Weekly Report of Cement Net: Northeast Market Warms Up Gradually, Concrete Market May Have an Upward Trend (4.01-4.07)

2024-04-07 16:09:17

The market is gradually warming up, and the concrete market may have an upward trend..

China Cement Net Market Data Center News: The market is gradually warming up, and the concrete market may have an upward trend.. (More Northeast Commercial Mixed Prices )

According to market feedback, in April, the weather in Jilin Province is gradually warming up, the market is recovering, and the demand is growing. The price of raw materials began to rise, and the concrete market was mainly stable for the time being, with the possibility of rising in the later period. The rest of the market demand recovery is still poor, and the overall market is still in the doldrums. At present, the C30 non-pumping tax-inclusive mainstream arrival price in Shenyang area is about 270-280 yuan/m3, the C30 non-pumping tax-inclusive mainstream arrival price in Harbin area is about 290-310 yuan/m3, and the C30 non-pumping tax-inclusive mainstream arrival price in Changchun area is about 290-310 yuan/m3.

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Among them, the industrial projects include the 9 MW pure low-temperature waste heat power generation project of Longxiang Building Material's new dry cement production line with a daily output of 5000 tons of clinker.