Jining Sishui County Conch Cement Truck Overloaded Two or Three Times can Still Be Unimpeded?

2024-05-15 11:34:37

Recently, some truck drivers reported that the trucks of Conch Cement Company in Sishui County, Jining, which pull cement and stones, have serious problems of overloading.

Overloading of

trucks not only seriously damages highway infrastructure, brings serious harm to highways and bridges, reduces the service life of highways, but also threatens traffic safety and easily leads to traffic accidents. Recently, some truck drivers reported that the trucks of Conch Cement Company in Sishui County, Jining, which pull cement and stones, have serious problems of overloading.

Reporter: Overload can exceed to what extent?

Truck driver: The heaviest can reach more than 190 tons.

Reporter: What is the standard?

Truck driver: The national standard for trucks and goods is 49 tons.

In Conch Cement Company, the reporter saw a truck being loaded. According to the driver, in order to load more goods, these trucks increased the box board, thickened the tires, widened the steel plate, and modified the normal truck.

Reporter: How high is the regular body?

Truck driver: 60 centimeters tall.

Reporter: How much higher is the car?

Truck driver: This truck is at least one and a half meters higher.

Reporter: Now this carriage should be more than two meters.

Truck driver: Yes, yes.

Reporter: How many tons does this car pull now?

Truck driver: About 150 tons.

Truck drivers told reporters that the problem of overloading has existed for a long time. So does Conch Cement Company know about these problems?

Truck driver: They know. They just turn a blind eye. In fact, the Conch Cement Company can completely control the loading volume of the truck, but they do not control it.

In order to do a good job in the control of illegal overloading of trucks, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Public Security have issued relevant regulations on many occasions to comprehensively control overloading of vehicles and resolutely crack down on overloading of vehicles. So, how do these overloaded trucks in Sishui County go on the road?

Truck driver: They are all loaded during the day and parked in a remote place, waiting for a unified action at night. There are special guides, "car bugs" to guide them.

The reporter followed the overloaded truck from Conch Cement Company to a temporary parking place, which is the junction of Sishui County and Xintai City. After these vehicles drove out of the Conch Cement Plant, they would wait here. The reporter counted more than a dozen vehicles at the scene. The truck driver told the reporter that these vehicles were all overloaded. They were all waiting for the instructions of the people with the vehicles, the so-called "car bugs," to avoid the traffic police and pass the checkpoint smoothly.

Truck driver: There are some people in the traffic police who lead the way. As long as they inform us that there is no action today, they can block the car sign.

It is said that even if these overloaded vehicles avoid the electronic monitoring of the traffic police, they will also face the inspection of the dynamic weighbridge. How can they avoid the inspection of the dynamic weighbridge?

The truck driver took the reporter to the junction of Xintai City and Sishui County, where there was a dynamic pound. The truck driver told the reporter that there was a small dirt road not far from the dynamic pound, and these overloaded trucks bypassed the dynamic pound through this small dirt road. But this dirt road is not a casual walk, and you have to pay the guide. The reporter decided to pretend to be a truck driver and inquire about the price of this small dirt road.

Reporter: How many tons of cars can you pass?

Guide: More than one hundred tons.

Reporter: More than 100 tons is no problem, right?

Guide: Yes.

Reporter: How much is a car?

Guide: If you want more than 100 tons, you need 80 (a car).

Faced with the rampant driving of these overloaded trucks, do the local traffic and traffic police know? The reporter contacted the law enforcement brigade of Sishui County Transportation Bureau and the traffic police brigade of Sishui County Public Security Bureau.

Reporter: Do you know that there are overloaded trucks that evade the inspection of the dynamic scale by taking a detour? Law Enforcement Brigade

of Sishui County Transportation Bureau: I didn't know before.

Reporter: Do you know that there are many overloaded trucks that do not hang the number plate or block the number plate to avoid inspection? The head of the second squadron of the traffic police brigade

of Sishui County Public Security Bureau did not respond and hung up the reporter's phone.

Faced with the reporter's interview, one department said that it did not know, and one directly hung up the reporter's phone.

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