Resisting the "Involution" of the Industry, Shaanxi Cement Association and Key Enterprises in the Province Discuss and Exchange

2024-08-09 14:47:51

On the afternoon of August 7, Shaanxi Cement Association and key building materials enterprises in the province held an exchange and discussion focusing on the current development situation of the industry and the actual needs of enterprise transformation and development. Zhou Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of Shaanxi Building Materials Science and Technology Company, attended the symposium and made a speech. Wang Zhixin, President of Shaanxi Cement Association, Li Hu, Secretary-General of Shaanxi Cement Association, and relevant leaders of building materials enterprises participated in the symposium.

On the afternoon of August

7, Shaanxi Cement Association and key building materials enterprises in the province held an exchange and discussion focusing on the current development situation of the industry and the actual needs of enterprise transformation and development. Zhou Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and General Manager of Shaanxi Building Materials Science and Technology Company, attended the symposium and made a speech. Wang Zhixin, President of Shaanxi Cement Association, Li Hu, Secretary-General of Shaanxi Cement Association, and relevant leaders of building materials enterprises participated in the symposium.

Zhou Hong said that the first is to strengthen market maintenance, make full use of the advanced advantages of process equipment, and insist on seeking benefits from management; the second is to establish a long-term and stable product customer and operation guarantee system, promote positive competition in the industry, and enhance management capabilities; Thirdly, the Company actively responded to and implemented the requirements of relevant policies of the industry, and continuously optimized the mechanism and system construction of each enterprise based on the actual situation. Fourthly, the Company fully understood the development situation of the industry, and accelerated the transformation efficiency of enterprises and promoted the improvement of operating efficiency based on the full completion of the annual task objectives. At the same time, it is hoped that all parties will further strengthen the depth of exchanges, formulate relevant measures in a practical and scientific manner, and jointly promote the high-quality development of enterprises and building materials industry. During the

exchange, participants focused on the theme of "jointly resisting the industry's involution, strengthening self-discipline and collaboration, and promoting the healthy development of the industry" to discuss feasible measures and conduct in-depth exchanges and discussions.

According to relevant information, on August 1, Shaanxi Cement Association issued an initiative to its member units, advocating that all member units jointly resist "involution" competition.

Details are as follows:

Each member enterprise: & nbsp;

Recently, the cement market competition in our province is fierce, and some enterprises grab the quantity at low prices. This "involution competition" not only consumes the resources of enterprises, increases operating costs, affects innovation ability, but also may eventually lead to increased overall competitive pressure and reduced efficiency. In order to implement the requirement of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China that "industry self-discipline should be strengthened and vicious competition should be prevented", we hereby issue the following proposals to all member units in order to jointly build a more healthy, harmonious and sustainable industry environment.     

1. Establish a positive competition culture : actively advocate and practice the industry culture with value creation as the core and fair competition as the basis, encourage enterprises to carry out cooperation and exchanges based on complementary advantages and mutual benefit, and jointly enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry.     

2. Optimize resource allocation strategy : Advocate enterprises to accurately position the market based on their own long-term development goals, scientifically plan and efficiently utilize core resources such as human resources, capital and technology, avoid ineffective investment and excessive competition, and realize the optimal allocation and efficient utilization of resources.     

3. Construct a diversified performance evaluation system : Advocate the establishment of a multi-dimensional performance evaluation system based on innovation ability, customer satisfaction, product quality, brand influence, employee growth, social contribution and other criteria, and reduce the single pursuit of short-term financial indicators. Stimulate the internal motivation and sustainable growth potential of enterprises.     

4. Promote sustainable development strategy : encourage enterprises to establish the concept of green development, integrate environmental protection and social responsibility into the enterprise development strategy, achieve win-win economic and social benefits through technological innovation and management upgrading, and contribute to the sustainable development of the industry.     

5. Strengthen industry self-discipline and cooperation : call on all member enterprises to consciously abide by industry norms, resolutely resist "involution" malicious competition, strengthen information communication and resource sharing, jointly maintain a good market order and industry ecology, and form a good situation of joint efforts to meet challenges and share development opportunities. We firmly believe that through the joint efforts and active cooperation of all member enterprises, we will be able to promote the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the cement industry in our province.

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.