Cement Net News: Cement Prices in Many Places in Guangxi Begin to Loosen and Decline

2024-09-02 15:30:59

On September 1, some leading enterprises in Guangxi notified many places to reduce the price of cement by about 20-30 yuan/ton.

China Cement Network Market Data Center News: According to market feedback, the recent rainy weather in Guangxi, civil market demand performance is not good, enterprise shipments are only about 3-4%, cement inventory pressure is greater. To boost shipments, Since September 1, some leading enterprises in Guangxi have invested in Nanning , Chongzuo , Fangchenggang , Many places such as Qinzhou and Guilin have successively notified the reduction of the price of bagged cement by about 30 yuan/ton, among which the bulk price of some enterprises in Nanning area has been reduced by 20 yuan/ton synchronously. Overall, the rest of the enterprises are still on the sidelines, and the follow-up price reduction is expected to be larger.. (more Guangxi cement prices )

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.