Jidong Cement Holds 2024 Working Conference and the Second Meeting of the First Workers' Congress

2024-01-22 09:23:47

On January 19, the Jidong Cement 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the First Workers' Congress were held in Beijing.

On January 19, the Jidong Cement 2024 Working Conference and the Second Session of the First Workers' Congress were held in Beijing. Vice General Manager of Jinyu Group, Party Secretary of Jidong Cement, Chairman Kong Qinghui and other members of the leading group, leading groups of enterprises and staff representatives attended the meeting in the main venue and video venue respectively. In his concluding speech,

Kong Qinghui summarized and evaluated the work in 2023 from the five aspects of "maintaining a sound business foundation, optimizing and upgrading the industrial layout, steadily transforming and developing, deepening the management reform, and continuously strengthening the Party's construction", and affirmed the hard work of all cadres and staff in the difficult situation.

Kong Qinghui had in-depth exchanges with the participants around "how to look at the current situation and how to do the work in 2024", pointed out the existing problems and shortcomings, comprehensively analyzed the current development environment, emphasized the need to conscientiously implement the group's decision-making and deployment and the work requirements of "one high, win-win and three overall plans", keep in mind the original mission, and always maintain the industry. Carry forward the spirit of "second entrepreneurship", focus on economic benefits, take high-quality development as the theme, take lean operation management as the main line, maintain strategic strength, take responsibility, take the initiative to seek from the inside, respond to the uncertainty of the changing situation with the certainty of their own work, make every effort to improve economic benefits, and make positive contributions to the high-quality development of the group.

First, focus on economic benefits, carry forward the spirit of second entrepreneurship, and concentrate on achieving the task objectives. Starting from the mentality of returning to zero, we should actively adapt to the changes of the external environment and practice hard to promote stability and continuously enhance our core competitiveness. We should enhance the awareness of innovation and entrepreneurship, maintain our determination, improve our execution, fight key battles, and make every effort to achieve the current task targets. At the same time, we should actively plan for industrial upgrading and transformation, and grasp the initiative of development.

The second is to focus on lean operation, first-class benchmarking, and continuously enhance the internal development strength. We should deepen "customer orientation, energy gathering and upgrading" and continuously enhance market advantages. Promote the ecological construction of the industry and boost confidence in development. Strengthen the integration of production and marketing, and improve the operation level of the whole industry chain. Promote the reform of marketing management and the transformation of marketing work, create value and innovative experience. We should deepen lean operation management and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises. Continuously improve the working mechanism of "cultivating excellence", build a lean operation management system with lean production as the core, give full play to the role of digital empowerment, and enhance the ability of cost control and value creation. Vigorously revitalize inefficient assets, continuously optimize redundant personnel, and improve the labor productivity of the whole staff. We should steadily and efficiently promote the reform of regional management and unified market, and improve management efficiency.

Third, we should focus on dynamic change, continue reform and innovation, and accelerate transformation and development. Insist on innovation-driven, in-depth application of digital intelligence technology and green technology, and accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity. We will continue to promote the dynamic transformation with digital transformation as the core, drive the company's management reform with digital transformation, and achieve the improvement of enterprise quality and innovative development. Deepen the application of existing systems, cultivate new mature application scenarios, and improve the efficiency of production and operation. Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode, and take various measures to promote the greening of production process, the intellectualization of production mode and the coordination of industrial development.

Fourth, we should focus on precise layout, seize development opportunities and realize valuable investment. Give full play to the key role of effective investment, make quality increments, and curb blind and inefficient investment. The main industry should be stronger, better and bigger, and focus on key areas to continuously optimize the industrial layout and capacity structure. Continuously improve the layout of the industrial chain, deploy innovation chain around the industrial chain, and improve the quality of the development of the industrial chain supply chain. Enhance the value creation ability of environmental protection, supply chain and other businesses. The environmental protection industry should speed up the improvement of the corresponding system and mechanism, and improve market control and operational capacity. We will steadily promote the development of new energy business and help adjust the energy structure. Digital business should enhance its core technological and service capabilities, actively expand external profit-making channels, and help the company build a modern industrial system with brand-new actions.

Fifth, we should focus on leading and guaranteeing, strengthen deep integration and improve the quality and effectiveness of Party building. We should strengthen ideological guidance, effectively transform learning achievements into practical results in promoting production and operation, strengthen propaganda and corporate culture construction, and condense the spiritual strength of "second entrepreneurship". We should strengthen the deep integration, consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education, strengthen the integration of top-level design, working mechanism and working methods, and give full play to the role of Party building in gathering staff, ensuring implementation and serving development. We should strengthen the construction of discipline style, guard against operational risks and integrity risks, and promote the implementation of the company's decision-making and deployment. Liu Yu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of the

company, made an administrative report entitled "Focus on improving efficiency, strengthening lean operation and striving to create a new situation of high-quality development". From "focusing on management improvement, enhancing development resilience; strengthening strategic guidance, consolidating development foundation; strengthening innovation guidance, enhancing development momentum;"; Strengthening compliance management and improving the level of development comprehensively reviewed the company's work in 2023, and comprehensively arranged and deployed the tasks in 2024 from five aspects: focusing on target tasks, focusing on lean management, focusing on core tasks, focusing on kinetic energy conversion and focusing on risk prevention. Tian Dachun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of the trade union of the

company, conveyed the spirit of the 2024 working conference of Jinyu Group and made a report on the Party building work entitled "Adhering to the results-oriented approach to improve organizational effectiveness and leading the high-quality development of the company with high-quality Party building". From "strengthening the armed forces of innovative theory, continuously enhancing political understanding; making good use of organizational resources, continuously enhancing corporate governance capacity; highlighting the leadership of Party building, continuously enhancing the driving force of high-quality development;"; Focusing on the implementation of responsibilities and the continuous enhancement of the soft power of political ecology, this paper reviews the Party building work in 2023, and deploys the Party building work in 2024 from four aspects: "casting the soul" with innovative theory, "empowering" with deep integration, "consolidating the foundation" with the continuation of culture, and "strengthening the tendons" with the management of the Party and enterprises.

Signing the 2024 Performance Management Target Responsibility Letter

, the participants made speeches

. According to the requirements, the comprehensive evaluation of the company's leadership and leaders in 2023 was carried out during the meeting. The Report on Administrative Work, Report on Work Safety, Report on Financial Final Accounts in 2023 and Financial Budget in 2024, Report on the Use of Business Entertainment Expenses in 2023, Collective Contract and the resolution (draft) of the second meeting of the first staff Congress of the Company were reviewed and approved at the

meeting. Delegates at the meeting unanimously expressed that they should thoroughly implement the work requirements of "one high, win-win and three overall plans", carry forward the culture of officers, carry forward the spirit of "second entrepreneurship", make every effort to enhance economic benefits, make positive contributions to the high-quality development of the group, and advance bravely towards the goal of "an international first-class scientific, technological, environmentally friendly and service-oriented building materials industry group".

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