Cement Net Weekly Report: The price of concrete in East China is at a low level, and the price in various regions is mainly stable (5.6-5.11)

2024-05-11 15:34:47

Because the price is at a relatively low level, the price has been stabilized in various regions.

China Cement Net Market Data Center News: This week, the price of concrete in East China is temporarily stable.. (More prices of commercial concrete in East China )

In Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, the weather is fine, the demand is increasing, and the price is stable. Recently, the resumption of construction in various regions is better, the market demand is better, and the shipment volume of mixing stations has increased. However, due to the shortage of funds, the mixing station limited the supply of some projects. In the early stage, due to the decline in the price of raw materials, the price of commercial mixing was lowered, and the price in place was relatively low. Recently, the market in various regions has been running steadily for the time being.

Fujian: Since the beginning of this month, the rainy weather in Fujian has decreased, and the construction progress of some site projects has slowly picked up. However, due to insufficient funds and other factors, the terminal demand has not reached the ideal state. At present, the mainstream price of C30 non-pumping tax in Fuzhou area is about 340-360 yuan/ton. The price of cement in some areas of

Shandong will be reduced by 20/ton after the May Day holiday. In addition, the delivery volume of the mixing station is general, and the demand for concrete is low. It is expected that the price of concrete will also be affected by this, and there is a possibility of reduction.

Jiangxi: Due to the impact of market supply and demand and weather factors, the market demand in Jiangxi is difficult to increase. Around May 1, the concrete price remained stable and weak, and the overall market was relatively weak.

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