The regional companies affiliated to New Tianshan Cement held working meetings to summarize and deploy the annual work

2024-01-19 17:02:30

The 2024 Working Conference of China Building Material Group and New Tianshan Cement was successfully concluded, summarizing the past and looking forward to the future. The regional companies affiliated to New Tianshan Cement earnestly implement the spirit of the annual meeting of the superior companies, hold working meetings to summarize the deployment work, unify ideas, clarify objectives, and go all out to do a good job in 2024.

Time passes, ushering in a brand new year. China National Building Material Group and the regional companies of New < a href = "" New Tianshan Cement earnestly implement the spirit of the annual meeting of the superior companies, hold working meetings to summarize and deploy work, unify ideas and clarify objectives. Go all out to do a good job in 2024.

Zhongnan Cement

< IMG SRC = " highlights the exertion of superior production capacity and regional integrated management." Eight small districts were set up to implement the same budget preparation, production scheduling, market planning, cadre use, management mode and assessment standards. Six enterprises with cost advantages, such as Shaofeng South, increased cement sales and reduced losses in Shaotanping District as a whole.

The second is to deepen industry self-discipline, agile marketing and precise implementation. Staggered peak and shutdown of kilns and "docking of large and small kilns" were effectively promoted; the sales volume of cement in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan core market increased against the trend; the sales volume of packaged cement in key projects, land sales and commercial mixed cement in Shaoguan region increased; the marketing mode of "cement + aggregate" was innovated and developed.

The three is to deepen internal tapping potential and improve the quality of operation. The procurement and logistics costs of raw materials and fuels have been greatly reduced; the "I am looking for a car" platform has successfully completed the pilot project of "two modes and one scenario", and the online rate and settlement rate have exceeded the predetermined target; the lean production has been strengthened, the multi-dimensional consumption and carbon reduction has been achieved, and the key technical indicators have been continuously optimized; the cost savings, fiscal and taxation efficiency and pressure reduction have achieved remarkable results; Give full play to the quality and effectiveness of risk prevention and control, compliance management and other work.

The four is to deepen investment management and accelerate the transformation of "three modernizations". Capital expenditure was effectively controlled; construction projects such as optimization and upgrading and green energy were implemented steadily; the guaranteed supply rate of self-owned mines continued to increase; and the pace of green and digital transformation was accelerated.

Fifth, we should deepen the strict management of the Party and make efforts in the same direction of Party building and management. In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, solid development of thematic education, inspection and rectification, serious discipline and accountability, continuous strengthening of political supervision, and further improvement of the quality of cadres.

In 2024, the work measures

will focus on "one benefit and five rates", "four stability, three reduction, two reduction and one subsidy", and in accordance with the requirements of "all costs can be reduced and all costs can be controlled", reform and innovation, overcome difficulties, fully accomplish the annual target tasks, and make every effort to promote the high-quality development of enterprises.

First, we should strengthen top-level design, actively coordinate the four parties, and alleviate the imbalance between supply and demand. We should adhere to the two-pronged approach of reducing production capacity and output, resolutely implement peak staggering production, promote the "docking of large and small kilns", and earnestly safeguard the healthy ecology of the industry.

Second, we should strengthen marketing planning, scientifically plan the layout, and make every effort to stabilize quantity, stabilize price and increase efficiency. The Company will formulate and implement peak-shifting production rules and marketing strategies based on cost, and eliminate unprofitable sales volume. The Company will implement flexible and classified policies, innovate marketing ideas, maintain market share, and help build a healthy industry ecosystem.

Thirdly, we should strengthen cost control, reduce costs and expenditures in an all-round way, and improve long-term adaptability. We will vigorously promote cost reduction and consumption reduction, strictly control non-productive expenditure; continue to reduce all kinds of costs, improve the ability of fiscal and tax efficiency; continue to promote the "2422" reduction, and deepen the centralized management of small areas.

Four, we should strengthen the integration of advance and retreat, promote structural optimization and enhance the sustainability of development. Strictly control the total amount of investment, accelerate the construction of key projects and the acquisition of key resources, accelerate the transformation of green energy and digital intelligence, and increase the disposal of idle and inefficient assets.

Fifth, we should strengthen compliance management, coordinate security development and guard against major risks. We will improve the compliance management system, strengthen risk investigation and prevention in key areas, and keep the bottom line of safety and environmental protection.

Sixth, strengthen the leadership of the Party, give full play to the advantages of Party building, and promote high-quality development with high-quality Party building. Focusing on the central task and serving the overall situation, we should strengthen political construction, consolidate the grass-roots foundation of Party building, promote the deep integration of Party building and management, consolidate the effectiveness of thematic education, and ensure the effectiveness of inspection and rectification. We should consolidate the "four responsibilities", strictly supervise all kinds of work, strengthen the style construction, build a high-quality cadre and staff team, and promote the comprehensive development from strict Party governance to in-depth development.

Southwest Cement

< IMG SRC = "Total profit of, R & D investment intensity, The total labor productivity, operating cash ratio and return on net assets all increased year on year, the asset-liability ratio decreased significantly, and the "2422" reduction was completed well, achieving "eight reductions and two reductions".

Second, the quality of operation has improved significantly. The cost of clinker and limestone, the cost of coal, the cost of electricity, the cost of comprehensive raw materials for cement (excluding coal), the total sales expenses, the total administrative expenses and the total financial expenses all decreased year on year.

Third, the pace of optimization and upgrading is solid. The project construction has been steadily promoted and the resource allocation has been continuously completed; the marketing mode has been innovated and the "cement +" integrated operation has been promoted; the digital construction has been accelerated and the pace of innovation and transformation has been firm; the "double carbon" strategy has been implemented and the energy saving, carbon reduction and emission reduction projects have been actively promoted to promote the green development of the enterprise.

Fourth, the Party's construction has been continuously strengthened. In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, firmly safeguard the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", firmly grasp the general requirements, fundamental tasks and specific objectives of thematic education, firmly carry out thematic education, promote entrepreneurship, and promote high-quality development of enterprises with the effectiveness of thematic education. We will further promote the comprehensive and strict administration of the Party, keep a close eye on the normal supervision of key links, and create a clean and healthy political ecology.

In 2024, the working measures will

anchor the goal of "one benefit and five rates", focus on "three major tasks", grasp "six accelerations", promote "three strengthening" and "three improvement", take "three fine management" as the grasp, strictly adhere to the "three bottom lines", focus on cohesion of industry forces, enhance endogenous power, stimulate organizational vitality, and strive to build a well-off society in an all-round way. Complete the annual objectives and tasks in an all-round way.

First, we should deepen the "three fine management", strengthen internal and external expansion, and promote stable efficiency. Adhere to the ecological construction of the industry, continue to promote off-peak production and lean marketing, and enhance core competitiveness; adhere to lean production, fine cost reduction, twinning assistance and cost reduction to enhance endogenous power; adhere to double excellence and special reduction to improve the quality of operation.

Second, strictly adhere to the "three bottom lines" to ensure the smooth operation of production. Adhere to the principle of "three management and three necessities", build a strong line of defense for safe production, and ensure safe operation throughout the year; deepen the implementation of the main responsibility of ecological environment protection, promote environmental compliance management; promote total quality management, and focus on improving quality and efficiency.

Third, we should promote optimization and upgrading, speed up and improve the quality of high-quality development. We will optimize the layout and adjust the industrial structure, accelerate the construction of key projects, spare no effort to obtain mine resources and make up for the shortage of resources; accelerate scientific and technological innovation and intelligent empowerment, and orderly promote the construction of intelligent factories, digital mines, management and reporting systems and other intelligent control platforms; continue to promote green and low-carbon development, constantly optimize the energy structure, and promote clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient use of energy.

Fourth, we should deepen the discipline inspection of Party building and strengthen political responsibility. Strengthen political construction, adhere to the leadership of Party building, firmly promote the deep integration of Party building and management, consolidate and deepen the achievements of thematic education, and make every effort to do a good job of political inspection and rectification; constantly improve the system of strict Party governance in an all-round way, focus on the "central overall situation", effectively carry out political supervision, and constantly strengthen the style construction.

Yunnan Cement

< IMG SRC = " technical transformation and minor reform were put into operation on schedule." Effectively improve the reliability coefficient and operation efficiency of the equipment, further optimize the comprehensive energy consumption, and reduce the manufacturing cost by the largest margin in history.

Second, the industry ecology has been tested, and marketing has broken through against the trend. In the face of the complicated situation, the Company insisted on maintaining the industry ecology, implemented precise peak staggering, and effectively alleviated the contradiction between supply and demand. In the face of the decline in market demand, the Company formulated timely coping strategies, highlighted the production capacity advantages of Baoda Line, and increased significantly in key projects.

Third, the special work has achieved remarkable results, and the layout of reform and development has been planned.Financial costs have been saved year on year, fiscal and taxation efficiency has been increased, slimming and fitness has achieved remarkable results, counterpart assistance has been actively carried out, resource acquisition has ideas and measures, and the "cement plus" project has been effectively promoted.

Fourth, the work of Party building has been continuously improved. Carry out thematic education in a down-to-earth manner and achieve results in "practice"; be able to give full play to the role of the Party organization as a battle fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members in accordance with the 1345 Party building system of the Group, and promote the deep integration of Party building and production and operation. To help rural revitalization, to undertake the group's appointed cadres, to provide industrial assistance with the local government, and to jointly carry out joint party building activities. Participate in the group's educational assistance projects and organize volunteers to participate in the group's "good construction" colorful classroom activities. Discipline audit and financial linkage supervision, build a "trinity" supervision system of business, management and discipline inspection, and deeply integrate discipline inspection and supervision into the daily operation of enterprises.

In 2024, the work measures

will focus on the task objectives of "turning around losses and extricating from difficulties" throughout the year, continue to focus on the two key battles of "improving quality and efficiency, optimizing and upgrading", grasp the "three fine management", promote the landing of digital transformation and optimization and upgrading projects, strengthen the work of safety, environmental protection and Party building, and strive to build a well-off society in an all-round way. We should persist in carrying out the work vigorously and vigorously, and make every effort to accomplish the objectives and tasks of the work.

First, we should adhere to industry self-discipline and strive to stabilize the market and increase efficiency. Strive for breakthroughs in industry ecology, stabilize market prices, promote efficiency, maintain market share in market construction, and ensure the implementation of marketing standardization.

Second, we should adhere to meticulous management and strive to promote cost reduction, quality improvement and efficiency creation. Make more efforts to reduce the cost and carry out the action of "excellent cost reduction"; make more efforts to reduce the pressure. Fully achieve the annual "2422" reduction target; make further efforts to reduce expenditure and increase revenue, complete the annual cost saving plan, and increase the acquisition of preferential policies for enterprises.

Third, we should persist in management innovation and strive to improve operational efficiency. Promote management merger to enhance the competitiveness of the organization; promote the sharing of best practices to create a business atmosphere; promote the research and development of new products, and actively play the role of quality benchmarking and product research and development of the central laboratory; promote special work to help make up for shortcomings, increase income and create efficiency; promote organizational performance management to enhance business awareness, responsibility awareness and crisis awareness.

Fourth, we should adhere to the transformation of a strong foundation and focus on promoting optimization and upgrading. We will not relax our efforts to acquire resources and actively carry out the preliminary work for the acquisition of mining rights; we will not stop optimizing and upgrading, and actively promote the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the "Cement +" project.

Fifth, we should adhere to the bottom line thinking and strive to promote safe and green development. In accordance with the working mechanism of "monthly promotion and quarterly scheduling", the Company will continue to promote the "zero violation" activities; strengthen the standardization construction of mines, accelerate the establishment of green mines; promote the construction of photovoltaic and wind power projects, and complete the ultra-low emission transformation of clinker production lines.

Sixth, we should adhere to the leadership of Party building and focus on promoting the integration of Party building and management. Continue to strengthen the theory of armed, deepen the political construction; continue to implement the "Seven Grasps" project, build a strong battle fortress; continue to consolidate the "two responsibilities", and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the Party in depth.


< IMG SRC = "

" The second is to insist on transformation and upgrading. The development plan has been effective, the strategic business transformation has been orderly, the development potential has been continuously accumulated, and the comprehensive strength has been significantly enhanced.

Thirdly, we should adhere to innovation-driven, accelerate the construction of innovation platforms, actively carry out research projects, achieve fruitful results in innovation, and significantly enhance scientific and technological empowerment.

Fourthly, we should adhere to the leadership of Party building, conscientiously carry out thematic education, strengthen honest supervision and cadre management, create a harmonious enterprise atmosphere, and develop more vigorously. The general idea of the work

of Jiahuateshui in 2024 is to adhere to the development strategy of "one body, two wings", conform to the development direction of "high performance, high function and low carbon", and coordinate the development and operation of "two overall situations". Efforts should be made to deepen the scale, high-end and low-carbon aspects of special cement.

Firstly, we should focus on development planning, organize manufacturing resources in various ways, such as "internal restructuring, operation contracting and commissioned OEM", according to the development strategy of "one body, two wings" and different product businesses and market demands, so as to promote the implementation of the plan.

Secondly, we should focus on the marketing team and set up three marketing centers of "basic materials, decorative maintenance materials and product materials" according to different market segments to break the market bottleneck.

Thirdly, we should focus on improving management, promoting cost reduction, quality improvement and efficiency increase through technological transformation, raw material substitution and technological innovation, and enhancing competitiveness.

Fourth, we should focus on innovative management, do a good job in project management acceptance, and promote scientific and technological empowerment.

Fifth, we should focus on the leadership of Party building, earnestly grasp the summary work of the second batch of thematic education, establish a long-term learning mechanism, and gather the strength to forge ahead.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.