Fujian Cement Shunchang Stone Refining Company has broken many records in many indicators.

2024-01-19 10:44:48

In 2023, Shunchang Stone Refinery formulated a reasonable cost control plan, strengthened the cost approval control, and reduced the controllable cost by 623600 yuan compared with the budget, a decrease of 293800 yuan compared with the same period last year. The variable cost of clinker was 23.06 yuan/ton lower than the budget, 30.74 yuan/ton lower than the same period last year; the variable cost of cement was 22.36 yuan/ton lower than the budget, 24.73 yuan/ton lower than the same period last year, and the market competitiveness of cement products was effectively improved.

In 2023, Fujian Cement Shunchang Stone Refining Company adhered to the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as a guide, took the theme education as an opportunity, and further condensed the enthusiasm of all cadres and masses. Key indicators such as standard coal consumption per ton of clinker in 2 # kiln, comprehensive power consumption per ton of clinker and power consumption in 3 # cement mill process have achieved the best results since they were put into operation, refreshing the historical record. In

2023, Shunchang Refinery adhered to the performance-oriented management theme of "resource control, energy saving and consumption reduction, human efficiency improvement and marketing upgrading", focusing on optimizing production process, improving equipment efficiency, promoting intelligent production and strengthening production management. A special action group of "double mention" was set up to discuss the methods of reducing costs and increasing efficiency through brainstorming, analyze the existing reasons and gaps, and formulate 20 relevant measures. Since

September, the company has worked in a multi-pronged manner to strengthen basic management and benefit from management, implement the three-level inspection system of equipment, increase monthly inspection and assessment, and ensure that the operation rate of main equipment meets the standards. With lean operation as the starting point, the production and operation indicators were implemented according to the standard table, and the key indicators constantly refreshed the historical record. The standard coal consumption per ton of clinker in 2 # kiln reached a new low monthly, which was lower than the challenge value of 0.8 kg/ton annually, and decreased by 3.76 kg/ton compared with the same period last year; The annual cumulative comprehensive power consumption per ton of clinker was 0.14 kWh/ton lower than the challenge value, representing a year-on-year decrease of 4.48 kWh/ton; the power consumption of 3 # cement mill process decreased by 3.93 kWh/ton on a year-on-year basis, indicating that the indicators have been improving all the way, and the control and reduction of losses have been accelerated. In terms of intelligent application, the online rate of safety and environmental protection and equipment digitization is over 94%. In addition, the company made full use of all kinds of preferential policies of the government, and received a total of 3.7638 million yuan of government awards and subsidies throughout the year. In

2023, Shunchang Stone Refinery formulated a reasonable cost control plan to strengthen the cost approval control, and the controllable cost was reduced by 623,600 yuan compared with the budget, a decrease of 293,800 yuan compared with the same period last year. The variable cost of clinker was 23.06 yuan/ton lower than the budget, 30.74 yuan/ton lower than the same period last year; the variable cost of cement was 22.36 yuan/ton lower than the budget, 24.73 yuan/ton lower than the same period last year, and the market competitiveness of cement products was effectively improved.

In order to stimulate the endogenous motivation of employees and strengthen cost and expense control, the company has carried out activities such as special seminars, paired assistance, post learning and mutual help, outsourcing and internal work, repairing old and utilizing waste. Employees are encouraged to actively obtain evidence and upgrade their academic qualifications, striving for one specialty and multiple abilities. A total of 131 employees in the company have been employed with corresponding technical titles and skill levels, 60 have obtained relevant certificates (including special types of work), 9 have upgraded their academic qualifications, and a one-time reward of 72,000 yuan has been granted. The production front line actively carried out 10 outsourcing projects, such as outsourcing and internal work, installation of 3 # grinding fixed and moving roller motors, removal and installation of 2 # grate cooler drive plate, all of which were completed by the cadres and masses themselves, saving a total of about 219000 yuan. The number of fixed auxiliary workers was gradually reduced from 27 at the beginning of the year to 21, a decrease of 11 compared with the previous year. The annual labor cost was reduced by more than 564,000 yuan compared with the budget, a decrease of 918,000 yuan compared with the previous year. "

Reducing costs and increasing efficiency" has never been a slogan, and it is normal to have wind and rain on the way forward. In 2024, we should aim at higher goals, always match the industry's advanced standards, find gaps and make up for shortcomings, firmly establish cost awareness, turn pressure into power, show new achievements with new measures, and achieve new breakthroughs with new achievements. Hong Shihe, Party Secretary and General Manager of Shunchang Refinery, is full of confidence and hope for 2024.

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