Qinghai Announcement: Energy Efficiency of Unit Products of Many Cement Enterprises Does Not Meet the Standard

2024-01-05 11:28:33

The unit product energy efficiency of many cement enterprises does not meet the national standards.

On January 4, the Office of Industry and Information Technology of Qinghai Province issued a public announcement on the results of double random energy-saving monitoring for 87 industrial enterprises such as Qinghai Qilianshan Cement Co., Ltd.

According to the requirements of the Office of the Joint Conference on "Double Random and One Open" Cross-sectoral Joint Supervision in Qinghai Province, "Notice on the Issuance of the Joint" Double Random and One Open "Spot Inspection Plan of Provincial Departments and Departments in Qinghai Province in 2023", the responsibility of energy conservation supervision should be implemented, and the energy consumption monitoring of industrial enterprises should be effectively strengthened. According to the "double random, one open" arrangement and deployment of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology in 2023, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology entrusted Chuangxin Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. as a third-party technical support agency to carry out on-site energy-saving monitoring of 87 industrial enterprises in the province from August 30 to November 30, and the results of the monitoring are now open to the public.

Among them, the unit product energy efficiency of many cement enterprises does not meet the national standards , as follows:

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