Guixing Cement, Guang'an, Sichuan Province, Won the Mining Right of a Limestone Mine for Cement in Sichuan

2024-01-17 11:25:37

Sichuan Guang'an Guixing Cement Co., Ltd. won the mining right of the mine with a transaction price of 59 million yuan.

Recently, the Ministry of Natural Resources announced the transaction results of the transfer of the mining right of Sanyangsi Cement Limestone Mine in Qianfeng District, and Sichuan Guang'an Guixing Cement Co., Ltd. won the mining right of the mine with a transaction price of 59 million yuan. Announcement of

Transaction Result of Mining Right Transfer of Limestone Mine for Cement in Sanyangsi

, Qianfeng District (Announcement No.: GZJKJ [2024] No.1)


Name of Bid Winner/Bidder: Sichuan Guang'an Guixing Cement Co., Ltd.

Location: No.

2, Guinan Road, Guixing Town, Qianfeng District, Guang'an Unified Social Credit Code: 91511603209851914H

II. Transaction Time Venue

: January 16

, 2024 Venue: Qianfeng Division Center of Guang'an Public Resources Trading Center (No.1 Minsheng Road, Qianfeng District, Guang'an City)

III. Basic Information of

Mining Right Transaction Project Name: Limestone

Mine for Cement in Sanyangsi, Qianfeng District Mineral Type: Limestone

for Cement Location: Shuidong Village and Wuli Village, Guixing Town, Qianfeng District

Resource reserves: 17.773 million tons

Mining elevation: + 932m to + 820m

Resource development and utilization: Production scale: 1.5 million tons/year. Requirements for

mine geological environment protection and land reclamation: The bidder shall deposit the funds into the established fund account according to the amount budgeted in the Plan for Mine Geological Environment Protection and Land Reclamation. If the fees for mine geological environment protection and land reclamation are insufficient to complete the tasks of mine geological environment restoration and land reclamation after the completion of mining, The bidder shall still fulfill the obligations of mine geological environment restoration and land reclamation in accordance with relevant regulations, and complete the mine geological environment restoration and land reclamation.

Proposed transfer period: 12 years Initial price including mine construction period


59 million Initial transfer yield:%

IV. Transaction price of mining right and payment time, Method

Transaction price: RMB

59 million Payment time:

Payment method: Payment

in installments V. Time limit

for applying for mining registration The application shall be submitted to Guang'an Municipal Affairs Service Center and completed within a time limit after acceptance.

6. Ways and means

of raising objections to the publicity contents Publicity time: from January 17, 2024 to January 30

, 2024. Please report in writing to Qianfeng District Center of Guang'an Public Resources Trading Center or Guang'an Natural Resources and Planning Bureau.

7. Other contents

This announcement is published simultaneously on the portal website of Guang'an Natural Resources and Planning Bureau and the trading hall of Qianfeng District Center of Guang'an Public Resources Trading Center.

Guang'an Natural Resources and Planning Bureau

January 16

, 2024
All can be viewed after purchase

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