are hidden dangers of major accidents twice or more within three months, they shall be submitted to the local government for closure in accordance with the law and regulations.

4. To strengthen the control

of major disasters, mining enterprises must use drilling, geophysical and geochemical methods to verify each other in accordance with regulations, find out hidden disaster-causing factors and take effective measures before mining operations can be carried out. If a disaster mine should not be appraised, should not wear a hat, should not be fortified according to the disaster level, or should be appraised fraudulently, it shall be ordered to stop production immediately and eliminate hidden dangers. Coal mines with fatal gas accidents, dangerous gas accidents and high gas value exceeding the limit must stop operation and seriously investigate the responsibility, and the local coal mine safety supervision department shall conduct a comprehensive assessment of the gas prevention and control institutions, personnel, equipment and systems of enterprises, and shall not resume production if they do not have the ability to prevent and control gas after assessment. Those who do not withdraw from water exploration and drainage, mining operations in prohibited mining areas and extreme weather must be strictly punished according to the hidden dangers of major accidents. If the slope angle, step height and flat width of an open-pit mine do not meet the design requirements, or if the slope monitoring system fails to meet the requirements of relevant regulations, it shall be ordered to formulate safety measures immediately, rectify within a time limit and stop production for rectification.

5. To vigorously improve the quality

of employees, mining enterprises must strictly implement safety production education and training programs, and vigorously enhance the safety awareness and safety literacy of employees. Equipped with safety production management organizations and personnel ( "five-post" mine managers must have a college degree or above in the main specialty and have more than 10 years of front-line experience in mines, and "five-subject" professional and technical personnel must have graduated from the main specialty and have more than 5 years of front-line experience in mines); "Five-post" mine managers and principal responsible persons must receive special safety education and training organized by the mine safety supervision organization in conjunction with the supervision department every year. The pre-job safety training time for new employees shall not be less than 72 hours and they can only take up their posts after passing the training and examination, and the underground labor dispatch shall be cancelled.

Employees must be familiar with all kinds of disaster escape routes, safe evacuation passages and self-rescue escape methods of ground construction sites; those who are not familiar with disaster escape routes or unable to skillfully use emergency self-rescue equipment such as self-rescuers shall not be arranged to work. Strictly rectify the behavior of closing and blocking fire passages and escape passages to ensure the smooth passage of life.

Strictly supervise and inspect the professional competence of mine safety training institutions, and resolutely rectify such chaotic phenomena as false training, false examinations and false certificates. Strengthen the management of mine safety training, refine and improve the frequency, content, scope, time, assessment and other requirements of safety production education and training for all kinds of mine employees, and strictly implement the separation of teaching and examination. If the mine safety management organization and personnel allocation do not meet the prescribed requirements, or the special operators are on duty without certificates, they shall be rectified within a time limit according to law until the production is suspended for rectification, and the main responsible persons shall be seriously investigated for their responsibilities.

6. Strict examination and approval of projects and safety production licenses

Provincial mine safety supervision departments must strictly examine the design of safety facilities for mine construction projects, strictly manage safety production licenses, strictly control the resumption of work and production, and implement a lifelong responsibility system for examination and approval. The production capacity of newly built and expanded coal mines shall not be less than 300,000 tons per year, and the construction of coal mines with coal and gas outburst, rock burst and extremely complex hydrogeological types with a production capacity of less than 900,000 tons per year shall be stopped; the minimum mining scale and minimum service life standards for key minerals such as iron, copper, gold and limestone shall be actively promoted. Those who violate the procedures, lower the standards, do not strictly check and falsify the work of safety admittance and acceptance of resumption of work and production must be reversed and the relevant units and personnel shall be seriously investigated for their responsibilities.

7. To strengthen the national supervision and administration

of mine safety, the national mine safety supervision institutions must adhere to a strict tone, insist on more interviews, more circulars, more letters of supervision, more unannounced visits and more exposures, and transfer the responsibility and pressure to the grass-roots level. The provincial bureaus of the State Administration of Mine Safety should act as "whistle-blowers" for mine safety of local Party committees and governments, inform the local main responsible comrades of major mine safety problems and hidden dangers of major accidents in a timely manner, and inform the provincial Party committees and governments of outstanding problems and countermeasures and suggestions for mine safety production in their jurisdictions. Let the local main responsible comrades grasp the real situation of mine safety. Safety assessment should be carried out for local and coal mine supply indicators, and timely intervention should be made to "supervise the government" for those who allow illegal super-capacity and super-intensity production. Local governments that have long delayed the implementation of mine safety issues or failed to give feedback on rectification letters and proposals should seriously interview the main responsible comrades of the government and inform the Party committees and governments at the next higher level.

8. Strict accident investigation and warning education

Mining enterprises and relevant departments must strictly report accident information, and seriously investigate the responsibility of relevant units and personnel if serious consequences are caused by the failure to report accident information in time. We should build and make good use of technical and preventive systems such as unique identification of personnel entering wells and dynamic monitoring of activity trajectories, increase rewards for reporting false accidents, joint punishment and promotion investigation, and build a long-term mechanism of "not daring to hide" and "not being able to hide". If a major accident occurs, the State Council Security Committee shall be listed and supervised, and the whole process of accident investigation shall be followed up and supervised. Mines in which a fatal accident has occurred must suspend production for rectification and resume production only after they have been checked and accepted as meeting the conditions for safe production. Intelligent transformation must be carried out in mines with serious disasters and major accidents.If an accident occurs due to the fraud of an intermediary agency, the responsible person shall be transferred to the judicial organ for criminal responsibility according to law, and the responsible unit shall be included in the list of subjects of serious dishonesty.

Mine safety supervision and supervision departments must integrate propaganda and education into daily life. If major accidents occur, they must produce warning educational films, concentrate on warning education from the principal responsible person to the front-line workers, and educate the people around them with their own affairs; Increase the media exposure of typical accident cases, alert all localities, departments and mining enterprises to draw lessons profoundly, and earnestly achieve the goal of "accidents on one side, education in many ways, hidden dangers in one place and warnings throughout the country", so as to form a good atmosphere of joint management.

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