Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Strengthen Industry Self-discipline and Prevent "Involution" Vicious Competition

2024-07-30 15:36:38

The meeting pointed out that new industries and future industries should be fostered and strengthened. We should vigorously promote high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, strengthen key core technologies, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. We should effectively support the development of gazelle enterprises and unicorn enterprises. It should be strengthened

The Political Bureau of

the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on July 30 to analyze the current economic situation, deploy economic work in the second half of the year, and review the Regulations on Rectifying Formalism to Reduce Burden at the Grass-roots Level. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

The meeting held that since this year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core, various departments in various regions have been facing difficulties and taking positive actions, deepening reform and opening up, strengthening macro-control, effectively responding to risks and challenges, and the overall economic operation has been stable, steady and progressive, continuing to rebound to a better trend, and new momentum and new advantages. High-quality development has been steadily promoted and the overall social situation has remained stable.

The meeting pointed out that the adverse effects of changes in the external environment are increasing, domestic effective demand is insufficient, economic operation is divided, there are still many potential risks in key areas, and there are pains in the transformation of new and old kinetic energy. These are problems in the process of development and transformation. We should not only enhance risk awareness and bottom line thinking, but also maintain strategic strength, firm confidence in development and sing the bright theory of China's economy.

The meeting stressed that the task of reform, development and stability in the second half of the year is very heavy, and that we should fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and the Second and Third Plenary Sessions of the 20th Central Committee, adhere to the general tone of steady progress, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, speed up the construction of a new development pattern, develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions, and strive to promote high quality. Focusing on promoting Chinese-style modernization, we should further deepen reform in an all-round way, intensify macro-control, deepen innovation-driven development, tap the potential of domestic demand, constantly enhance new momentum and new advantages, enhance the vitality of business entities, stabilize market expectations, enhance social confidence, enhance the sustained economic recovery to a better trend, and effectively safeguard and improve people's livelihood. We will unswervingly accomplish the economic and social development goals and tasks for the whole year.

The meeting stressed that we should take reform as the driving force to promote stable growth, adjust the structure and prevent risks, give full play to the leading role of economic system reform, and promptly launch a number of reform measures that are mature and accessible. We should adhere to and implement the "two unshakable", promote the complementary advantages and common development of various ownership economies, improve the market economic system of property rights protection, market access, bankruptcy and withdrawal, and prevent and correct the use of administrative and criminal means to interfere in economic disputes in some places. We should promote entrepreneurship and speed up the construction of more world-class enterprises in the process of reform, innovation and fair competition.

The meeting pointed out that macroeconomic policies should be sustained and more powerful. We should strengthen counter-cyclical adjustment, implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, speed up the full implementation of the identified policy initiatives, and reserve and launch a number of incremental policy initiatives as early as possible. We should speed up the issuance and use of special bonds, make good use of ultra-long-term special bonds, support major national strategies and security capacity building in key areas, and make greater efforts to promote large-scale equipment renewal and the replacement of old durable consumer goods with new ones. We should optimize the structure of fiscal expenditure and firmly hold the bottom line of "three guarantees". We should comprehensively use a variety of monetary policy tools, increase financial support for the real economy, and promote a steady decline in the cost of comprehensive social financing. We must maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. We should effectively enhance the consistency of macro-policy orientation and form a strong joint force to promote high-quality development in all aspects. We should continue to give full play to the leading role of major economic provinces.

The meeting emphasized that we should focus on boosting consumption to expand domestic demand, shift the focus of economic policy to benefiting people's livelihood and promoting consumption, increase residents'income through multiple channels, enhance the consumption ability and willingness of low- and middle-income groups, take service consumption as an important grasp of consumption expansion and upgrading, and support cultural tourism, pension, childcare, housekeeping and other consumption. We should further mobilize the enthusiasm of private investment and expand effective investment.

The meeting pointed out that new industries and future industries should be fostered and strengthened. We should vigorously promote high-level scientific and technological self-reliance, strengthen key core technologies, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. We should effectively support the development of gazelle enterprises and unicorn enterprises. Industry self-discipline should be strengthened to prevent "involution" vicious competition. We should strengthen the mechanism of market survival of the fittest and smooth the exit channels of backward and inefficient production capacity.

The meeting pointed out that we should promote high-level opening-up, further create a market-oriented, legalized and internationalized first-class business environment, steadily expand institutional opening-up, implement the "zero" requirement of foreign investment access restrictions in the manufacturing sector, launch a new round of pilot measures to expand the opening-up of the service sector, and promote the steady recovery of the use of foreign capital. We should actively foster new momentum for the development of foreign trade and expand trade in intermediate goods and green trade. We must firmly promote the construction of "one belt and one road" with high quality.

The meeting stressed the need to continue to guard against and defuse risks in key areas. We should implement new policies to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, adhere to the combination of digesting the stock and optimizing the increment, actively support the purchase of commercial housing in stock as affordable housing, further improve the work of guaranteeing the delivery of housing, and accelerate the construction of a new model of real estate development. We should improve and implement a package of local debt conversion schemes and create conditions to speed up the resolution of local financing platform debt risks. We should coordinate risk prevention, strengthen supervision, promote development, boost investor confidence and enhance the internal stability of the capital market.

The meeting pointed out that we should firmly promote the overall revitalization of the countryside, consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and ensure that the rural population does not return to poverty on a large scale. We should strengthen the protection and quality improvement of cultivated land, do a good job in agricultural production, and strive to win a bumper harvest of grain throughout the year.

The meeting stressed the need to strengthen efforts to safeguard and improve people's livelihood. We should strengthen the employment priority policy and do a good job in the employment of key groups such as college graduates. We should strengthen assistance to low-income people and strengthen the social security network. We should make every effort to do a good job in flood control, flood relief and disaster relief, do a good job in energy and power supply during the summer peak period, do a good job in safety production, and seriously solve the problems of food safety and social security. We should fight the battle of pollution prevention and control in depth, and firmly promote the carbon peak and carbon neutralization. It is necessary to do a good job in the preliminary research and planning of the 15th Five-Year Plan.

The meeting pointed out that formalism and bureaucracy are chronic illnesses, and we must make great efforts to resolutely rectify them. Grass-roots units are the "last mile" to implement the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment, and should not be bound by formalism and bureaucracy. The Secretariat of the Central Committee should persevere in grasping it. The special working mechanism of rectifying formalism at the central level to reduce the burden at the grass-roots level should be regularly supervised and inspected. The departments of the central and state organs, provincial Party committees and governments should seek truth from facts when arranging the deployment work. Party committees at and below the provincial level should fulfill their main responsibilities. Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels should strengthen supervision and implementation.

The meeting emphasized that we should strengthen the construction and implementation of the system, reduce the burden and empower the grass-roots units as a whole, further strictly implement the spirit of the Eight Provisions of the Central Committee and its implementation rules, continue to brief the meeting, coordinate and standardize the inspection and assessment, effectively solve the problem of excessive frequency and complexity, strictly standardize the secondment of cadres from the grass-roots units, and strengthen the government. We should rectify "formalism at the fingertips", further straighten out the powers and responsibilities at the grass-roots level, promote the sinking of resources, services and management to the grass-roots level, streamline the establishment of demonstration and standard-reaching activities, and pay attention to the effectiveness of demonstration. With regard to the prominent problems that Party members and cadres, especially the masses at the grass-roots level, have strongly complained about, we should rectify them one by one; with regard to the typical and universal problems, we should concentrate our efforts on carrying out special rectification and cleaning up, effectively extricate the grass-roots level from the shackles of formalism and bureaucracy, guide the broad masses of Party members and cadres to establish a correct view of political achievements, encourage them to assume their responsibilities, and have more energy to implement them.

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This article is selected from Song Zhiping's book "Reform Heart Road", which describes his motivation and effect of restructuring cement in those years, and has been published by China Cement Network. Recently, there has been a call for restructuring and mergers and acquisitions in the cement industry. Reviewing this old article may have the effect of reviewing the old and learning the new, encouraging the industry to promote a new round of restructuring, and solving the persistent problems of the industry.