Four cement enterprises stopped production less! Guizhou announced the first quarter of the cement industry peak production situation!

2024-04-19 13:37:28

According to the dispatch, four cement enterprises failed to complete the 60-day shutdown plan in the first quarter, namely, Guizhou Haolong Shengjing Building Materials Co., Ltd. stopped for 5 days less, Huaxin Guizhou Dingxiao Special Cement Co., Ltd. stopped for 4 days less, Hezhang Cement Plant Co., Ltd. stopped for 1 day less, and Majiang Mingda Cement Co., Ltd. stopped for 1 day less. Huaxin Guizhou Dingxiao Special Cement Co., Ltd. has failed to implement peak staggering production for many times.

Recently, the Guizhou Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Guizhou Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment issued a circular on the peak staggering production of the cement industry in the first quarter of 2024.

The circular shows that, with the active cooperation of various departments at all levels, the implementation of the peak staggering production plan of the cement industry in the first quarter of the province is generally good, with 72 ordinary cement production enterprises in the province. According to the requirements of peak-shifting production documents, the kilns of 81 Portland cement clinker production lines should be shut down for 4860 days in total, but actually the kilns were shut down for 5842 days in total, with an average of 72.12 days per line. Among them, 59 enterprises, accounting for 81.94%, stopped kilns for more than 60 days, 9 enterprises, accounting for 12.5%, completed kilns for 60 days, and 4 enterprises, accounting for 5.56%, failed to complete kilns for 60 days.

The circular pointed out that some enterprises failed to carry out the work of stopping kilns as planned, and there were problems of insufficient attention to the work of peak staggering production and lack of resolute implementation, which affected the implementation of the work in the whole province. According to the dispatch, four cement enterprises failed to complete the 60-day shutdown plan in the first quarter, namely, Guizhou Haolong Shengjing Building Materials Co., Ltd. stopped for 5 days less, and Huaxin Guizhou Dingxiao Special Cement Co., Ltd. stopped for 4 days less. Hezhang Cement Plant Co., Ltd. stops one day less, and Majiang Mingda Cement Co., Ltd. stops one day less. Huaxin Guizhou Dingxiao Special Cement Co., Ltd. has failed to implement peak staggering production for many times.

  In view of the fact that Huaxin Guizhou Dingxiao Special Cement Co., Ltd. has failed to implement peak staggering production for many consecutive times, the Provincial Cement Industry Association was instructed to criticize the enterprise in a circular and guide the enterprise to formulate rectification measures. Huaxin Guizhou Dingxiao Special Cement Co., Ltd. was interviewed, and the enterprise was urged to carry out the rectification in place. During the rectification period, the enterprise and its personnel were disqualified from the annual evaluation and recommendation at the government and association levels, and the enterprise was not supported to declare various special funds such as industry and information technology. If the relevant enterprises still refuse to implement the rectification measures, the relevant provincial departments will jointly punish them in accordance with the law and regulations, and criticize the relevant local departments and the provincial and local cement industry associations; In the list of cement clinker production lines in the region updated and announced annually by the provincial competent departments of industry and information technology in the next year, it is indicated that the production lines are restricted to be traded as capacity replacement indicators.

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In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, cement enterprises must abandon the illusion of relying on others to "give" opportunities, and win the recognition and respect of the market through self-innovation and promotion.