Hu Youyi: Solid waste enterprises should go beyond the original mode of solid waste utilization and take the road of cross-border innovation and integration!

2024-01-10 11:27:33

Solid waste enterprises should go beyond the original mode of solid waste utilization, take the road of cross-border innovation and integration, and promote the high-quality development of solid waste resource utilization industry.

On January 10, 2024 China (Shanghai) Urban Wasteless-Summit Forum on Wasteless Application Technology and Practice in Construction Industry and Annual Meeting of Shanghai Sandstone Industry were held in Shanghai. Hu Youyi, President of

China Sandstone Association, made a theme report on "Comprehensive Utilization of Solid Waste Resources and Products at Home and Abroad" for the conference, from the aspects of modern environmental pollution, comprehensive utilization of construction solid waste in several countries, products of comprehensive utilization of solid waste resources at home and abroad, methods of comprehensive treatment of solid waste resources, and enterprises of comprehensive utilization of solid waste. The comprehensive utilization of solid waste resources at home and abroad was introduced.

Hu Youyi pointed out that China has a large stock of construction solid waste, tailings and waste rocks. The stock of construction solid waste is more than 20 billion tons, and the accumulated stock of solid waste such as tailings and waste rocks is more than 60 billion tons. In response to this, in recent years, the state has issued a number of documents, such as "Work Program for Promoting the Pilot Construction of" Waste-free Cities "," Some Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of the Mechanized Sand and Stone Industry "," Letter on the Construction of a Green Base for Building Sand and Stone ", to step up the construction of a recycling system for waste materials. Although the pace of solid waste recycling has been accelerated in recent years, the standards and norms are not perfect, and the application fields need to be clarified.

Hu Youyi introduced the utilization of solid waste resources at home and abroad in recent years, and pointed out that foreign experience can be used for reference, but can not be copied. The comprehensive utilization of solid waste should grasp the five aspects of concept guidance, policy promotion, technology implementation, laws and regulations, and practical application.

Hu Youyi pointed out that at present, there are four prominent problems in the treatment and utilization of construction solid waste, namely, difficulty in source management, difficulty in meeting environmental protection standards, difficulty in enterprise development, and difficulty in product application. Enterprises must pay attention to the following issues:

1. Entrance-source, relatively stable source.

2、 export-application, can be transformed into different products, to be recognized and used by users. At present, the application field is limited. Business license of

3、-policy support, relevant policies and supporting measures are not perfect. The four key processes of

4、 industry chain synergy, transportation, processing, products and sales are relatively independent, and the layout of the whole industry chain is insufficient. The basic research of

5、 is lack of standards and specifications, and the resource technology needs to be further studied.

Solid waste enterprises should go beyond the original mode of solid waste utilization, take the road of cross-border innovation and integration, and promote the high-quality development of solid waste resource utilization industry.

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