Xinhua News Agency: Central Enterprises Should Speed up the Implementation of "AI +" Special Action

2024-04-29 11:39:42

Central enterprises, large local state-owned enterprises, especially leading enterprises in the industry, should speed up the implementation of the "AI +" special action, give full play to the advantages of multiple application scenarios, take the lead in seizing the opportunities of traditional industries enabled by AI, actively open application scenarios, and actively cooperate to create large industries that can be integrated into the production and operation system of enterprises. Strive to "bring technology with application" to accelerate the realization of technology iterative upgrading and the transformation of growth momentum.

Wang Hongzhi, deputy director of SASASAC of

the State Council, said on April 28 that central enterprises, large local state-owned enterprises, especially leading enterprises in the industry, should speed up the implementation of the "AI +" special action, give full play to the advantages of multiple app lication scenarios, take the lead in seizing the opportunities for AI to empower traditional industries, actively open up application scenarios, and create new ones. Actively cooperate to build a large industry model that can be integrated into the production and operation system of enterprises, and strive to "bring technology with application" to accelerate the realization of technology iteration and upgrading, and the transformation of growth momentum.

Wang Hongzhi made the above remarks at the on-site promotion meeting of deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises held on the 28th.

Focusing on strengthening traditional industries enabled by digital intelligence network, Wang Hongzhi said that qualified enterprises should focus on key areas and links such as computing power and algorithms, lay out cutting-edge technologies in multiple paths, and strive to overtake in bends and change lanes.

He said that for some enterprises with small scale and weak foundation, they should also actively explore and provide more application scenarios of artificial intelligence technology, and strive to achieve leapfrog development; they should continue to promote industrial Internet and "5G +" applications, and accelerate the upgrading of traditional business and low-end industries.

On April 28, the on-site promotion meeting of deepening and upgrading the reform of state-owned enterprises was held. At the meeting on

that day, Wang Hongzhi also said that state-owned enterprises should gather superior resources to develop strategic emerging industries. He pointed out that state-owned enterprises should, on the basis of finding the right industrial entry point in light of the actual situation, adhere to the principle of advancing and retreating, adjust the structure, and make room for resources to develop strategic emerging industries by revitalizing inefficient and ineffective assets and idle land; Strategic emerging industries should be developed flexibly by means of mergers and acquisitions, listing and financing, industrial synergy and joint tackling key problems.

"For industries with urgent development situation, we should adopt more ways such as acquisition and merger to enter quickly and win valuable strategic opportunities; at the same time, we should do a good job of integration after acquisition and reorganization, and provide new models, new mechanisms and new atmosphere for the development of strategic emerging industries." Wang Hongzhi said.

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