The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other eight departments jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industries.

2024-01-03 11:28:39

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission recently jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industries.

Eight departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission, recently jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industries, proposing that by 2027, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, the General Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of Financial Supervision and the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The level of high-end, intelligent, green and integrated development of China's traditional manufacturing industry has been significantly improved, the proportion of effective support manufacturing industry has remained basically stable, and its position and competitiveness in the global industrial division of labor have been further consolidated and strengthened. The popularization rate of digital R & D and design tools and the numerical control rate of key processes in industrial enterprises exceeded 90% and 70% respectively, the intensity of industrial energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions continued to decline, the water consumption per 10000 yuan of industrial added value decreased by about 13% compared with 2023, and the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk industrial solid waste exceeded 57%. Guiding Opinions

on Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Manufacturing Industry [2023] No.

258 of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology The competent departments of industry and information technology of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities with separate plans, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, the Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Education (Commission, Bureau), The Ministry of Finance (Bureau), the Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China, the branches of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities separately listed on the State plan, the tax bureaus of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities separately listed on the State plan of the State Administration of Taxation, the supervisory bureaus of the State Administration of Financial Supervision, and the dispatched offices of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Relevant central enterprises:

The traditional manufacturing industry is the main body of China's manufacturing industry and the base of the modern industrial system. Promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry is a strategic choice to actively adapt to and lead a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, an important measure to improve the resilience and security level of industrial chain and supply chain, an inevitable requirement to promote new industrialization and accelerate the construction of manufacturing power, and is related to the overall construction of modern industrial system. In order to speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry, the following suggestions are put forward.

1. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the

CPC, under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core, China's manufacturing industry has formed the development advantages of the largest scale, the most complete categories, the most complete system and the strong international competitiveness in the world. It has become an important carrier for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, an important channel for employment, an important source of tax revenue, and an important area for international trade. It has provided strong support for effectively coping with external pressure and the impact of the century epidemic, and has made important contributions to promoting stable economic growth. The added value of traditional manufacturing industries, such as petrochemical industry, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, machinery, automobiles, light industry and textiles, accounts for nearly 80% of the total manufacturing industry, which is an important basis for supporting national economic development and meeting people's living needs. At the same time, the problems of "big but not strong" and "complete but not refined" in China's traditional manufacturing industry are still prominent, with the coexistence of excess low-end supply and insufficient high-end supply, weak innovation ability, weak industrial foundation, tightening resource constraints, rising factor costs, and greater challenges to consolidate and enhance competitive advantages. It is necessary to accelerate the quality, efficiency and power changes to achieve transformation and upgrading. To

speed up the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industry, we should take Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guide, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the deployment of the National Congress for Promoting New Industrialization, adhere to the general tone of steady progress, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, and speed up the construction of a new development pattern. We should adhere to market dominance and government guidance, adhere to innovation-driven and systematic promotion, adhere to the principle of first establishing and then breaking, maintaining pressure, implement technological transformation and upgrading projects in manufacturing industry, accelerate equipment renewal, process upgrading, digital empowerment and management innovation, and promote the transformation of traditional manufacturing industry to high-end, intelligent, green and integrated direction, so as to improve the quality and efficiency of development and accelerate the realization of high-quality development.

By 2027, the level of high-end, intelligent, green and integrated development of traditional manufacturing industry will be significantly improved, the proportion of effective support manufacturing industry will remain basically stable, and its position and competitiveness in the global industrial division of labor will be further consolidated and strengthened. The popularization rate of digital R & D and design tools and the numerical control rate of key processes in industrial enterprises exceeded 90% and 70% respectively, the intensity of industrial energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions continued to decline, the water consumption per 10000 yuan of industrial added value decreased by about 13% compared with 2023, and the comprehensive utilization rate of bulk industrial solid waste exceeded 57%.

2. Insist on innovation-driven development and accelerate the movement towards the middle and high end

of the value chain (1) Accelerate the popularization and application of advanced and applicable technologies. Encourage enterprises as the main body, build R & D institutions with universities and research institutes, increase R & D investment, and improve the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements. We will optimize the layout of national science and technology innovation platforms in manufacturing areas such as national manufacturing innovation centers, industrial innovation centers and national engineering research centers, and encourage key generic technology research and industrial application demonstration in key areas of traditional manufacturing industries. We will improve the mechanism for publishing and sharing information on scientific and technological achievements, formulate a catalogue of advanced technology transformation and application, and build a pilot and application verification platform for technology integration, maturation and engineering.

(2) Continuous optimization of industrial structure. Promote the forging of long boards in the dominant areas of traditional manufacturing industry, promote the extension of strong chains, strengthen the innovation iteration of new technologies and products, improve the industrial ecology, and enhance the competitive advantage of the whole industrial chain. Support the traditional manufacturing industry to further cultivate the subdivision field, incubate new technologies, open up new tracks and cultivate new industries. We will continue to consolidate the achievements of "capacity removal", eliminate backward production capacity in accordance with the law and regulations, and resolutely curb the blind launching of projects with high energy consumption, high emissions and low levels. Improve the project management system of high energy consumption, high emission and low level, scientifically refine the project management catalogue, and avoid "one size fits all" for the traditional manufacturing industry.

(3) Deeply implement the project of reengineering the industrial base. Support enterprises to focus on weak areas such as basic components, basic components, basic materials, basic software, basic technology and industrial technology foundation, accelerate breakthroughs in tackling key problems and industrial applications, and strengthen the basic support system of traditional manufacturing industry. We will deepen the "one-stop" application of key products and processes, strengthen demand and scenario traction, promote the interactive development of the whole machine (system) and basic product technology, support enterprises to use the first set of equipment, the first batch of materials and the first version of software to implement technological transformation, and expand the application market of innovative products.

(4) Strive to increase varieties, improve quality and create brands. Focusing on the demand and weak links of consumption upgrading, we will vigorously develop new products in the fields of smart home, green building materials, arts and crafts, elderly products and infant products. Promote the benign interaction between supply and demand, increase the supply of high-end products, accelerate the iterative upgrading of products, and create a phalanx of famous Chinese consumer products at different levels. Implement excellent quality project, promote enterprises to improve and perfect advanced quality management system, improve quality management ability, and comprehensively improve product quality. We will speed up the construction of enterprise brands, industrial brands and regional brands, continue to protect old brands, and create a number of "Made in China" high-end brands with international competitiveness. Promote the upgrading of traditional manufacturing standards, improve enterprise technological transformation standards, and use advanced standard system to force quality improvement and product upgrading.

3. Accelerate the empowerment of digital technology and promote intelligent manufacturing

in an all-round way (5) Vigorously promote the transformation of enterprise intelligence into digital networking. Based on the characteristics of different industries and differentiated needs, we will accelerate the deep integration of information technology, such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, 5G, Internet of Things, with the whole process and all elements of manufacturing. We will support the digital transformation of production equipment, promote the application of intelligent components such as new sensors and advanced control, and accelerate the replacement of intelligent equipment and software. We will promote the construction of digital workshops and intelligent factories in a scenario-based manner, explore intelligent design, production, management and service modes, and set up a number of typical benchmarks for digital transformation. Accelerate the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote the first trial of intelligent transformation of digital to network in small and medium-sized enterprises. We will improve the standard system of intelligent manufacturing, integration of industrialization and industrialization, and industrial Internet, accelerate the implementation of standards for digital transformation and intelligent manufacturing, enhance public service capabilities for evaluation and evaluation, strengthen industrial control systems and data security protection, and build a sound ecosystem for development.

(6) Promoting the network coordination of industrial chain and supply chain. Leading enterprises are encouraged to share solutions and toolkits, promote the overall digital transformation of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and strengthen the digital management of the supply chain and the sharing of industrial chain resources. Promote the development of "chain network collaboration" between industrial Internet and key industrial chains, give full play to the role of industrial Internet identification analysis system and platform, support the construction of data-driven, precise matching, credible interactive industrial chain collaboration mode, carry out collaborative procurement, collaborative manufacturing, collaborative distribution, product traceability and other applications, and build a smart industrial chain supply chain. Support key industries to build "industrial brain", pool industry data resources, promote common application scenarios, and serve the transformation and upgrading of the whole industry and enhance governance capacity.

(7) Promoting the overall transformation and upgrading of industrial parks and clusters. We will promote the upgrading of digital infrastructure in national high-tech zones and science and technology industrial parks, build public service platforms, explore shared manufacturing models, and implement overall digital transformation. Take the national advanced manufacturing cluster as the lead, promote the digital transformation of industrial clusters, promote the online resources, flexible production capacity and industrial chain synergy, and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness. Explore the construction of regional artificial intelligence data processing center, provide massive data processing, generative artificial intelligence tool development and other services, and promote artificial intelligence to empower traditional manufacturing industry. Explore organizational forms such as platform and network, develop virtual parks and clusters across physical boundaries, and build a new digital industry ecology combining virtual and real.

4. Strengthen green and low-carbon development and implement energy-saving and carbon-reducing transformation

in depth (8) Implement carbon peak action in key areas. We will implement the implementation plan of carbon peak in the industrial sector and key industries such as non-ferrous metals and building materials, improve the management system of industrial energy conservation, and promote technological transformation of energy conservation and carbon reduction. We will evaluate the implementation of the capacity replacement policy, improve the cross-regional capacity replacement mechanism, and provide appropriate policy support for the proportion of capacity replacement for technological transformation projects with high energy efficiency and low carbon emissions. We will actively develop and apply green low-carbon materials such as non-grain bio-based materials. Establish and improve the carbon emission accounting system, accelerate the establishment of product carbon footprint management system, and carry out collaborative innovation of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and pilot demonstration of carbon capture, storage and comprehensive utilization projects. We will promote coal reduction and substitution in key industries in an orderly manner, rationally guide the growth of industrial gas consumption, and upgrade the level of electrification of industrial terminal energy consumption.

(Nine) improve the green manufacturing and service system.Enterprises should be guided to implement green transformation, vigorously promote green design, develop and promote green products, and build green factories, green industrial parks and green supply chains. To formulate and revise a number of standards for key areas such as low carbon, energy saving, water saving, comprehensive utilization of resources and green manufacturing, so as to promote resource conservation and rational use of materials. Actively cultivate green service institutions to provide green diagnosis, R & D and design, integrated application, operation management, evaluation and certification, training and other services. Develop green environmental protection equipment such as energy saving, water saving, advanced environmental protection, comprehensive utilization of resources and remanufacturing. Strengthen the benchmarking of green manufacturing and promote the green transformation of more enterprises.

(10) Promoting efficient recycling of resources. To formulate and implement strategic resource industry development plans, cultivate and establish demonstration bases and enterprises for efficient development and utilization of mineral resources, strengthen the comprehensive utilization of associated mineral resources, and enhance the utilization level of primary resources. We will actively promote the production mode of resource recycling, vigorously develop the comprehensive utilization industry of waste iron and steel, waste non-ferrous metals, waste power batteries, waste household appliances and waste textiles, and promote the high-value recycling of renewable resources. We will promote the large-scale comprehensive utilization of industrial solid wastes such as fly ash and coal gangue, and explore new modes of comprehensive utilization of industrial solid wastes in concentrated industrial solid waste production areas, major coal production areas and industrial agglomeration areas of basic raw materials. Promote the recycling of industrial wastewater and improve the level of intensive conservation of industrial water resources.

(11) Strengthen the intrinsic safety of key industries. Enterprises should be guided to transform toxic, harmful and non-thermal production environments, improve working comfort and improve safety production conditions through technological transformation. We should deepen the "industrial Internet + safety production" and enhance the ability of safety production perception, monitoring, early warning, disposal and evaluation. Increase the popularization and application of safety emergency equipment in key areas, and implement "mechanized replacement and automated reduction" in high-risk industries such as civil explosion. We will support the comprehensive technological transformation of old petrochemical plants, foster smart chemical parks, and promote the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemicals production enterprises in densely populated urban areas and the "relocation and transformation" of chemical enterprises along the Yangtze River Economic Zone in an orderly manner.

5. Promote industrial integration and mutual promotion, accelerate the cultivation of new formats and new models

(12) Promote the development of industry coupling. We will promote the coupled development of petrochemical, iron and steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, electric power and other industries, promote the modes of steel and chemical co-production, refining and chemical integration, and coordinated utilization of resources, and promote the interconnection of industries, supply and demand, and production facilities, so as to realize the cascade utilization of energy resources and the convergence of industrial cycles. We will vigorously develop bio-manufacturing, enhance the innovation capability of core strains, high-performance enzymes and other underlying technologies, upgrade the level of advanced technology and equipment such as separation and purification, and accelerate the integration and application of biotechnology in food, medicine, chemical industry and other fields. Support the application of new functional fibers in medical, new energy and other fields. Build a cross-industry communication and docking platform, dig deep into the pain points of demand, encourage enterprises to carry out cross-industry cross-application of technology products, expand the value space of technology products, and create a number of typical cases.

(13) Developing service-oriented manufacturing. Promote the deep integration of traditional manufacturing industry and modern service industry, cultivate and promote the application of new models and scenarios such as personalized customization, shared manufacturing, life cycle management and general contracting in traditional manufacturing industry. Promote the deep integration of industrial design and traditional manufacturing industry, promote the optimization and upgrading of design, create a number of national industrial design centers, industrial design research institutes and industrial and professional creative design parks, promote the digitalization, intellectualization and precision development of warehousing and logistics services, and enhance the inspection of major technical equipment and new materials. We should foster innovative and productive financial services and enhance the level of support for the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries.

(14) Continuously optimize the industrial layout. We will support the transformation and development of old industrial bases, accelerate the adjustment of industrial structure, and foster new momentum for industrial development. According to the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Orderly Transfer of Manufacturing Industry and the Guiding Catalogue for the Transfer and Development of Manufacturing Industry, we should give full play to the advantages of local resources and industrial foundations, and undertake industrial transfer in an orderly manner in combination with the supporting needs of industrial chains, so as to improve the carrying capacity of undertaking transfer and differentiate the distribution of productive forces. In the field of traditional manufacturing advantages, we should cultivate a number of advanced manufacturing clusters with distinct leading industries and strong market competitiveness, as well as characteristic industrial clusters of small and medium-sized enterprises. We will support international capacity cooperation with the "Belt and Road" countries, give full play to the role of Chinese and foreign small and medium-sized enterprise cooperation zones and other carriers, and promote the coordinated development of technology, equipment, standards, and services.

6. Increase policy support and create a good environment

for development (15) Strengthen organizational leadership. Under the leadership of the National Leading Group for Building a Strong Manufacturing Country, we should strengthen strategic planning, overall coordination and research on major issues, and accelerate the landing of major tasks and policies. Various departments in different regions should work together to encourage different industries and regions to formulate implementation plans, refine work measures, promulgate supporting policies, and promote implementation, thus forming a number of excellent cases and typical experiences. Give full play to the role of intermediary organizations such as trade associations as a bridge and link, and strengthen policy publicity, industry monitoring, decision-making support and enterprise services.

(16) Increase fiscal and taxation support. We will increase financial support for technological transformation of manufacturing industries, focus on traditional manufacturing industries, speed up the transformation of intelligence to digital networks, and promote high-end, intelligent, green and integrated upgrading as a whole. We will implement preferential tax policies to support the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. Support traditional manufacturing enterprises to participate in the cultivation and evaluation of high-tech enterprises, specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises, and fully enjoy preferential policies such as financial awards and subsidies according to regulations. We will implement the income tax credit policy for enterprises to purchase special equipment for environmental protection, energy saving, water saving and safe production, and guide enterprises to increase investment in hardware and software equipment.

(17) Strengthen financial services. Make full use of existing relevant re-loans to provide preferential interest rate financial support for key projects of transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries that meet the requirements. We will give full play to the role of policies such as the national platform for industrial and financial cooperation and the guiding plan for technological transformation and upgrading of industrial enterprises, guide banking institutions to increase credit support for the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing industries in accordance with the principles of marketization and legalization, and optimize relevant financial products and services. Industrial investment funds are encouraged to increase support for equity investment in traditional manufacturing industries. Give full play to the role of multi-level capital market, support qualified traditional manufacturing enterprises to carry out technological transformation or increase R & D investment through stock, bond and other financing methods, and achieve transformation and upgrading through mergers and acquisitions.

(18) Expanding the supply of talents. We should optimize the professional settings of secondary vocational schools, higher vocational colleges and vocational undergraduate courses related to traditional manufacturing industry, comprehensively practice the apprenticeship system with Chinese characteristics, encourage the establishment of long-term mechanisms such as school-enterprise cooperation in running schools, training and the construction of practical training bases, and expand the scale of training high-quality technical and skilled personnel. We will implement the "Manufacturing Talents Support Plan", promote the construction of new engineering courses, lay out and build a number of future technical colleges, modern industrial colleges and professional characteristic colleges, and build the "National Excellent Engineer Practice Base". To train a group of digital transformation talents, advanced manufacturing technology talents, advanced basic technology talents and engineers with outstanding technological innovation ability and good at solving complex engineering problems in the field of traditional manufacturing industry.

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